For the first time in a while the sun has shone for a few days in a row. On Thursday me and my mam went to Ropner park, we took some food but it wasnt a proper picnic cause we didnt sit on the grass with a quilt. Or have a lot of food, just some sandwiches and tangerines and some muller rice. It was nice though, apart from the vast amounts of kids, i dont mind kids but sometimes i just cant be arsed, i forgot it was the summer holidays now. It didnt annoy me too much though. I seen this family with 2 cocker spaniel puppies, they were so gorgeous, iv been banging on to my mam loads recently about how much i want one, maybe that'll help persuade her. Then as if by magic, these two girls came past with a tiny puppy pug, aww their soo lovely, I guess they could be put in the same category as paris hilton dogs, but i think they're way better than those annoying little ratty dogs. Its wierd cause theres a handfull of animals i keep going on and on about to my mam, trying to get her to cave in and say "oh right, if you shut up we'll get one" And pugs and cocker spaniels and amongst them. Awe.
Anyway, we were sat on a bench by the lake/pond, and this crazy lady came along.

She had this carrier bag full of some sort of seed/grain, and she was feeding the 2 swans and their baby, proper talking to them, she was on the verge of a full on conversation with em haha and she kept swearing and shouting at the geese that were trying to get in on the food. She just walked off with her dog after that, which was a pleasant suprise, cause usually the brown family attract all the wierdo's.
The next day we walked down the river to the barrage with the dog, we ended up staying out ages as well cause it was just so nice. Roxy had a swim.

Later that day, like in the evening, we took the dogs to my grandads just to check up on the house and walk them while we were at it. We got there pretty much at 6 on the dot, cause we'd went straight to my aunties that day rather than wait for her to come and pick us up, so we were about 10 minutes earlier getting to my grandads that usual. Anyway, that isnt the point, the point is that that 10 insignificant minutes made us pull into the road the same time as the hot boy that lives in my grandads street. I guess he gets home from work at that time, I think he lives with his mam too. Iv only seen him a handfull of times, but he is beautiful. I once seen him washing his car, and he was wearing a ramones t shirt. Maybe we should get there 10 minutes early more often.
A bit after that we were walking the dogs and my auntie says something like "your legs are a bit pasty bianca". I was like whut. I got propa paranoid then, well not paranoid enough to stop wearing dresses and want to run out and get some fake tan. But i just thought, i dont think my legs are pasty at all, iv never even thought of using fake tan, even on nights out, in fact iv always been inwardly quite smug that thousands of girls are spending so much time money and effort on sunbeds and lotions, but i get it naturally. Iv got quite a olive skin colour thanks to my dad, its not too dark but definately darker than most english people.

Although wading in the sea today i did notice when hitching my dress up that the tops of my legs are lighter than the bottoms, maybe iv developed a slight tan the last couple of days with it being so sunny. I'll have to keep photographing my legs for the duration of the summer ha.
While i was taking photo's of my legs in my miffed state, i decied to take some bedroom shots. Mainly to embarass myself enough to do something about it, but partly cause we're moving house soon and i like my bedroom the way it is, and want to re-create the new one the same.
I figured that since we're moving probably in a matter of weeks, there's no point in tidying my room anymore, Thus -

Not too bad at first glance, however when you get past the doorway, things only go downhill.

Its a disgrace, i know. Im just so rubbish at keepin my room tidy. Every so often i go clean freak and just tidy and fold everything away, but within 2 weeks its a fucking mess again. This is definately the worst its been though, cause that second wardrobe is filled with clothes i dont really wear but that i havent got around to sorting out yet. But sometimes i put the odd item in there that i do wear, and then when i want it, i have to rummage through all the crap. And the other day i realised that my clothes seem to be dissapearing, and i was really annoyed cause i was looking for one thing and i couldnt find it anywhere, and in a rage, i just pulled everything out of that wardrobe thinking that i'd looked everywhere else, to that must be the only place it could be. So now theres just clothes strewn all over the floor.
My shoes are all in order at least

I Cant wait to move, i'll be able to sort out what i want and what to throw away, in other stuff, not just clothes. My windowsill is full of crap -

Earmuffs! Its the middle of summer! That white thing is a vest i put in the wash with black jeans and now is all funny coloured, and the bear is money box that's been empty for a loooong time.
But dont forget to take into account, My mirror ball!

I had to attatch it with red wool, cause thats all i could find at the time. I shone a torch on it a few months ago though, and it did look ace. Iv got the moving part for it, but i dont know how to work out the light part. I'll work it out at the new house.
So thats my mirrorball, this is my mirrorwall
Isnt that mirror great, its from my grandads house, i dont think its especially valuable, but it makes my bedroom feel a bit like a stately home. I cant remember what was on the telly.
Err anyway im getting tired now. Tomorrow im going to the beach with my mam and auntie and the dogs, We went today and it was hella foggy, but when we got back to the main road it was clear there, which was wierd. Iv never ever been to the beach and its been foggy it was really wierd, especially with it being hot too. Here's a picture of the carpark entrance, It looked so cool in reality though, it was like a horror film, oooh!
So yeah, beach tomorrow if its sunny and nice that is. woooo.
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