Tuesday 25 January 2011


Hola. I'm sitting curled up on the sofa, the fire warming one side of me very nicely, my oversized jumper warming the rest of me very nicely. It all felt very atmospheric and cosy, 23 minutes past four on a January afternoon, the tea-time gloom setting in. Till just a few seconds ago when my mam got up and put the light on. Snapping me out of my reflective mood somewhat. I fear this post can only go downhill from now on. 100 watt bulbs will do that to you.

Anyway, I've been to the library with my mam today, I have a book thats due back tomorrow, I had planned on finishing it and taking it back today but I just got it renewed instead. While I was at the library I was struck with the urge to read The Shining, because the film is mint and I'm kind of in the mood lately, to be scared. But it wasn't there. I'll try next time. I also got out the diary of Anne Frank, because how could I resist reading the diary of someone else? I've had a little flip through and her writing is very smart, very coherent, very mature. She was 13, and her writing is about a hundred times better than mine. Anyway it seems interesting and I'm looking forward to reading it. Also got one called "frozen in time" about the franklin expedition, I've not heard of it before but it sounds interesting and very mysterious, all I know is that it was some expedition from the 1800's and somehow they all died. Is about it, I think. Also it had this on the cover -

Frozen scary mummy corpse. There are worse pictures in the book, and worse still photos on google images if you type in "franklin expedition" which I kind of wish I hadn't done, but they intrigue me and terrify me in equal measure.

After leaving the library we stopped off at cooplands for cake, it was pretty late though and there were no chocolate toffee danishes left, so I got a large bun thing with pink icing and cream and jam in the middle and with a glace cherry on top. The woman who worked there was dead nice, asked if I was eating it now, so she could figure out how to package it, and when I said no she said "ahh saving it to eat at home eh" and then said "I'll pick you the biggest one". I didn't argue. It was very tasty, I could only eat half of it, the other half is in the fridge ready for me to scoff later. And rest assured, scoff it later I certainly will.

The party I mentioned in the last post was great, but thats a post for another day.

Someone on facebook the other day posted a link to threewords.me. I had heard of it before but not been bothered about having one myself, the same for formspring, cause usually they're just a magnet for drama. But it got me re-thinking it, and I decided it would be fun, and I am nosey, so I've gone ahead and got me some.



Purely for the purpose of blogging experimentation you understand. I'm not keeping them for long, maybe a week or so, cause they're pretty gay really. I might keep the formspring, depending on how it goes, cause I do like answering questions. So there you go, bombard me with writing, if you feel so inclined.

Also, lastly, remember my agony bianca thing? That question I answered, I dunno if it really was a genuine question, but if it was, this is a little plea to the person who put forward their question, What happened with the boy? Do let me know please! Anyone else who has a question for agony bianca, fire away.

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