Wednesday, 31 December 2008

cough cough - CARGHH - splutter

In conclusion, my head is knackered. My sinuses have been fooked for 3 days, and yesterday i must have sneezed about 35 times. I think today though the sneezes have been replaced by coughing. Its weird cause i don't really have a cold, its just my sinuses, its horrible. Blocked nose is probably my number 1 most annoying thing ever which is why I'm hating this so much! I would happily exchange this for a sore throat and aching body. I keep finding tissues all over, i was wearing an outfit yesterday that didn't have pockets, so i kept having to stuff them up my sleeves, then when i got undressed for bed, i found a tissue stuffed in the waistband of my tights, that i have no recollection of putting there aha. Actually, after a night out i had at the weekend i came home and when i was undressing found a single furry antler stuffed in my tights waistband. Maybe i should stop wearing tights.

But never mind, i have a pack of tunes and a few sachets of lemsip, which is surprisingly not as rank as i expected. I'm not sure how i can taste it actually, i ate a banana yesterday and i couldn't taste it at all, it was really weird, not being able to taste, its never happened to me before. I love food, I'd be proper gutted if i could never taste anything ever. I'm pretty sure some people have a condition where they cant taste. Unlucky.

I trying to pack in as many blogs as i can before new years, dunno why really, i think its cause i badly need to tidy my room before my auntie and cousin and second cousins all get here later on, and iv been putting it off for aaages. Less than 12 hours till 2008 is finito, i cant fucking wait, this year has been proper gash. Nothing exciting happened at all, i had a shitty birthday cause nobody really seemed that interested in doing anything, so i just ended up sitting at home trying to get drunk on the dregs of a bottle of peach snapps, whilst listening to Avril Lavigne. I didn't get a job, or a hot nice boyfriend, or a kitten, didn't go to Leeds festival this year, the summer was shitty weather, i didn't run away to join the circus, i hardly kept any of my new years resolutions that i made, i moved house - yet again! Gah it was all just shit. On the bright side, at least i didn't break any bones or get any horrible diseases so that's something i suppose! I was talking about new years on msn last night, and i miss-typed and said i couldn't wait for "2009" to fuck off already, i meant to type 08. I think that means iv basically jinxed myself for all of next year, uh oh.

Actually though, there has been a few mint highlights this year. Seeing TSDOLE with Laura at the cluny and then ending up going out with them afterwards, that was a fucking class night. Middlesbrough Music Live was a good one, the day was pretty average but seeing Dan Le Sac in the empire was definitely a good moment it was so much fun, and then after being in the empire for the last part of the night, and bumping into people I'd not seen for ages, and hanging out with Laura and Paul. And then all deciding at about 4am to walk home to Stockton, because we were all wearing comfy flat shoes, and were still drunk and it was light nights. That was a really fun night, we found a football on the way home and kicked it about before someone kicked it over a fence, then we did the The Beatles pose on a zebra crossing. And seeing the Smashing Pumpkins in Manchester at the start of the year was pretty cool as well. And falling in love with a Belgian acrobat during Stockton festival, ahhh. So yeah, it wasn't all rubbish and boring.

strange death of liberal england

Middlesbrough music live street drinking


5(?)Am bridge pondering


Pre stalking of Belgian acrobat

stalking Belgian acrobat


Tuesday, 30 December 2008

A revelation

Good news everyone, at christmas i finally discovered what those stupid giant paperclips you win inside crackers are for

They're for keeping the stupid paper hats that are always too big, attatched to your head


Monday, 22 December 2008

Its nearly crimbo

Its been a weird Christmas run up this year, even though its been pushed on everyone via shop displays since about October, i dunno it just feels weird. I don't think its quite hit yet that is Christmas in less than a week. And i know that, but its sort of unbelievable. Haha that doesn't make a bit of sense does it? Never mind. Im sort of excited for it, but at the same time i feel sort of stressed out about it, because i haven't got my mam a present yet, and its made worse by the fact that every time i ask her what she wants, i get the standard mam reply of "ohh don't waste your money" or even better "nothing". As if i can actually wake up on Christmas morning and not give her anything. I don't want to get her chocolates cause i get her them every year and she'll probably get them from other people anyway. I got her perfume last year which was nice but i cant afford that this year. Anyway I'm going shopping in town tomorrow to get something, which relaxes me somewhat. I think I'm going to wear a Santa hat.
I kind of wish i had some decorations in my bedroom, its pretty unfestive in here, but i like my room, its cosy as. So I'm not too bummed about no decorations.

I had a snowball with my mam earlier on, you know, the drink. Its very nice, and they come in handy little bottles. Ohhh and i watched ET! Fuck, i forgot how great that movie is, even though its not my favourite film i think its probably the greatest film ever made. (Maybe, except for Gone with the the wind). This reminds me, i need to fit in a viewing of Edward Scissorhands.

I stepped out of the house the other night and found a nice fake poinsettia flower right outside my house, its really pretty. I found a fake flower on the floor in Ku bar in August as well. Maybe in a few years i'll have a whole bunch of fake floor flowers that iv just picked up from random places.

Hmmm im sure i had more to write, but iv just had a massive mindblank. Strange.


Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Why did nobody tell me!

1. Why did nobody tell me about Modest Mouse before?
2. Why did nobody tell me about Frightened Rabbit before?
3. Why did nobody tell me that Jarvis Cocker has grown a fucking massive beard?

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

a lot less grumpy blog

Just as i was about to write off this entire year as being proper gash, Bon Iver has almost made me change my mind completely.
At least 2008 will go down as the year i found what might be the most beautiful and wonderful sounds that have ever graced my ears


Monday, 15 December 2008

Grumpy blog

So. Its 9pm exactly. And someone who lives in the street behind mine, (hence our yards face each other) has had their dog in the yard for about half an hour. And it has been barking, none stop, for about half an hour.
The same dog woke me up groggily at 9.30am this morning when i didnt need to get up untill at least 12pm.
Im tired, i want to go to fucking sleep, and yes i am aware that its only 9 in the evening, and there are probably children who have a later bed time than this, but i woke up with a sore throat this morning, and have been proper achy and a bit headachy most of the day. And the one fucking time, the only time iv ever wanted to go to bed this early, and that motherfucking dog is out there barking. I know its not the dogs fault its owners are too lazy to walk the godamn thing, despite there being a huge field literally 30 seconds away at the end of the road, but its still pissing me off.
I wish i was more hardcore and manly, and instead of writing this from the comfort of my bed, i was hammering on their front door and telling them that if they didnt shut their dog up i would walk up the alley and throw a grenade in their yard.
Its 8 minutes past now, it got to 5 minutes past and i hadnt heard any more barking, but just as i'd started to hope that maybe they'd let it in, it started barking. I havent heard it for a few minutes now, but i think its still probably out there.
I actually hope they all fall off the face of the planet, and your little dog too! (ok its actually a massive dog but i cant resist dropping in quotes)
Im just gutted that after all the fucking barking i had to put up with when i lived in my old house, when there was a proper mong living underneath us who let her dog bark long into the night, that now theres another one pissing me off.

Sunday, 30 November 2008

I fucking love youtube comments

"coldplay aren't equipped to pick up the shit of sigur ros"


Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Saturday, 22 November 2008


Im stealing internet from someone in my street


Friday, 21 November 2008

November part deux

Don't you just hate it when people drop french words into English sentences? Ahh well i am not inventive enough to keep coming up with new titles, i would pluck some words from the blog in advance if i knew what i was going to be talking about, but in this case i don't, I'm just gonna keep going until i cant think of anything else to write about. I suppose i could leave the title blank till I'm finished writing but I'll only end up forgetting and then having a title-less blog and that's mildly annoying.
Never mind. So its almost 12 o clock Friday night and I'm watching an advert for not-made-from-wheat-made-from-oats-instead-a-bix. I fear i am gradually becoming a hermit. To be honest though, i actually feel quite tired, maybe its old age. Hmm.
My knees are cold, but i wont go on about being cold cause i don't wanna feel even more like an old lady.

The other day there was a lone red elastic band on our doorstep, i wondered how it had got there but i didn't really spend a lot of time thinking about it. I think my mam kicked it away the next day, but today theres about another 4 on the front. I don't really know where I'm going with this, i just thought it was quite strange and deserved a mention.

Also in another unrelated snippet of rubbish information, i was watching hollyoaks yesterday and in the middle of the show they used a clippet of a Modest Mouse song. It made me grin, i like it when theres unexpected good music in programmes, even if it is only rubbish hollyoaks.

In other news, i didnt really have an interesting dream last night. It sounds interesting on paper (i was talking to the ghost of some dead person, via a writing pad, next to a stall in the indoor market that was selling large slices of turnip for 20p) Maybe any dream would have been rubbish after the acrobat/sweets/thunderstorm/kitten dream though.

Err yeah anyway this is a bit rubbish isnt it really, cyaaaa


I havent wrote a blog all month. Maybe i just dont have anything interesting enough to write about. My computer died a horrible virius-y death a few weeks ago so i couldnt come on for a while, but to be honest i didnt really miss having a computer that much. Anyway last friday my mam unexpectedly bought me a laptop, i thought she was just mentioning it in passing when she started on about getting one, but yeahh obviously not. Ok naked men fighting in a homo-erotic way on tv, brb. Yikes ok that didnt last long, "A time to leave" according to my tv guide, about a parisian photographer, hmm i think its time to turn off the music i was listening to and stick to the gay french porn movie.
Err ok so back to the laptop. Its my early christmas present, im not some sort of spoilt only child. Its pink, at first i chose it cause it was the only laptop we could find in the town and i was buzzin at the thought of finally having a laptop. I secretly like the pink though, but i hasten to add this is definately as far as i am going with the pink thing. I hate all this girly pink bullshit with a fiery passion, fucking pink mobile phones and pink hair straighteners and all that other crap. It really really bugs me when girls bum the shit out of the colour pink, its just a colour for fucks sake, stop making us all look like idiots.
Phew, ok rant over. I reverted back to my 15 year old angsty mosher self then. I actually got really pissed off earlier on as well when i was watching im a celebrity, i didnt choose to have it on, though usually i quite like it but my mam had it on tonight and i watched. And im reluctant to give these people any sort of thought but i was so incensed by that stupid blonde wag twat. All she seems to talk about are her tits, she was all excited and had everyone singing happy bithday to her implants because it was her implant-aversairy. What the fuck, And the stupid bastards went along with it?! And then later on she was getting all stressed at the thought of giving up her mascara. Fucking mascara. Its the make up that your least likely to notice wether someone is wearing it or not. And she was stressing out about it. Normal people would chose a luxury item to take in like toilet roll or socks, but no, that stupid bimbo took mascara. It just makes me angry that people like that actually exist, and its all a fucking act, acting all dippy and blonde. When thers so much shit happening every day, and their biggest problem is choosing which pair of designer sunglasses their gonna wear.
Urgh i cant be bothered to go into in any more detail, but all of this has totally reminded me of when i was in year 11, my angst year, where i hated everyone and me and my friends would spend boring lessons secretly doodling comic strips whereby all the school bimbos were decapitated or fed to sharks.
Anyway no more ranting, though it was fun being back in angry school days phase.

I had the best dream iv ever had last night, it was so much fun.
Im not really sure how dreams work, i think it was probably a string of many different dreams all clumped together but it was still good. As soon as i woke up i furiously wrote it all down in my phone incase i forgot any of it.

Ok so i think it was my brithday and i was in this shop type place, and i was friends with the woman that worked there and i cant remember quite what happened but i think it was something like, she said "guess what iv got you for your birthday", and i turned round and asked her "alex zane?" (because i am lame and i ask for that every christmas/birthday) and she went nop... So i turned around, facing the big glass windows, and there coming across the road towards me were 2 of the hot belgian acrobats (that i am obesssed with in real life) and i was so excited i turned around and went to the woman "ohh my god thats even better than alex zane! Oh my god, you got them? ohh now they're gonna think im a crazy fan girl?!" I was just excitedly jiber jabbering to this woman, anyway then they came into the shop and started like throwing me up in the air. I cant remember what happened then except me and one of em was walking around this town, im not sure what we were looking for but we were looking for something, we ended up going in this small clothes shop, and asking them if we could go out the back way. Wierd. Anyway i guess, unfortunatly that was the end of the acrobat dream. The next dream i remember was being with quite a few other people who were my friends as well, and there was this big sort of stage thing, like a school stage where they had plays, except this one was filled with tubs and tubs and sweets, and i was just going around picking the ones i wanted, i didnt want the marshmallow tub so i swapped it for some jellies. And at one point maybe in another dream, there was just huge giant pots of honey all over. Then the last dream, i was with another group of friends, and we were in this amazing old house, sort of like preson park house only grander and bigger and more homely, and there was a group of us inside on the bottom floor in this room, and outside was this proper massive thunderstorm, it was fucking huge and scary, and for some reason the group leader had us all in a circle, and i was saying "can we stop now, cause actually this storm is scaring the shit out of me" and the storm was really really vivid, the thunder was proper loud as and was going off every few seconds and i looked over my shoulder out of the window and could see loads of fork lightening. So we all agreed to go upstairs, beacause its safer to be upstairs if the place gets hit?! Dream logic, i dunno. Then i was sort of on my own in the passge outside of the room and i'd lost everyone else, so i went up some stairs and came to this dead nice but quite small kitchen, then went down some stairs at the other side of it, that had another staircause above it, but ended up in the room i'd started off in. Then i bumped into this girl and a minute later we find the rest of the group in this upstairs room, and they're all looking out of the window. I dont remember any thunder or lightening but it was still raining really heavily. There was this big black dog outside, like my dog actually, and it had this tiny kitten, it wasnt mauling it or anything, but then the dog just left the kitten outside on the floor, and i was going "we have to go and get it" but everyone was too scared to go outside for some reason, so i was about to go and get it, when this guy was all "oh i'll come with you" but then a second later he chickened out.
Then i woke up, i didnt even get chance to save the kitten, it was so annyoing. I hate when you wake up just when your having an ace dream. I was desperately trying to fall back asleep in the vain hope of landing in the same dream, but it never bloody happens. I so wanted to be back in the place of acrobats and kittens as well but nooo.
I woke up thinking, that was the best dream iv ever had and i was all content and happy. But after a while i realised it was really fucking wierd too. Theres a couple of bits i havent wrote about cause their either just too wierd or i dont really remember it clearly enough to write up. I started thinking though, i wonder why it was such a crazy dream, i hadnt been eating cheese before bed or any of that crap.
Maybe its because iv been reading Great Expectations before going to sleep, maybe that'd make sense of the big house bit, but the house i dreamt about was lovely and bright and homely, not stale and foisty like Miss Havishams so i dont know.

Anyway, thats about it really, its late so im off to hopefully have another (hopefully including belgian acrobats) unusual string of dreams.


Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Skinny Love

I dont really know what to say in this blog, except im pretty in love with this right now, and i think it needs to be shared.
(even though i think maybe everyone knows about him already and im just slow on the uptake)
Maybe some people havent heard this yet, but fuck it, even if you have, here you go

Thursday, 23 October 2008


Iv only wrote one other blog this month, i keep meaning to write another one so here i am. My fingers are cold. I know its annoying when people keep moaning about stuff, and all i do is moan about the goddamn cold, so i will cut down the cold complaining from now on.The other day, for the first time, i realized why everyone likes Autumn. Mostly i just didn't see what everyone else seemed to see in it, iv always thought it was just an annoying transition period before the snow came and that it was generally just a bit of a rubbish season. But i was walking to town with my mam not long ago, and all up the street were big piles of orange crispy leaves from the big trees over the road, and it just felt really nice. It was a bit blowy but i had my hair in a pony tail and my neck wrapped up in a scarf iv stole off my mam who in turn acquired it from my grandad. Anyway, i was all nice and snug and warm, and the cold air felt nice and fresh on my face, and i just really enjoyed walking through the leaves. Sometimes when I'm sitting on the sofa i absent-mindedly just peer out of the window and there's always the odd leaf falling down, its strangely hypnotic to watch, and there is the occasional big crow that lands in the trees.So yes, all in all, from now on i will thoroughly enjoy Autumn.

The other night i was in bed, it was that night it rained quite heavily but not for very long, and i was just enjoying being so snug and warm and thinking how grateful i was not to be outside in it, but then a few minutes later I hear a really loud kind of splashy sound. I'm not sure what it was but i then realized I'm having bad water karma. In my old house, cause of the layout of the area there was a house quite close to the back of ours, and they had a broken gutter pipe it was like just snapped off halfway down or something, and every time it rained there was this dead loud splashy water noise and it used to annoy the shit out of me at night time when i was trying to get to sleep. But i thought, never mind, when i move house i wont hear it any more. Except i do, cause someone round here also has a broken gutter, and its very annoying, cause i know it sounds cheesy, but there is few things in life nicer than listening to the rain when your warm and safe in your bedroom, and its even nicer when its lulling you to sleep. And i was secretly looking forward to just hearing rain, on its own, without it sounding like someone was tipping buckets of water off the roof. So i guess that's not going to happen, but the bad water karma doesn't stop there, ohh no. Our neighbours have a pond in their yard, i mean its a fucking tiny yard, I'm sure they could have thought of a more productive use of the space, but anyway they have this pond. Its not really that bad, and it is quite quiet, but i remember sitting upright in bed, about 2 days after we'd moved in here, thinking i could hear really quiet voices, and then a few minutes later realising its their pond. Maybe that's what makes so much noise when it rains, I'm not sure. Anyway i feel kind of bad now moaning about their pond cause its definitely not noticeable enough to keep you up all night, and their this old-ish couple maybe in the 60's but they are very lovely. And sometimes the smell of bacon or Sunday dinner wafts over to ours from their kitchen which is quite a welcome invasion of the senses.

Sometimes, i think its every Tuesday, the rag and bone man comes shouting around the back alleys. And i know it sounds ridiculous, but it really really scares me. I have no idea why, its just such a scary sounding wail "rag-boooooooooooooooooooooone". Maybe its cause it wakes me up, and if i was already awake it wouldn't bother me at all. But it does. And when i was about 10, and lived in the old house, we had our cat, Grimsby, and every time the rag-bone man came round, he would just get up and go and hide behind the TV. And i thought it was hilarious that he was scared of someone shouting. But now i feel his distress.

Anyway, moving on.I had a really rubbish nights sleep a few nights ago, its really annoying not being able to sleep cause half of me wanted to admit defeat and just stay up all night and try to make use of the time, but the other half wanted to take advantage of the comfy duvets and keep trying to drop off. In the end i decided to finish reading Alice through the looking glass, i didn't want to look at the time, and it was nice having no idea what time it was, i thought it'd just annoy me even more if i looked at it so i dunno what time i actually went to sleep. Its a really nice story though, and at the end there's this really sweet letter from 'Lewis Carroll' to the children that would/had read the book. I cant remember what it said exactly, but it was so nice, and it made me smile and think that he was probably a really nice kind of person.

Ok i have one more thing to say before i go. I'm not sure if its just recently, or it goes on all the time and iv just never really noticed, but in the street sometimes parking wardens come along. And I'm not sure what happened, but for the last couple of days, in a house about 7 along from us, there is a (quite big) sign, bang in the middle of the windowpane, saying-


I think its funny cause its just making them look like twats really, but what i like about it the most is the fact that they've dotted the exclamation mark with a love-heart.

I don't understand

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

blah blah yadda yadda

I think i will write this blog in teal, this is teal right?
Anyooo i haven't been on here for a bit, that's because my life is still a bit boring. Iv been looking for a job but still haven't found a decent one. I'm still holding out for my dream job of Christmas Elf in a Santa's Grotto. But i guess its a bit early for that, even though the shops all have loads of Christmas stuff in which is a bit disconcerting. Nevertheless i will keep looking.
Last night i had a mint dream, I'm not quite sure what was going on it was a bit muddled up, but i was in this sort of small church thing and me and my mam and dad were huddled around the computer and it was about 4am, really late, and for some reason my msn was on and someone i knew signed in and started talking to me, so i kicked my dad off and was talking back, except it was reaaaally hard to type. (is it sad that i dreamt of msn? Jesus) So i went outside and met up with whoever it was i was talking to, then we got a taxi back to mine and it was really windy outside so we went in, and were going to find somewhere to sleep with it being really late and all. So off into the house i mooched, and discovered that i couldn't find where the hell my bedroom was, and even though the house was quite small there was fucking loads of bedrooms and loads of family just sleeping in the wrong beds and stuff, and even though half the rooms were empty i still couldn't find mine. Then i woke up. Kind of sounds like a rubbish dream but it was quite a fun one.
On Monday i accidentally flooded our bathroom/kitchen. I'm not sure how or what happened, just that when i got out of the shower there was a massive wet patch on the floor where the water must've leaked out of the cubicle. Then after I'd got out and dressed i came down in time to hear the kitchen light bulb sort of, fizz out, and then water started dripping from it. Oops.
Iv had plenty of showers since we moved in, and they've always been fine so I'm not sure what went wrong. I think maybe i just spend too long in there, iv never lived in a house that had a shower so i guess I'm making up for it, at first i thought they were rubbish but i actually love them now, i spend about half an hour in there. They really make you feel better when your a bit stressed out or have things on your mind, you just come out feeling a little bit more relaxed. But I'd better keep them shorter from now on.
Aaaand now im bored. Iv been bored for ages, i feel like i hardly done anything at all this year. I want to go out and get drunk and dance (but not fall over). Im not sure if im doing anything at halloween but i hope its something fun. I need a job so i can take train trips places and do nice stuff. I guess its a bit cold for that now though. Nevermind.
Okayy i have a kinder bueno with my name on it in the other room.

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Happy blog

I know pretty much all my blogs are happy, but i am unoriginal and I'm in a rather happy mood. First and foremost i just discovered today that Guillemots are playing a gig in November at the Empire in boro. I actually couldn't believe my eyes when i read it, i thought it was just one of those nights where they just give away band related stuff and this week it was guillemots. Anyway, I'm proper proper excited, don't wanna get too ahead of myself just in case it sells out before i get chance to get tickets and what not. So i will just conclude this paragraph with the following -

Okay. I had the nicest day on Saturday, did the usual routine of walking the dogs, and going to billingham with my mam and auntie. It was such a gorgeous day though, and i didn't want to waste it, so when i got back i decided to walk to Ropner park. I was sitting in the yard debating weather to go or not, and something inside me just went "fuck it! why am i sitting here trying to think of reasons not to go, get a grip Bianca" And i thought yeah, who would have thunk that there would be such a nice day at this time of the year, i might as well take full advantage of it. And take full advantage i did. I packed a bag with an apple and a drink and i was off. My new house is only a 10 minute walk so it was pretty great.
It was just dead nice, I had a few photo's to throw in at this point, but my phone settings on the computer have decided they hate me so I'll have to put them in later on when i can work out what the fuck has happened.
I sat round the pond/lake, i found the perfect bench it was under this little tree, but there was loads of red sticky berries that had fallen on it, maybe the birds had pecked them down or something i dunno, so i flicked a few off and made a berry-free patch so i could sit down, "this is great" i thought "theres berries everywhere else on the bench, that'll put anyone off sitting next to me". However, i was wrong, cause this man and woman came along with a kid and decided they were getting in on my lovely spot. To be honest though, it was such a nice day and I'd had such a nice walk i wasn't really as infuriated as i would have been normally, i was a little bit annoyed like, but anyway, so i moved across a bit (making sure to avoid any more berries). Luckily i had my earphones on/in so i didn't have to engage in small talk with them, though i got the impression they wouldn't have anyway. I discovered ducks quacking are louder than led zeppelin, and i think i had the sound on about 11 (of out 14 so still quite loud really).
Anyway, they were there for quite a while and i just wanted them to fuck off cause i felt dead uncomfortable, I was eating my apple at the time as well so i thought hmm i wonder how much of the apple i can eat before theres only the horrible hard core bits left. I got this far -

I decided to just keep nibbling for the duration of their stay. The apple started going brown cause I'd been trying to eat it for so long. At this point i did consider starting to act really weird, like have a conversation with myself or something in the hope it'd drive them away, couldn't bring myself to do it though. I just kept ravaging quickly disappearing apple and making loud sucking noises. They did eventually go away and i was left in peace again.
It was the first time I'd actually appreciated how nice ropner park is. I had a nice view of the massive trees at the other side of the pond/lake, the sun was shining right on them and they looked gorgeous, all orangey green. I seen 2 squirrels. Ropner park squirrels are weird, they're grey but have red cheeks, unless its just one squirrel running around all the park masquerading as many squirrels. I know the grey ones are supposed to be "evil" but they are cute, it cant be helped.
So I'd told my mam I'd be back at half 4 (when my auntie was coming to pick us up to walk the dogs again), and just as i turned the corner into my street, my auntie came driving round the corner at the exact same time, good fortune or what. So we get in the car and she suggests taking the dogs to the beach, so i was like haha ace, can this day get any better?
So we went to seaton beach, (or the north Gare for anyone in the know) When we got there, we seen there were pirates there

That was quite fun. There was quite a big group of teenagers on the beach so i guess they'd brought it. I think they were probably celebrating "Talk Like A Pirate Day" even though they were a day late, or maybe they thought it was such a good day they extended it to two days, who knows.
The sea was amazingly calm, there were no waves at all, plus the beach was almost deserted as well.
So there was my great Saturday, only it wasn't over yet. That night we had an almost two hour long power cut. It was so much fun, theres just something magical about a power cut, it makes me feel like a kid again. Maybe its just the effect of walking around the house with candles. People were out in the street looking lost and wandering around not knowing what to do, or how long it'd last. I was quite disappointed when the lights came back on, but i was glad it had lasted as long as it did.
I cant really recall what i did on Sunday, apart from have the first Sunday dinner we'd had in ages, it was niiiice. Monday, cant really remember what happened then either apart from a quick mooch around town with Vicky.

Today though i got to indulge in my unexplained love of laundrettes. Me and my mam went to take some blankets and things that were too big for our normal washing machine. It was warm and cosy, and had old 80's style posters up and wooden clad walls. It was like being back in time. Theres something about laundrettes that make me feel just comforted and safe. My mam said that when i was a baby and we lived in Harting road flats, we used to come to this same laundrette, and all the gypsy women would say "come and look at this babby" and coo around me in awe of my masses of thick baby hair. Maybe somewhere in the back of my brain i can remember being in there when i was a baby. I dunno, that's they only vague reason i can think of for having a sort of affinity with the places.

Hmmm oh well. Oh crap i said i would stop saying hmm didn't i. Fuck it. I should stop swearing as much as well really.
My hands are sticky cause iv been eating apple slices while iv been doing this. It was worth it though.
Okay I'm rambling.


Thursday, 18 September 2008

Halloween and washing machines

Sooo. I decided to do a blog, i had all these ideas swimming in my head and now im here, im finding it really hard to start this thing hmm. I think i say hmm too much. Im gonna stop. I think this is the first one iv made since moving house. We've been here since last wednesday, theres still quite a lot of stuff lying around the house, i think by now it should have all been put in its right place but im not sure. For all the moving house i seem to have done, i cant really recall what it was like moving into the old one and how long it took to get all the stuff in the right place.
Iv re-arranged my bedroom 3 times so far, i cant be bothered to move it all around any more so how iv got it now is how its going to stay, at least till we decorate it. Im not quite happy with it still, and i just wish i'd kept it as it was the first time cause it felt a lot more spacious. Its the goddamn wardrobes that's unsettling me, they just take up too much room and there isnt a place for them, at least not the second one. Maybe i'll feel better when its properly tidied, cause theres a few bags still left to sort out. I'll definately feel better when the horrible pink is painted over, and i'll definately feel better when iv stuck my posters and pictures and stuff back up. And i will most definately feel better when the disney cartoons have been painted over, fuck it, i dont want to feel like a 12 year old every time i walk into the room. (the clock guy is called Cogsworth, yess!)

Anyway. My knees are cold. I feel like every time i come on here i complain that some body part is cold. Nevermind.
Im kind of gettng excited about halloween, strange fancy dress ideas keep popping into my head, even though i dont know what or if im even doing anything for halloween. Fuck it, i'll dress up anyway even if i dont do anything. I might actually go halloweening, just chuck a sheet over my head i could easily pass as a child. Might be a good little moneyspinner that actually!
I had planned on going as Ginger Reyes ages ago just cause she's so cool and wears ace clothes, but actually thats a really rubbish one, nobody would get it and it has no halloween connotations. Amy Winehouse i thought would be a funny one, (she is a bit of a horror) i might do that, not sure i could really create a beehive though. Robert Smith or Siouxsie Sioux might be fun but i just want an excuse to back-comb my entire head. I hit upon the idea of going as Karen O but she's not really halloween-y. Then just now i thought it'd be fun to be the goblin king off Labyrinth but seeing as i havent even seen it, i dont think id wanna do it. Im sick of being a pirate so im not doing that any more. Fuck it. I'll work something out.

I put some clothes in the washer tonight, and when i went to get them out, the washer door wouldnt open, so now all my clothes are stuck in. Actually there wasnt many, but its still annoying. It'd be funny if we could just never get the door open and had to chuck the washer out with my stuff still inside it haha.

Im getting up early tomorrow and going down town with my mam. She's buying me a New York print. Would it be too cheeky just ask for the money instead? Ha. aw thats well bad i wouldnt do that. Im so sick of stockton town at the moment, its bollocks, and i feel like iv been every day this week, though im sure i havent.
I wore a dress and a cardigan today, i wish we'd had more sunny days this year. I just want to go out in the sun and buy a carton of mango juice from the indian shop round the corner. Theres something wierd about drinking mango juice when its not sunny.

Err anyway. Im going to bed.

Monday, 1 September 2008

while im waiting for my dinner to cook

my feet are cold, because i took off my shoes and socks as soon as i came in cause i was boiling. and now my feet are cold. I do this all the time and i never learn my lesson.
Mince dinner is cooking away and im hungry. we were going to have it yesterday, a sunday dinner, but we didnt bother in the end. My peas have just pinged in the microwave.
Soo its September the 1st today. Im becoming increasingly uneasy about turning 22. Why does it sound so much older than 21? Urgh.
I had a really bad night last night. I was woken up at 4am (Again, the night before chavs were crying/fighting around the corner shortly followed by smashing of about 3 windows, nice) by the dog going completely mental. So i stumbled out of bed, my mam must've got up 30 seconds before me and was halfway down the stairs. Someone had been pressing our doorbell (and i dont think it was jack white unfortunately). At 4am. wtf. The dog was still going crazy and had ran downstairs to the front door. My mam poked her head out of the window and shouted "what do you want?" to no answer. It was all really spooky, we listened via the telephone intercom to see if we could hear anything, and it did kind of sound like someone was quietly shuffling about, im not sure if it was the wind cause there was only a light breeze. Then a few minutes later it rang again. Then i started to get really fucking scared. Theres a kind of alleyway next to our front door, but it had a gate put on it last week, so whoever it was down there hadnt gone away. Commence dog going batshit crazy again. I was trying to get my mam to phone the police but she wouldnt. There wasnt even any of the local chavs hanging around either, you can usually hear their mouths going. It was just dead. So we were both shitting ourselfs, patroling the house. It got to about ten past 5 and we were still sitting on the setee waiting for something to happen, i was knackered at this point and went to bed. Then i was woke up again, by someone pressing the bell again, at 6am. My mam said she'd just gone back to bed as well. The bell got stuck though so it was just going off constantly (an anoying american woman asking "hello, is anyone home?") till my mam went down to have a look, with the dog of course. There was no one there though.
So yeah, it was proper creepy, and i was fucking terrified. My mam took the battery out of the bell today haha. If they come back tonight though, we have another bell for some reason, so maybe we'll get woke up again.
In the light of day i feel cocky as about it now, and i think if it happens again im going to poke my head out of the window and unleash a torrent of verbal abuse to the bastards.


Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Im pretty sure i write too many blogs

Gayy. I Dont care. Well i do a bit cause i feel like a bit of a saddo haha. Err but ok, i'll just make up for it and not write any next month.
Someone asked me what i did today, and really i cant remember. My brain is disintegrating, i wish i could say it was due to my hectic party lifestyle but unfortunately not, just the opposite most likely, lack of use has cause my grey matter to turn to dust. I went to the new house for a bit with my mam and ate dorito's while she swept the stairs down, then later in the afternoon i went with her to walk the dog and see my auntie at work to ask about the car (it broke down a few days ago). I Cant wait to move house, my mam keeps asking me which bedroom i want and i cant make my mind up. Im desperately hoping there is a nice hot slightly-indie-but-not-trying too-hard boy living next door. Most likely its just old people, but a girl can hope. I havent seen any people in the street yet. Theres a really old kind of creepy looking church at the end of the street as well, its kind of cool.
Anyway. I got changed twice today, for no reason. Im finding it quite hard to dress myself lately, i think im in a phase of wanting to actually look my age and not like a 16 year old. Halfway through the day when i got changed, i decided to go for the slightly waitress-ey look. Well i dunno i dont think thats what i aimed for but thats how it turned out. Not sure how a dungaree dress can make me feel waitress-ey but it did. I wore boots today, their kind of shoe boots but better. Iv had a fair few nights out in them, and they've got a few scuff marks but i love them so much.

Im going to be gutted when they get too worn out to wear anymore. I bought them off ebay but it wasnt from a proper shop so i doubt i'll get another pair quite like them.
I wore a shirt today so that explains the waitress thing. I have no idea where it came from, i think it was a hand me down from someone ages ago. All my t shirts and tops are either dirty or crammed into the bottom of the wardrobe, so it was a case of going for the first clean/not crumpled thing i could find. Its too big for me, so like the genius i am, i safety pinned the back haha.

Stupid i know but it was kind of cold today so i was just wearing my coat anyway. Im kind of looking forward to winter just so i can wear my coat all the time because i love it. It kind of swamps me but i like it, its cosy. And grey. So much for my new years resolution of brightening up a bit. Actually i got it before i made the resolution so i guess im off the hook.

I wore my hair up today, in an attempt to look/feel older. I like my hair down but i do feel somehow more mature with it tied up. I think its due a trim cause sometimes when iv had it up for too long it really hurts my head. Im also really getting fed up with my fringe thing. Not sure if it really qualifies as a fringe. I had a normal straight across fringe for most of my life till a couple of years ago when i got fucking sick of cutting it every two weeks, so i just decided to stop cutting it altogether, and i kind of liked the inbetween stage when it was long enough to not be a proper fringe but not long enough to have grown out completely, and i could just kind of swish it to one side. Its too long now, and its not all in one piece, it always takes me ages to get all the right lengths out when i tie it back.

I decided to wear a ribbon today, i bought it a few months ago when i went to a family party thing that was 60's themed and at the time i didnt know what to wear, but i wanted an excuse to get some ribbon so that was it. Iv done a couple of other things with it so far, but i think its a bit limited really. Pretty all the same though. Theres my industrial as well, its over two and a bit years old and im still not bored of it. I should really get a shorter bar though cause its a bit big. I think i got really lucky with it too, never had any problems with it healing or anything really. I took it out and put it in again the other day just for the craic. It doesnt hurt any more of course, but it was still a bit wierd, cringy. I apologise for the orange sofa, we will be getting a new one when we move.

Here's a picture of my dog Roxy, she's ace.


Saturday, 23 August 2008

You wont let me win

Hahah emo title. It actually has no references whatsoever to what im going to be writing in this (probably very long) blog, it just happened to be the line in the song i was listening to at the time. It was the Dodos, the song was pretty good really, not emo at all.
Anyway. I feel like i have lot to write, none of it interesting, but a lot to write nonetheless.

So where should i start, erm i guess i'll write about my day. I went to middlesbrough (or Middlebizzle when im feeling like snoop dog) with my mam, we're finally moving house, all the repairs and whatnot are done, so we got the keys today and my mam signed all the papers and that crap.
This is just over the road from the place where we went to sort the house stuff. We were stood at the lights for ages so i thought i'd take a photo. I really like this little part of boro, i cant put my finger on why, I think i just like the abandoned looking Kwik Save in the background, reminds me of when Stockton had one and there was a massive beautiful church opposite, before they ruined it and built shitty wellington square.

Then when we came out, we decided to walk down the stairs cause the lift was tiny and had 70's style wood clad on all the walls and was very rickety on the way up. So, i just liked the view from this tiny window, i thought it looked cool with all the pipes and stuff. I like the backs of buildings. Not sure why the walls have came out stripey.

I was in a really funny mood today, like funny ha-ha funny, we went in primark, and goddamn they have some goooood shoes, anyway yeah it was just full of scutters. No wait, it wasnt primark that was full of scutters it was BM (Bargain Madness dontcha know), i dunno it was just funny laughing at them, i actually cant be bothered to go into it, i just found it funny today, maybe it was a situation where if you didnt laugh you'd cry. So i laughed.
The last time i went to middlesbrough was with laura a couple of weeks ago, and we both noticed that it had a strong scent of poppers wafting about, and today i noticed it was still there. Whats the craic? Why does boro smell of poppers all of a sudden? Its a mystery.

In boro we went in a pound shop where i persuaded my mam to buy a massive bag of chewit brand strawberry laces, im very happy about this. The bag is huuuge and the laces are loooong. Its generally a bit hit and miss when it comes to finding decent strawberry laces, but these ones were pretty good. I did briefly think that i'd transferred from standard strawberry to newly discovered Vimto laces, which are truly a brilliant idea if ever there was one (its a mix of VIMTO AND LACES!!), However strawberry laces just have that edge, you cant beat a classic.
ANYWAY, sorry about that, i'll get away from the strawberry tangent. So that was pretty much it from the venture to boro, i really enjoyed the train ride back, for some reason it was just really comfortable and cosy feeling, i sometimes feel like that when its really dull and grey outside, and it certainly was today. The train wasnt really that busy, so we got a seat with a table, and it was raining gently outside, and shortly after we got on, this wierd guy got on on the table opposite us, i feel bad describing him as wierd, i duno he was about in his 30's, and he mentioned to some other people that he must have bumped into on the train that he knew that he'd been for a job interview in redcar. He was wearing glasses and had really short hair and was kind of podgy with a round face. He seemed like just a nice normal person though, after he'd sat down he got out this writing pad or sketch book or something and started this pencil drawing, he was so cute, he was concentrating so hard that he was doing that tongue-slightly-poking-out thing haha. I couldnt quite see what he was drawing cause i was sat near the window and my mam was closer to him than i was, i think it was some kind of anime robot thingy. Pretty cool anyway. I hope he gets the job he went for.
So yeah it was a really romantic train journey, maybe cause it was gently raining outside, or maybe it was cause the window was slightly steamed up, or maybe it was cause i was listening to bright eyes through one ear phone, and then hope of the states came on and i started daydreaming about Sam Herlihy and pondering how much i fucking love - and miss - that band. I was quite glum when we had to disembark the train and trudge home in the rain. Good thing im only 10 minutes away from the station.

Dont you just love the feeling of getting home after getting wet from the rain, and getting changed and warm again? yum.
I didnt do much when i got in, i watched the reading/leeds coverage on bbc3, and just really was bummed out that i didnt go this year. And its wierd cause really i only really want to see the killers, i think the other headliners are a bit rubbish.
But really i was just a bit sad, cause it was just at that time where dusk is setting in, but the sky still has a tiny bit of light left, and the all the fairground and shops and those lightbulb strings they have to light the campsite paths would have been all lit up, and people are stumbling back to the tent to get some food made on a rubbish camping stove, and then use the horrible smelly toilets, and then get changed cause its coming in cold. Ahhh. Definately the best time of the day at festivals that little day time to night time transition. Aw my heart feels all warm just thinking about it. Its wierd, its not like im even a hardcore festival goer, iv only been to the last two leeds, but it does feel wierd not being there, and its wierd that its a weekend early this year (i think)
It was mainly reading coverage on tv, as always, and its wierd seeing on tv, its just in the middle of a city, its really odd watching a festival with towerblocks and stuff in the background. Not that i have anything against Reading, i think the mini rivalry thing is a good laugh, i dont think anyone really takes it seriously. I would feel so out of place there though i think. I wonder if Reading has a wheelbarrow of death? Haha. Aww Leeds I MISS YOU!
Anyway i watched Friendly Fires on the coverage, id not heard them before and the one song they played seemed alright, however, the frontman was so wierd, he was doing this really odd 80's dad dance, like, it was as if someone has once told him he had a nice arse and now he's like "wow really? Im so gonna wave my arse around as much as possible from now on". Hahah AND for some reason he had rolled the bottom of his jeans up, and was wearing these just plain black patent leather shoes, minus socks for some reason, it just looked really really bizzare. The wierd thing is though, it showed you Vampire Weekend later on and one of the guys was wearing a very similar style, maybe its the new in thing? Is it something to do with Readings site being so wet they have to roll their trouser bottoms up? Maybe its some strange ode to Michael Jackson?
I did like one thing i seen though, i noticed a lot of boys in bands wearing those three-quarter sleeved shirts. I dont know what to say, except that im a total sucker for those shirts on a boy. Long sleeves, fine, short ones, whatever. But in between? Yes please.
Anyway back to Friendly Fires, they sounded good but just looked like twats, and there was another band i thought looked like twats but i cant remember who now. Just one of them was wearing sunglasses inside. What the fuck. He was wearing a scarf too but seeing as it was probably cold and they are sort of outdoors he can get away with that. Thats why i love Fyfe Dangerfield, i reckon he'd probably think the same thing. Just cause at the newcastle gig when i seen em, he produced a pair of sunglasses before a song, i cant remember which one now annoyingly enough, and he said "this song requires these". Haha so he was obviously having a bit of a laugh and that. It just bugs me when people wear sunglasses inside. Man.
Im having a bit of a look a like day today, iv seen three look a likes. I think their the kind of look a likes only i would get though, and if i pointed it out to anyone else, they'd just snigger and go "err bianca he looks nowt like him", but anyway. The first one was when, actually the first one is kind of a two in one deal. First i thought the guy from MGMT looked a lot like Jack White, and then i thought the guy from Fratelli's looked like him too. Then i thought arse guy from Friendly Fires looked a bit like Zach Condon out of Beirut, and then there was a guy on big brother's big mouth (why was i watching that, god only knows) who i thought really reminded me of Sam Herlihy.
Ohhh well. Anyway moving on, im gonna end this soon, i feel like iv been writing it for ages. And im going to change my layout cause i dont like it that much, it makes the blogs look like long skinny newspaper columns.
Before i go though, I seen an advert on bbc3 for a programme called, actually i dont remember what it was called, but it was along the lines of "would you trust the groom to plan your wedding?" and it just showed this dosey looking woman going "i am not dressing up as a pirate for the wedding!" Hahah i would think it was fucking hilarious if i left my groom tobe to plan the wedding and he had us getting married dressed as pirates. Haha ahh.
Ok before i go, here's some pictures of the chocolate cake i made yesterday. Its soo good, its so chocolatey that i havent been able to finish a full slice in one go (yet) Which is how a proper chocolate cake should be in my humble opinion. When my mam makes chocolate cakes she insists on just whipping cream for the centre, but what sort of chocolate cake would that make? Not a very good one i dont think!

Thursday, 21 August 2008


Soooo. I thought i'd write another blog, obviously. I feel in a wierd mood tonight, like just, lazy, lazier than normal. I feel like i need someone to throw a bucket of ice cold water over me to wake me up. Or maybe not, i guess nobody needs to feel woken and invigorated at 1am.
Anyway, get on with it.
Iv been watching loads of plane crashes on youtube. I heard about that spanish plane crash today and it set me off. Im not being sick, just, i cant imagine how horrific it must be to die that way. I dont know why i kept watching them, i find it quite sick that people have gone to the trouble of making crash montages. Then again, i guess im not much better by watching them. I dunno, i guess what they say is true, you cant look away from a crash. God it just totally fucks with your head watching these videos, knowing that your watching people die. That is definately the worst way to go, i cant believe how scared those poor people must have been. There's one thats just burnt into my head forever.

There's just something about that one that i find worse than most of the others. Maybe you have to see the video to understand it. Just after that shot it just nosedives into the floor. Its such a wierd looking plane too, its wings seem to be equally as skinny as the body. Kind of reminds me of a big daddy longlegs, or maybe i find it worse cause its a passenger plane. Urgh i dont know. All of the above. Poor poor fucking bastards. I dont even know what crash it was. Its just fucking terrible. Im probably gonna have nightmares tonight.

Yeesh, way to depress everyone bianca. Yeah that was a pretty rubbish start to a blog wasnt it?
Im moving house soon, finally. At first i didnt want to cause im sick of moving all the time, but then i realised how shit this area is and was really excited for moving. But i got up today to find my mam and auntie had boxed up loads of stuff, so now im back to being sick of packing. I just hate the inbetween stage where your stuff is everywhere, and you get out of the bath and realise that your arms are really dry and when you ask for the vaseline moisturizer your mam says "err i think its in them boxes" so you go to the boxes only to find their sellotaped up and you cant be bothered rooting through them or going upstairs for the dove moisturizer so you get dead pissed off and end up having to put sun cream on instead. Bad fucking times.
Nah generally im looking forward to moving though. But today i was reading this and i thought, fuck, what if the new house is haunted? Im such a pussy i dont think i'd be able to handle it. Sometimes i think i'd like something to happen, or see something, just as proof or just to be able to say that i had, but actually i dont think i would, it'd just scare the shit out of me too much. I dont know how people dont just faint when scary stuff happens. When we used to go to my cousins when they lived in their old house, they used to tell us loads of stories about things that'd happened there, i dont know how much was exaggerated or made up just to scare us, but that house was definately creepy, just something about it, i hated being on my own in any rooms there. Nothing ever happened when i was there like, apart from when i was playing with the kids in their yard and their two dogs started running around in circles barking their heads off, looking at something that wasnt even there. Hmm.
If our house turned out like that, i dunno, i definately wouldnt be able to stay in it on my own.
Hhaha urghh anyway.
I wanted to watch sex and city tonight, but my mam and auntie were watching big brother. What a shower of shite. Satc is repeated on saturdays but knowing me, i'll have forgot about it untill the last 5 minutes grrr.

Righty O im bored now. Adios


Wednesday, 20 August 2008

I would like things for tree

I meant to write for "Free" but im leaving it as tree because it is mildly amusing.
So i want things for free. Id rather have a job and pay for my own stuff, but seeing as there are no decent ones in stockton thus far, im trying to come up with a plan B.
Iv actually got a plan B and a plan C.

Plan B, Sign up to () But instead of scrounging for donations towards a boob job, just scrounge for shoes/gig tickets/etc instead.

Plan C, find a foot fetish forum/group and sell photo's of my feet, their not deformed or anything, i reckon someone would pay to see them. I really wouldnt give two shits about wierd old men creaming themselves over pictures of my feet, infact i think plan C is well better than plan B. Feet = Money. Money for pretty much fuck all, can it really fail?

Sunday, 17 August 2008

From eating your dinner To standing in your underwear in front of your mam, in less than 10 seconds

Eww i just had the worst experiece of my life, maybe even worse than the time i thought i was gonna die at the muse gig.

I was just sat eating my sunday dinner with my mam, cutting up my yorkshire puddings to be precise, when i look down only to find a fucking spider on my leg. Not even the part of the leg thats furthest away from me, oh no, the bastard was on my thigh. I just kind of froze and made a strange noise, and my mam was like "what?" as if i was some kind of retard.
Me: "spider on me" (still frozen) it was like i could only move my eyeballs. I was too scared to knock it off cause i didnt want to put my hand anywhere near it, so i made a very feeble attempt at blowing it off (easy now) , i could only muster a small breath though and the spider was already on its merry way up my skirt.
So i put down my knife and fork, (i think, i actually dont remember moving from the sitting position to standing up) and my mams going "take your skirt off!!" And i was 50/50 on weather i wanted to just stand still and hope that superman would fly through the window and erradicate the horrible little 8-legged bastard, or weather to just whip it off. Anyway i guess my brain was shouting "strip! strip!" But i was stil in slow motion cause i was fucking scared i'd peel down my skirt and it'd still be on me. At least at that moment i was better off not knowing where it was, than knowing it was definately on me. So the skirt came off. I had to be wearing the shortest denim skirt i own didnt i. Smartass. Could have worn jeans but noooo Bianca, you just wear some spider friendly clothing today. (to be fair though it was raining when i went out today and i didnt fancy walking around tesco with soggy jeans and converse)
As if i wasnt tortured enough i was wearing a long sleeved top as well, so then i was dead paranoid that it was up my arms. And like an idiot i'd decided to wear 2 pairs of tights today, so i was shitting myself taking the top pair off.
So yeah, not a fun way to enjoy your sundays, teetering around your front room in only your bra and a pair of tights while repeatedly asking your mam "are you sure its not on me?"

Fucking spidery bastards. No more will i try i get them out of the house with a glass and some card, as of today any spiders that cross my path WILL be splattered. Feel my wrath bastards!!!


Name one fact about the person you like?

Who is your last text from?

Last time you had a sleepover?
I dunno, i dont do sleepovers anymore

Latest you stayed up in the past week?

What is the last thing you said aloud?
fuuuuuck me, (due to Matt Bellamy looking so hot at V)

Story behind your MySpace song?
Its by the Cinematic Orchestra, theres no story though i just really really like it


B b b b boring brown

Also boring


An endless supply of Oreo's

Listening to?

Do you like seafood?
I dunno really, iv not tried enough of it to say

Do you remember your dreams?
yeah, am i the only person? I always remember my dreams, really well as well

Do you speak another language other than English?

When was the last time you really laughed?
when i watched the scene from ace ventura with the monopoly guy on youtube yesterday

When is the last time you took a nap?
The week before last, it was proper good as well, i started watching an old VHS of Alice through the looking glass, it was my favourite video as a kid, and luckily i have a tv/video combi in my bedroom on which to watch it. Mr T's voice is in it, he plays the jabberwock, so obvious when you look back, i must have watched it a million times when i was a kid and all the time oblivious. Anyway i watched almost all of it then fell asleep at the end. It was a lovely nap.

Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning?
whoever i was kissing in the dream i'd just woke up from. Kissing dreams are wierd.

Who was your FIRST best friend and are you still friends with them?
I cant remember

What was the FIRST thing you did this morning?
I wasnt even awake this morning

When is the last time you talked to your father?
err a few weeks ago

Do you prefer a call or a text?
Both is nice, though with texting you can make it last all day and its quite nice

Who was the last person you had a phone conversation with for more than 5 minutes?
Oooh i dunno, the last few phone calls i can remember seem to have been around 5 minutes long

Where is one place that you'd like to visit?
New York. Belgium!

Dark hair or light hair in the opposite sex?
Dark generally, i dont know, i dont mind light either

Did you ever watch "The Big Comfy Couch" when you were young?

Does it bother you when you text somebody and they take forever to text back?
Nah unless it was to arrange something like

Do you toss & turn for hours at night or fall right to sleep?
Depends how tired i am duh

If you had to choose between going on a cruise to the Bahamas for a week or Europe for 2 weeks, what would you choose?
Europe all the way

When is the last time you talked to number 1 on your top friends?
shut it, your on blogger now

Do you live with both your parents?
no just one

What is it you truly want right now?
Still have a bit of an oreo craving to be honest

Plans for tonight?
Er its half one in the morning, my plans include eating and sleeping

Do you laugh at all the wrong times?
HA, sometimes

Do you have a best friend or best friends?

Have you ever had your heart broken?
No, not in the romantic sense anyway

Do you ever wish you were famous?
nah not really

Do you hate the last girl you had a conversation with?
my mam ergh

Is there something you always wear?
underwear generally

Do you know anyone with the same name as you?
No cause im ace meeeeeee


Friday, 15 August 2008


Ok, iv decided, Sao Paulo by Guillemots is the best fucking song iv ever had the pleasure of hearing. I cannot explain how just incredible this song is, its just ahhh man! It makes me want to run around the streets of stockton naked, waving one of those artistic gymnastic ribbons.
Im glad iv heard this song before im old and deaf, its just fucking immense. Thankyou Guillemots.

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

i feel like i should write a blog

I feel like i havent been on here for a while. I guess i just dont have anything interesting to write about. I actually want to make a blog all about how i want to go to acrobat college in london, and how i think i might have found my calling (despite my lack of gymnastic skills). And things in that vein. Though to be honest right now im kind of in the mood to write a blog about nothing in particular, you know one of those things where you just wanna ramble on and not really put any thought into what your doing? Yeah thats what im on today. So yeah, i'll do that blog another time.
Im listening to Goldfrapp at the moment, i think their really cool. I remember seeing them at Move, like 5 years ago. I just like Alison she's ace. Aye, anyway. I was just going to remark that i should only make blogs when i have something interesting to write about, but if i did that, then my blogger would only have about 4 entries.
Err. yah.
Haha ok, this blog fails. Gonna shoot.

Friday, 8 August 2008


I eat my peas with honey, iv done it all my life, it makes the peas taste funny but it keeps them on the knife.

Saturday, 2 August 2008


Its half 4 on a saturday, i really should have legged it down the town to see the hot Belgian boys cause their performance is on at the moment, their here again tomorrow so maybe i'll go and drool then.
Anyway i was sat in the room next door about 15 minutes ago, on the setee, putting nailvarnish on, and this fly kept buzzing round me. I knocked it off my skirt twice and it kept coming straight back, then it did the same landing on my leg, it just keep trying to get on me and as soon as i was knocking it away it kept coming back a second later. And now im in here, its followed me and just did it again, about 3 times landing on my knee! I wonder what the attraction is, maybe its trying to tell me something? Maybe its like the simpsons where bart's head gets transfused onto that flies body and he keeps flying around lisa trying to get her to notice him. Is there a situation in life that doesnt have a simpsons reference?
And no, im not smelly, infact iv just got out of the bath less than an hour ago. Haha the fly is bugging my mam in the other room now.
Hmm wierd.
Tonight im going to watch British Sea Power down the river, i know i keep going on about it, but im really excited. I think it'll most probably rain, i dont really have much hope for dry weather but i dont give a fuck really.

Okay im going, ciao (caio?) x

Friday, 1 August 2008

English boys suck.

Im seriously only on Belgian and French boys from now on. Lemme explain. I went down town today with my mam just to see what was on, and we ended up watching this show outside the town hall, it was these 3 guys, one was half french half english, one was half belgian half english, (so they claimed anyway) and i missed what the first guy said, he was probably belgian though seeing as the company was from there. Er anyway, iv just been swooning all day since i seen it. Serious serious horny teengirl time, honestly.
They were fucking amazing, all three of them were just gorgeous to start off, plus they were wearing some sort of lycra/spandex suits, plus they were skinny, and plus they were doing loads of amazing acrobatic stuff like holding their own bodies up with just their arms. PLUS they were european. Im just a total sucker for a hot accent, i almost went weak at the knees when they introduced themselves.
I dunno i was just completely mesermized watching them, they were doing like a wierd mix of trampolining, juggling, acrobatics and comedy. I mean i wasnt especially mesermized at the performance its self (they were ace at that though) i dunno, i was just so caught up in the fact that they were hot belgian/french boys. Then tonight i just had this ace little daydream about running away with them and joining their little troupe, and i'd be performing with them, just three hot boys and me, travelling around europe having an ace time, and occasionaly spending all day in the gym studio in belguim, practising our act in our spandex outfits and on breaks sitting in the park in the sun, and then one day i'd fall in love with one of them and get married.
Err yeah back to reality though. I really cant think of a better combination of things that make the perfect boy. French/belgian, messy hair, acrobatic, very thin, and hot smiles.
I can just imagine european boys to be really romantic. And what could be hotter than a guy who can do the splits for you and lift you up with one arm?
Maybe i'll bump into them tomorrow at the festival or something and we'll make friends and then make out. mmm.
So i will end this blog here. English boys are rubbish and stupid, and europe boys are beautiful and strong and have amazing accents and look good in lycra and are very very skinny. These ones are anyway

Edit, i nicked these photos off their website, in case you were wondering!

Bedroom, stockton festival, boys, babies

Im not even a sentence in and im distraced already. I was bored a while ago, and i dont know if i stumbled upon it through the msn homepage, or i was just being a fangirl and googling him, anyway i discovered nadal is playing a game right this second, and after some mooching about and singning up to rubbish betting websites, i found me a live streaming. And that is distracting me. If he goes on to win on sunday (or so i read) he'll be the world number one, poor fed will be knocked off, which is a shame cause i think he's a nice bloke. I didnt know he was even in another tornament so soon after that canadian one, but. Err anyway, yeah, god bless the internet and god bless live streaming.
So. I havent wrote a blog for a few days, maybe the last one with all the photos took it out of me heh. Speaking of that last blog, the untidy room finally got the better of me, i just kind of snapped and decided i couldnt live like that anymore, and went on a sort of tidying rampage. My wardrobe is now full of clothes and the floor is lovely and not cluttered. I like it clean, and im going to make it stay that way. (she says)
Stockton festival is on at the moment, its only been on since wednesday and it finishes sunday, I always thought it was on for a full week. I Dunno, maybe its always been like that. Its nice though i really love the festival, maybe cause its the same age as me. I walked into town today and i had my headphones in, and i guess i kind of forgot about the festival being there, and when i walked through the graveyard i seen they'd fenced a big chunk of it off and there was a stage being put up, and then on the other side of the grass was a small white tent with a big bumblebee cut out and a sign saying "guided tour of a honeycomb". Anyway, it all made me grin, its that time of year again. The weekend is when the music is on down the riverside, i absolutely cant wait to see British Sea Power, im so excited for that. Im also a bit more excited now laura is coming for it as well, i thought she'd miss it cause of work and it'd just be me and vicky, which would have been good still but its better when we get together. Thers most of a small bottle of vodka in the fridge with my name on it, so that will be consumed. Iv just got a romantic view of it, i think it'll be like when we were 15 and we used to get drunk at the georgian on a friday night and make tits out of ourselves by ballroom dancing around the tree in the courtyard. I just want to get merry and watch music. Im pretty certain that it'll rain the fuck down all day though like it did at music live, but fuck it, BSP!!
The year before last when the festival was on, me and laura were stood in the town centre watching something or other that was happeneing, when we spotted this amazingly hot boy. We were just like little fangirls haha, taking it in turn to check him out. Anyway i was in town today with vicky, and i think i seen him again. He certainly was delectable. And also i seen a very hot roadie guy setting some stuff up, which makes a nice change from the topless beergutted greasy haired 50 year old roadies that you normally see.
I feel like a bit of a horny teenager writing all this about boys, i feel like all i write about in my blog is boys. As a single 21 year old girl though im kind of allowed. I think it comes across differently in here than it does in real life. I dont really run around squeeling when i see someone hot.
On to babies anyway, like i said i went down town today with vicky and she had the baby with her, Charlie. Oh she's sooo gorgeous, and she's just starting to laugh, bless her just drooling all over and laughing at things that arent even funny. Ahh babies. I keep saying to my mam we should adopt one from china. It kind of freaks me out that im now old enough to have friends that have babies. And people my age are graduating from uni. And im just sat here, hoping one day i'll know what the fuck to do haha. Ohhh crap.
Im gonna end this blog now. While i was writing it, the tennis finished, Nadal won (suprise). His girlfriend was in the crowd watching him. Sigh. I am mega jealous. mmm.
On a final note, i am going to edit the Fyfe Dangerblog cause im pazza he'll somehow stumble across it. I need to tone down the crazy cause i just sound like an insane stalker. So yeah, this is yer last chance to read it before it turns into a "normal" blog.

Bye bye bye


Saturday, 26 July 2008

Things iv done this week

What an inventive blog title. But never mind.
For the first time in a while the sun has shone for a few days in a row. On Thursday me and my mam went to Ropner park, we took some food but it wasnt a proper picnic cause we didnt sit on the grass with a quilt. Or have a lot of food, just some sandwiches and tangerines and some muller rice. It was nice though, apart from the vast amounts of kids, i dont mind kids but sometimes i just cant be arsed, i forgot it was the summer holidays now. It didnt annoy me too much though. I seen this family with 2 cocker spaniel puppies, they were so gorgeous, iv been banging on to my mam loads recently about how much i want one, maybe that'll help persuade her. Then as if by magic, these two girls came past with a tiny puppy pug, aww their soo lovely, I guess they could be put in the same category as paris hilton dogs, but i think they're way better than those annoying little ratty dogs. Its wierd cause theres a handfull of animals i keep going on and on about to my mam, trying to get her to cave in and say "oh right, if you shut up we'll get one" And pugs and cocker spaniels and amongst them. Awe.

Anyway, we were sat on a bench by the lake/pond, and this crazy lady came along.

She had this carrier bag full of some sort of seed/grain, and she was feeding the 2 swans and their baby, proper talking to them, she was on the verge of a full on conversation with em haha and she kept swearing and shouting at the geese that were trying to get in on the food. She just walked off with her dog after that, which was a pleasant suprise, cause usually the brown family attract all the wierdo's.

The next day we walked down the river to the barrage with the dog, we ended up staying out ages as well cause it was just so nice. Roxy had a swim.

She looks like she's drowning but she's not, i think she quite enjoyed it. Thats my mams legs by the way. She's proper paranoid and wouldnt let her off the lead incase she got swept away by currents, even though that part of the river is kind of fenced off, and there is nowhere she could have been swept to. The dog enjoyed it anyway. She's blue cause i forgot to change the setting on my lame camera phone.

Later that day, like in the evening, we took the dogs to my grandads just to check up on the house and walk them while we were at it. We got there pretty much at 6 on the dot, cause we'd went straight to my aunties that day rather than wait for her to come and pick us up, so we were about 10 minutes earlier getting to my grandads that usual. Anyway, that isnt the point, the point is that that 10 insignificant minutes made us pull into the road the same time as the hot boy that lives in my grandads street. I guess he gets home from work at that time, I think he lives with his mam too. Iv only seen him a handfull of times, but he is beautiful. I once seen him washing his car, and he was wearing a ramones t shirt. Maybe we should get there 10 minutes early more often.
A bit after that we were walking the dogs and my auntie says something like "your legs are a bit pasty bianca". I was like whut. I got propa paranoid then, well not paranoid enough to stop wearing dresses and want to run out and get some fake tan. But i just thought, i dont think my legs are pasty at all, iv never even thought of using fake tan, even on nights out, in fact iv always been inwardly quite smug that thousands of girls are spending so much time money and effort on sunbeds and lotions, but i get it naturally. Iv got quite a olive skin colour thanks to my dad, its not too dark but definately darker than most english people.

Although wading in the sea today i did notice when hitching my dress up that the tops of my legs are lighter than the bottoms, maybe iv developed a slight tan the last couple of days with it being so sunny. I'll have to keep photographing my legs for the duration of the summer ha.

While i was taking photo's of my legs in my miffed state, i decied to take some bedroom shots. Mainly to embarass myself enough to do something about it, but partly cause we're moving house soon and i like my bedroom the way it is, and want to re-create the new one the same.
I figured that since we're moving probably in a matter of weeks, there's no point in tidying my room anymore, Thus -

Not too bad at first glance, however when you get past the doorway, things only go downhill.

Its a disgrace, i know. Im just so rubbish at keepin my room tidy. Every so often i go clean freak and just tidy and fold everything away, but within 2 weeks its a fucking mess again. This is definately the worst its been though, cause that second wardrobe is filled with clothes i dont really wear but that i havent got around to sorting out yet. But sometimes i put the odd item in there that i do wear, and then when i want it, i have to rummage through all the crap. And the other day i realised that my clothes seem to be dissapearing, and i was really annoyed cause i was looking for one thing and i couldnt find it anywhere, and in a rage, i just pulled everything out of that wardrobe thinking that i'd looked everywhere else, to that must be the only place it could be. So now theres just clothes strewn all over the floor.
My shoes are all in order at least

I Cant wait to move, i'll be able to sort out what i want and what to throw away, in other stuff, not just clothes. My windowsill is full of crap -

Earmuffs! Its the middle of summer! That white thing is a vest i put in the wash with black jeans and now is all funny coloured, and the bear is money box that's been empty for a loooong time.

But dont forget to take into account, My mirror ball!

I had to attatch it with red wool, cause thats all i could find at the time. I shone a torch on it a few months ago though, and it did look ace. Iv got the moving part for it, but i dont know how to work out the light part. I'll work it out at the new house.
So thats my mirrorball, this is my mirrorwall

Isnt that mirror great, its from my grandads house, i dont think its especially valuable, but it makes my bedroom feel a bit like a stately home. I cant remember what was on the telly.

Err anyway im getting tired now. Tomorrow im going to the beach with my mam and auntie and the dogs, We went today and it was hella foggy, but when we got back to the main road it was clear there, which was wierd. Iv never ever been to the beach and its been foggy it was really wierd, especially with it being hot too. Here's a picture of the carpark entrance, It looked so cool in reality though, it was like a horror film, oooh!

So yeah, beach tomorrow if its sunny and nice that is. woooo.

