Anyway, get on with it.
Iv been watching loads of plane crashes on youtube. I heard about that spanish plane crash today and it set me off. Im not being sick, just, i cant imagine how horrific it must be to die that way. I dont know why i kept watching them, i find it quite sick that people have gone to the trouble of making crash montages. Then again, i guess im not much better by watching them. I dunno, i guess what they say is true, you cant look away from a crash. God it just totally fucks with your head watching these videos, knowing that your watching people die. That is definately the worst way to go, i cant believe how scared those poor people must have been. There's one thats just burnt into my head forever.

There's just something about that one that i find worse than most of the others. Maybe you have to see the video to understand it. Just after that shot it just nosedives into the floor. Its such a wierd looking plane too, its wings seem to be equally as skinny as the body. Kind of reminds me of a big daddy longlegs, or maybe i find it worse cause its a passenger plane. Urgh i dont know. All of the above. Poor poor fucking bastards. I dont even know what crash it was. Its just fucking terrible. Im probably gonna have nightmares tonight.
Yeesh, way to depress everyone bianca. Yeah that was a pretty rubbish start to a blog wasnt it?
Im moving house soon, finally. At first i didnt want to cause im sick of moving all the time, but then i realised how shit this area is and was really excited for moving. But i got up today to find my mam and auntie had boxed up loads of stuff, so now im back to being sick of packing. I just hate the inbetween stage where your stuff is everywhere, and you get out of the bath and realise that your arms are really dry and when you ask for the vaseline moisturizer your mam says "err i think its in them boxes" so you go to the boxes only to find their sellotaped up and you cant be bothered rooting through them or going upstairs for the dove moisturizer so you get dead pissed off and end up having to put sun cream on instead. Bad fucking times.
Nah generally im looking forward to moving though. But today i was reading this and i thought, fuck, what if the new house is haunted? Im such a pussy i dont think i'd be able to handle it. Sometimes i think i'd like something to happen, or see something, just as proof or just to be able to say that i had, but actually i dont think i would, it'd just scare the shit out of me too much. I dont know how people dont just faint when scary stuff happens. When we used to go to my cousins when they lived in their old house, they used to tell us loads of stories about things that'd happened there, i dont know how much was exaggerated or made up just to scare us, but that house was definately creepy, just something about it, i hated being on my own in any rooms there. Nothing ever happened when i was there like, apart from when i was playing with the kids in their yard and their two dogs started running around in circles barking their heads off, looking at something that wasnt even there. Hmm.
If our house turned out like that, i dunno, i definately wouldnt be able to stay in it on my own.
Hhaha urghh anyway.
I wanted to watch sex and city tonight, but my mam and auntie were watching big brother. What a shower of shite. Satc is repeated on saturdays but knowing me, i'll have forgot about it untill the last 5 minutes grrr.
Righty O im bored now. Adios
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