Hahah emo title. It actually has no references whatsoever to what im going to be writing in this (probably very long) blog, it just happened to be the line in the song i was listening to at the time. It was the Dodos, the song was pretty good really, not emo at all.
Anyway. I feel like i have lot to write, none of it interesting, but a lot to write nonetheless.
So where should i start, erm i guess i'll write about my day. I went to middlesbrough (or Middlebizzle when im feeling like snoop dog) with my mam, we're finally moving house, all the repairs and whatnot are done, so we got the keys today and my mam signed all the papers and that crap.
This is just over the road from the place where we went to sort the house stuff. We were stood at the lights for ages so i thought i'd take a photo. I really like this little part of boro, i cant put my finger on why, I think i just like the abandoned looking Kwik Save in the background, reminds me of when Stockton had one and there was a massive beautiful church opposite, before they ruined it and built shitty wellington square.

Then when we came out, we decided to walk down the stairs cause the lift was tiny and had 70's style wood clad on all the walls and was very rickety on the way up. So, i just liked the view from this tiny window, i thought it looked cool with all the pipes and stuff. I like the backs of buildings. Not sure why the walls have came out stripey.
I was in a really funny mood today, like funny ha-ha funny, we went in primark, and goddamn they have some goooood shoes, anyway yeah it was just full of scutters. No wait, it wasnt primark that was full of scutters it was BM (Bargain Madness dontcha know), i dunno it was just funny laughing at them, i actually cant be bothered to go into it, i just found it funny today, maybe it was a situation where if you didnt laugh you'd cry. So i laughed.
The last time i went to middlesbrough was with laura a couple of weeks ago, and we both noticed that it had a strong scent of poppers wafting about, and today i noticed it was still there. Whats the craic? Why does boro smell of poppers all of a sudden? Its a mystery.
In boro we went in a pound shop where i persuaded my mam to buy a massive bag of chewit brand strawberry laces, im very happy about this. The bag is huuuge and the laces are loooong. Its generally a bit hit and miss when it comes to finding decent strawberry laces, but these ones were pretty good. I did briefly think that i'd transferred from standard strawberry to newly discovered Vimto laces, which are truly a brilliant idea if ever there was one (its a mix of VIMTO
AND LACES!!), However strawberry laces just have that edge, you cant beat a classic.
ANYWAY, sorry about that, i'll get away from the strawberry tangent. So that was pretty much it from the venture to boro, i really enjoyed the train ride back, for some reason it was just really comfortable and cosy feeling, i sometimes feel like that when its really dull and grey outside, and it certainly was today. The train wasnt really that busy, so we got a seat with a table, and it was raining gently outside, and shortly after we got on, this wierd guy got on on the table opposite us, i feel bad describing him as wierd, i duno he was about in his 30's, and he mentioned to some other people that he must have bumped into on the train that he knew that he'd been for a job interview in redcar. He was wearing glasses and had really short hair and was kind of podgy with a round face. He seemed like just a nice normal person though, after he'd sat down he got out this writing pad or sketch book or something and started this pencil drawing, he was so cute, he was concentrating so hard that he was doing that tongue-slightly-poking-out thing haha. I couldnt quite see what he was drawing cause i was sat near the window and my mam was closer to him than i was, i think it was some kind of anime robot thingy. Pretty cool anyway. I hope he gets the job he went for.
So yeah it was a really romantic train journey, maybe cause it was gently raining outside, or maybe it was cause the window was slightly steamed up, or maybe it was cause i was listening to bright eyes through one ear phone, and then hope of the states came on and i started daydreaming about Sam Herlihy and pondering how much i fucking love - and miss - that band. I was quite glum when we had to disembark the train and trudge home in the rain. Good thing im only 10 minutes away from the station.
Dont you just love the feeling of getting home after getting wet from the rain, and getting changed and warm again? yum.
I didnt do much when i got in, i watched the reading/leeds coverage on bbc3, and just really was bummed out that i didnt go this year. And its wierd cause really i only really want to see the killers, i think the other headliners are a bit rubbish.
But really i was just a bit sad, cause it was just at that time where dusk is setting in, but the sky still has a tiny bit of light left, and the all the fairground and shops and those lightbulb strings they have to light the campsite paths would have been all lit up, and people are stumbling back to the tent to get some food made on a rubbish camping stove, and then use the horrible smelly toilets, and then get changed cause its coming in cold. Ahhh. Definately the best time of the day at festivals that little day time to night time transition. Aw my heart feels all warm just thinking about it. Its wierd, its not like im even a hardcore festival goer, iv only been to the last two leeds, but it does feel wierd not being there, and its wierd that its a weekend early this year (i think)
It was mainly reading coverage on tv, as always, and its wierd seeing on tv, its just in the middle of a city, its really odd watching a festival with towerblocks and stuff in the background. Not that i have anything against Reading, i think the mini rivalry thing is a good laugh, i dont think anyone really takes it seriously. I would feel so out of place there though i think. I wonder if Reading has a wheelbarrow of death? Haha. Aww Leeds I MISS YOU!
Anyway i watched Friendly Fires on the coverage, id not heard them before and the one song they played seemed alright, however, the frontman was so wierd, he was doing this really odd 80's dad dance, like, it was as if someone has once told him he had a nice arse and now he's like "wow really? Im
so gonna wave my arse around as much as possible from now on". Hahah AND for some reason he had rolled the bottom of his jeans up, and was wearing these just plain black patent leather shoes, minus socks for some reason, it just looked really really bizzare. The wierd thing is though, it showed you Vampire Weekend later on and one of the guys was wearing a very similar style, maybe its the new in thing? Is it something to do with Readings site being so wet they have to roll their trouser bottoms up? Maybe its some strange ode to Michael Jackson?
I did like one thing i seen though, i noticed a lot of boys in bands wearing those three-quarter sleeved shirts. I dont know what to say, except that im a total sucker for those shirts on a boy. Long sleeves, fine, short ones, whatever. But in between? Yes please.
Anyway back to Friendly Fires, they sounded good but just looked like twats, and there was another band i thought looked like twats but i cant remember who now. Just one of them was wearing sunglasses inside. What the fuck. He was wearing a scarf too but seeing as it was probably cold and they are sort of outdoors he can get away with that. Thats why i love Fyfe Dangerfield, i reckon he'd probably think the same thing. Just cause at the newcastle gig when i seen em, he produced a pair of sunglasses before a song, i cant remember which one now annoyingly enough, and he said "this song requires these". Haha so he was obviously having a bit of a laugh and that. It just bugs me when people wear sunglasses inside. Man.
Im having a bit of a look a like day today, iv seen three look a likes. I think their the kind of look a likes only i would get though, and if i pointed it out to anyone else, they'd just snigger and go "err bianca he looks nowt like him", but anyway. The first one was when, actually the first one is kind of a two in one deal. First i thought the guy from MGMT looked a lot like Jack White, and then i thought the guy from Fratelli's looked like him too. Then i thought arse guy from Friendly Fires looked a bit like Zach Condon out of Beirut, and then there was a guy on big brother's big mouth (why was i watching that, god only knows) who i thought really reminded me of Sam Herlihy.
Ohhh well. Anyway moving on, im gonna end this soon, i feel like iv been writing it for ages. And im going to change my layout cause i dont like it that much, it makes the blogs look like long skinny newspaper columns.
Before i go though, I seen an advert on bbc3 for a programme called, actually i dont remember what it was called, but it was along the lines of "would you trust the groom to plan your wedding?" and it just showed this dosey looking woman going "i am not dressing up as a pirate for the wedding!" Hahah i would think it was fucking hilarious if i left my groom tobe to plan the wedding and he had us getting married dressed as pirates. Haha ahh.
Ok before i go, here's some pictures of the chocolate cake i made yesterday. Its soo good, its so chocolatey that i havent been able to finish a full slice in one go (yet) Which is how a proper chocolate cake should be in my humble opinion. When my mam makes chocolate cakes she insists on just whipping cream for the centre, but what sort of chocolate cake would that make? Not a very good one i dont think!