In conclusion, my head is knackered. My sinuses have been fooked for 3 days, and yesterday i must have sneezed about 35 times. I think today though the sneezes have been replaced by coughing. Its weird cause i don't really have a cold, its just my sinuses, its horrible. Blocked nose is probably my number 1 most annoying thing ever which is why I'm hating this so much! I would happily exchange this for a sore throat and aching body. I keep finding tissues all over, i was wearing an outfit yesterday that didn't have pockets, so i kept having to stuff them up my sleeves, then when i got undressed for bed, i found a tissue stuffed in the waistband of my tights, that i have no recollection of putting there aha. Actually, after a night out i had at the weekend i came home and when i was undressing found a single furry antler stuffed in my tights waistband. Maybe i should stop wearing tights.
But never mind, i have a pack of tunes and a few sachets of lemsip, which is surprisingly not as rank as i expected. I'm not sure how i can taste it actually, i ate a banana yesterday and i couldn't taste it at all, it was really weird, not being able to taste, its never happened to me before. I love food, I'd be proper gutted if i could never taste anything ever. I'm pretty sure some people have a condition where they cant taste. Unlucky.
I trying to pack in as many blogs as i can before new years, dunno why really, i think its cause i badly need to tidy my room before my auntie and cousin and second cousins all get here later on, and iv been putting it off for aaages. Less than 12 hours till 2008 is finito, i cant fucking wait, this year has been proper gash. Nothing exciting happened at all, i had a shitty birthday cause nobody really seemed that interested in doing anything, so i just ended up sitting at home trying to get drunk on the dregs of a bottle of peach snapps, whilst listening to Avril Lavigne. I didn't get a job, or a hot nice boyfriend, or a kitten, didn't go to Leeds festival this year, the summer was shitty weather, i didn't run away to join the circus, i hardly kept any of my new years resolutions that i made, i moved house - yet again! Gah it was all just shit. On the bright side, at least i didn't break any bones or get any horrible diseases so that's something i suppose! I was talking about new years on msn last night, and i miss-typed and said i couldn't wait for "2009" to fuck off already, i meant to type 08. I think that means iv basically jinxed myself for all of next year, uh oh.
Actually though, there has been a few mint highlights this year. Seeing TSDOLE with Laura at the cluny and then ending up going out with them afterwards, that was a fucking class night. Middlesbrough Music Live was a good one, the day was pretty average but seeing Dan Le Sac in the empire was definitely a good moment it was so much fun, and then after being in the empire for the last part of the night, and bumping into people I'd not seen for ages, and hanging out with Laura and Paul. And then all deciding at about 4am to walk home to Stockton, because we were all wearing comfy flat shoes, and were still drunk and it was light nights. That was a really fun night, we found a football on the way home and kicked it about before someone kicked it over a fence, then we did the The Beatles pose on a zebra crossing. And seeing the Smashing Pumpkins in Manchester at the start of the year was pretty cool as well. And falling in love with a Belgian acrobat during Stockton festival, ahhh. So yeah, it wasn't all rubbish and boring.
In conclusion, my head is knackered. My sinuses have been fooked for 3 days, and yesterday i must have sneezed about 35 times. I think today though the sneezes have been replaced by coughing. Its weird cause i don't really have a cold, its just my sinuses, its horrible. Blocked nose is probably my number 1 most annoying thing ever which is why I'm hating this so much! I would happily exchange this for a sore throat and aching body. I keep finding tissues all over, i was wearing an outfit yesterday that didn't have pockets, so i kept having to stuff them up my sleeves, then when i got undressed for bed, i found a tissue stuffed in the waistband of my tights, that i have no recollection of putting there aha. Actually, after a night out i had at the weekend i came home and when i was undressing found a single furry antler stuffed in my tights waistband. Maybe i should stop wearing tights.
But never mind, i have a pack of tunes and a few sachets of lemsip, which is surprisingly not as rank as i expected. I'm not sure how i can taste it actually, i ate a banana yesterday and i couldn't taste it at all, it was really weird, not being able to taste, its never happened to me before. I love food, I'd be proper gutted if i could never taste anything ever. I'm pretty sure some people have a condition where they cant taste. Unlucky.
I trying to pack in as many blogs as i can before new years, dunno why really, i think its cause i badly need to tidy my room before my auntie and cousin and second cousins all get here later on, and iv been putting it off for aaages. Less than 12 hours till 2008 is finito, i cant fucking wait, this year has been proper gash. Nothing exciting happened at all, i had a shitty birthday cause nobody really seemed that interested in doing anything, so i just ended up sitting at home trying to get drunk on the dregs of a bottle of peach snapps, whilst listening to Avril Lavigne. I didn't get a job, or a hot nice boyfriend, or a kitten, didn't go to Leeds festival this year, the summer was shitty weather, i didn't run away to join the circus, i hardly kept any of my new years resolutions that i made, i moved house - yet again! Gah it was all just shit. On the bright side, at least i didn't break any bones or get any horrible diseases so that's something i suppose! I was talking about new years on msn last night, and i miss-typed and said i couldn't wait for "2009" to fuck off already, i meant to type 08. I think that means iv basically jinxed myself for all of next year, uh oh.
Actually though, there has been a few mint highlights this year. Seeing TSDOLE with Laura at the cluny and then ending up going out with them afterwards, that was a fucking class night. Middlesbrough Music Live was a good one, the day was pretty average but seeing Dan Le Sac in the empire was definitely a good moment it was so much fun, and then after being in the empire for the last part of the night, and bumping into people I'd not seen for ages, and hanging out with Laura and Paul. And then all deciding at about 4am to walk home to Stockton, because we were all wearing comfy flat shoes, and were still drunk and it was light nights. That was a really fun night, we found a football on the way home and kicked it about before someone kicked it over a fence, then we did the The Beatles pose on a zebra crossing. And seeing the Smashing Pumpkins in Manchester at the start of the year was pretty cool as well. And falling in love with a Belgian acrobat during Stockton festival, ahhh. So yeah, it wasn't all rubbish and boring.

Middlesbrough music live street drinking

Pre stalking of Belgian acrobat

stalking Belgian acrobat
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