Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Friday, 28 October 2011
me again
Anyway the large gap has coincided with my getting my first first proper, grown up, full time job. Also as of 16 minutes ago, its pay day, and I have been waiting (impatiently) for what seems like a long time, but I am happy and excited about both the job and the pay. More on that later.
Actually other than the job and work related stuff, I don't have much else to report on. I'm dressing up for Halloween twice, due to payday only being now though, and having to dress up tomorrow for the first event, i am going to be rushing around at the last minute putting it all together. I think it'll be okay in the end though. Might hollow out a pumpkin. I love Halloween. Need to squeeze in a viewing of Halloween the film too. Ooh!
Its 00.32, I haven't been both awake and at home at this time in what feels like months, its a bit weird, nice to know that some things haven't changed though, and I am getting the familiar late night hunger pangs, of course, always after I've already brushed my teeth.
Right I'm gonna go because tired and hungy is not a great combo.
Till next time...
Friday, 26 August 2011
confusing apple eating experience
Left an apple, the other day, in very close proximity to a strawberry and cream scented yankee candle. Tonight seemed a good one to eat the apple, and as I was munching away I kept getting the smell of strawbcreams. I knew that it must've been from the candle, but my brain couldn't process that the smell of a candle could penetrate an apple. Quite strange, I kept expecting my apple to taste like the smell but it never did.
The point is, keep apples away from smelly candles.
Earlier on I was reading the TV guide in the hope of discovering something good to watch tonight, when up popped a Spanish film called "Bad education". A very vague bell started ringing in the back of my head, and further research confirmed that I actually knew of it.
The first time non-skippable trailers on a DVD have ever been useful, I remember seeing it a couple of times on one of my doovds and thinking that I'd like to see it. GGB is in drag, which lead me to believe it was some sort of comedy, but further research tells me its some sort of drama about sexual abuse. Anyway I reckon it'll be good and its starting shortly so I shall say goodnight.
Saturday, 20 August 2011
He's the only one who knows the words
Trying real hard that is, to resist posting more youtube videos on my page. I am managing pretty well, but I just wanted to babble about how much I am in love with a song this week.
Beirut - The Peacock
I cant stop listening to it, its so so gorgeous. The melodic voice of Zack Condon just does something to me, there just aren't enough letters in the alphabet for me to explain how stunning it is. Ohh Zach!!
Anyway, there you go, Beirut - The peacock. Get on it.
Back on track
I haven't sorted out my photos yet, so I'll come back to the whole wedding shebang in another post. In summary, it was less interesting than I had expected weddings to be, but it was still lovely overall.
More interestingly though, my cousins live in Pontefract, where, fact fans, I discovered is home to the very large and very delicious smelling Haribo factory. I was quite confused the first couple of times we went into the town centre because all you can smell in the air is Haribo and its amazing. Here in Stockton town centre the only smell that lingers on the air is chemicals or horse shit.
There was also a large looking shop named "Hariboland" but unfortunately I didn't get to go in.
This was really a pretty dull and pointless post wasn't it? I only just realised that I had nothing of much substance to write about, except to say that tomorrow is Sunday and we're going on another countryside picnic. I hope the weather is as sunny as today and I can wear my summer dress.
Here's a photo of me trying to snuggle my cousins dog, unsuccessfully as you can see.
Toodle pip old beans.
Friday, 19 August 2011
Saturday, 13 August 2011
Happy dress
I've never been to a wedding before, so I am mega excited! I hope I don't cry...
So my cousin is only 18 (I think, maybe she's 19 now) I'm really happy for her, but I'm finding it hard to process, because as we were all growing up, her and her brothers were the closest things I had to siblings and I can't believe that now she's a grown up. We weren't especially close though, we didn't see each other all that much cause they all live in Castleford. I have so many funny memories of them when they were kids, I just can't grasp that they are grown up now. I can still see her as one of those kids who's hair never seems to grow till they're about 7, with no front teeth, telling us about what she had for school dinner that day (beef, if you're interested).
We're going up to their place tomorrow morning and I think we're staying till Wednesday or Thursday.
I've been really excited about the whole getting dressed up for a wedding. I bought a lovely dress off ebay, planned my whole outfit, make up, jewellery, shoes, hair style.
Here's a sneaky peek at my dress-
Thats all folks.
Blue blue electric blue
About a year ago, I came across a horrible shade of blue nail varnish in my house. I knew it wasn't mine, and I knew it was old, so it must've been my mams from yonks ago. I tried it on, as you do, and it became one of the many things I come across in life that I know isn't particularly nice but I really love.
So after a while I realized that I should try and get some more, so I spent quite a while looking for a perfectly matched shade, but to no avail. In the end, I settled for the closest I could get, which turned out a lot more of a bright electric primary blue (miss sporty). Turns out I like it possibly even more than the original 80's bottle. It was cheap as chips, lasts for ages, and the quality is ace.
It just really pops against my skin tone, and I've been wearing it pretty much non stop for at least a couple of months.
Also I've had a few complete strangers, (and the little girl who lives in my street) compliment me on it, which is nice!
In conclusion, blue is an excellent colour for nails and I don't understand why I haven't seen anyone else wearing it.
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Sunday funday
Nowadays we don't do that much any more but my mam and auntie and me went out for a Sunday mooch last week and I really enjoyed it. It was a nice day, and the first time my legs had been out in weeks. We stopped off at Barnard castle to get ice creams and have a look around (theres a proper class second hand book shop there that I LOVE).
They said that when I was a kid, whenever we used to go there they would take me to splash about in my little swimming costume in the paddling pool. Its still there today, but its empty and dirty and all the kids that were there that day were preoccupied by the play park.
We sat there though, to eat the ice creams and got nostalgic.
I guess some teenagers had also been keeping a bit of nostalgic tradition alive here too, can't beat a crudely graffitied penis can you?
Anyway after that we hopped into the car and drove to what I thought was a town but was actually a picnic area called, I think, Bowlees. My mam had been going on about it for ages because my Nana and grandad used to take my mam and auntie there when they were kids, and then they all took me when I was a kid. We reckoned though that the last time we were there, I would have been about 4.
It was just one of those beautiful typical English countryside places, with a little stream and a waterfall. It really was a gorgeous place though. We stopped and had a damn fine picnic, my mam attempted to do some bird spotting and then we all walked up stream.
Where we came to the first of two waterfalls,
There is a photo floating around somewhere, of me and my grandad in front of this waterfall, in this exact spot. I guess it was a little sad, having the reenactment alone, but it was a cool opportunity to re-do it 20 years later!
I was laughing in this one because as my auntie was taking the photo, a family came around the corner and caught us mid-photoshoot haha.
We walked a little further after that, up some steps and to another bigger waterfall. We couldn't get any further than that, so we turned on our heels and went back.
So there it is, my lovely Sunday.
I hope that next time we go coast-wards instead. I do love the countryside but my heart is always at the beach. Better get putting in my requests!
Saturday, 6 August 2011
German English Japanese, all the sand in all the seas
Its fucking mint, as are the band. (Devotchka, that is)
So aside from that, turns out I was completely worrying about nothing in regards to my last post. The boss was totally fine, way finer than I thought she was gonna be about it it. So I guess thats a lesson for me to not worry about things that I get worried about.
I don't really have much else to add tonight, its been a pretty damn miserable day today, rain filled for the most part, and quite thundery but I'm always down for a good bit o thunder & lightening.
I'm quite tired on account of eating far, far too much nutella late last night and consequently waking up at about 7am with a massive belly-ache. Hahah, another lesson for me, and for you actually, don't eat nutella from the jar with a spoon late at night.
Bish bash bosh.
Thursday, 4 August 2011
I'm pretty sure they were mating, they were there a long time. Nothing strange or unusual about two bee's getting on it, I hear you cry.
But it is strange, I think, when one is really huge and one is really small.
If anyone knows whats going on here, give us a shout.
I just procrastinated so much that when I had almost ran out of things to procrastinate (eat a slice of pizza, listen to smashing pumpkins, read other blogs) I googled procrastinate, to make sure I was spelling it right, and then read the wikipedia page on it.
I procrastinated writing this blog, because afterwards I have to go to bed, which means it'll be no time till I wake up and go to work, where I'll be handing in my notice. And that, is what this is all about. I'm very nervous about it.
I've been meaning to quit my job for a while, because its rubbish and I'm only there temporary and I don't get a decent amount of hours. Also because I'm going to my cousins wedding in two weeks and end of the road festival at the end of the month, and I'd never get the time off for them.
I mentioned before that I was applying to a casino, well the group interview was actually a lot of fun and I really enjoyed it. I came away actually really wanting the job (before I went to the interview, I was totally unsure). They said we'd hear back in a week, or maybe a little more. So I waited and waited and didn't hear anything. Then on Monday I got a call, as far as I can gather its only a call back, and I'm having a one to one interview next week. Which is good news for me.
Even if I don't get the casino gig, it will be my excuse out of there. I'm planning on telling them that I applied ages ago and didn't think I would hear back from them, and have been offered the job, hence handing in my weeks notice. The reason I'm worrying so much about it is because my boss had a bit of a chat with me last week, and basically she booked me in two weeks holidays in September and upped my hours to 16 from my official 8, because of some boring reasons you don't want to read about. At this point I knew I wouldn't be staying that long, but hadn't figured out the details so my tiny mind just thought "yeah ok just go along with her for now".
So I'm worried I'll look like a bit of a dodgy character and she'll think "why did she let me give her more hours and holidays when she's leaving". This is where my "Just been offered a job" lie comes in, hopefully it'll just look like I only just found out about it.
I'm also worried because the rotas are already up for the next 2 weeks and I had been down for 20 hours to cover 2 people who are on holiday. Urgh I'm just stressing about it. I'm going to be nervous as hell tomorrow.
My coping mechanism, with things like this, anything thats worrying me or that i'm not looking forward to, is to just think "this time tomorrow/next week/mont, it'll all be over with"
Which does help a little bit!
I'm currently having a hot flush, I don't know if its cause I'm bugging out, or because the pizza I just ate had jalapenos on, or maybe because its just a fucking humid night.
Anyway, god, what a boring blog post, sorry! Needed to get it all out y'know.
Better stuff next time,
wish me luck, T'rah!
Monday, 1 August 2011
Also it feels wrong referring to an older man as "hot". Sometimes I don't like the word hot to describe people at all, so from now on I will refer to him as beautiful bed man.
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Long time no posty
I don't have much to report on, though that's never really stopped me rambling on here before.
I just watched the lovely bones, and I totally bawled my eyes out at the end. There used to be a time, many a year ago, when I could watch films that were of the "weepy" variety, and be able to regain a natural steely composure. No desire to cry at all. That all changed the first time I watched the green mile at around 13 and I've never been able to keep a dry eye at anything remotely sad since. I had always put this down to the green mile being so heartbreaking and thus opening the floodgates forever. It just occurred to me right now though, that it was probably just a natural thing, teenage hormones and all that, and it was probably written in the stars that I would be a crier. I accept that I will always cry at sad films.
Didn't expect to cry so much about the bones though, when it started getting to the sad part at the end, I thought "alright, it'll probably be around the 3 mark on the crying scale". In hindsight, (can you still have hindsight even though it was only about 20 minutes ago?) though, it ended up being around an 8.
I'm undecided about how good I thought it was though, it was quite good just apart from a couple of things like how the father suddenly just realized it was the neighbour just by seeing him in a photo and looking at his dead rosebush. Maybe the book will be better though, I bought it ages ago and haven't got around to starting it yet and it was the whole reason I wanted to watch the film.
Anyways, I didn't mean to write this much about what a massive crybaby I am, so I'll leave this here.
Before I go, I would like to share this photo of graffiti that someone scrawled on the back gate of my grandads house. Its already amongst my favourite.
Saturday, 9 July 2011
What a cracker
On one of my days off this week me and my friend took her little girl to the park. Kids are so brilliant aren't they? The way they interact with each other, the wonder with which they view everything, I'd love to see the world through a child's eyes for an hour. If only we were all as fearless as they! Anyway, starting to get all sentimental here.
The point is we fed the ducks, I had just as much fun on the play park as she did, and we all got quite wet but took refuge in the bandstand (which would have been even better if there had been a brass band in there too). We made it just in time, the rain proper bounced down for a while, then when it stopped we made a break for home.
Then at around 10 that night we had a little storm, got a pretty good view from my window. I properly love thunderstorms. There were some pretty exciting flashes of forked lightening, but the storm never got huge, and passed over as storms are wont to do.
Today though, there was a bigger one while I was at work, re-filling cards and wearing a stupid goddamn hat that wouldn't stay on my head. The rain was heavier, then it got even heavier, the sky got darker, the thunder lasted longer, and then just when I thought it couldn't possibly rain any harder, it rained even harder. I was delighted of course, but the location of the shop meant I couldn't get a good view of the sky so missed the lightening (I was supposed to be working anyway so didn't get to stand and watch) Anyway, the rain stayed pretty hard, but the storm was passing over, I could tell it was on its way out, when it decided to go out with a bang. There was a massive thunderbolt, even though the others had been big, but this one was of proper biblical proportions, Zeus was PISSED. I actually ducked when I heard it, you could feel everything shuddering and shaking. I genuinely thought something very close by had been struck. It was so good!!
In stormy conclusion, I'm really hoping for more massive ones in the next few days, because I love storms only 1% less than I love kissing.
Moving on, its around 3 weeks till payday, I'v tried not to spend much on myself from last months wages and its gone alright really, but I couldnt resist buying these little earrings, they were in the sale and only £2.
Aren't they sweet? (Aren't they tweet? ho ho ho!)
And finally
Two things before I make like a banana and split
Item A - I'm watching "dark waters" and have concluded that I would love to live on Roosevelt Island (as well as Eel pie island, but thats a post for another day)
Item B - My auntie gave me a big bag of rainbow drops the other day, I broke into them tonight and nearly ate the whole lot. Forgot how tasty good they are.
Friday, 1 July 2011
The only bearded man I have ever loved.
But he really made an impression on me, I remember there was just something about him that just instantly made me want to hang out with him.
So really I guess that covers it, I figured I should make my 200th post about something nice.
Those of you that know me, know I have a longgg list (I was going to say a list as long as my arm, but my arm isn't actually that long) of people I lust after.
Nadal, my long running teenage crush on Alex Zane, my one and only girlcrush on Eva Green, the belgian acrobat I fell in love with (ha ha bet you never thought you'd hear about him again!) Louie's theroux and garrel, and many many more.
However, I would choose Fyfe over all of those, I seriously would. He's the only person who I'm genuinely a little bit in love with.
Even though he has a beard, he is still the single, most beautiful person I've ever seen.
He's wearing a suit, oh God.
Friday, 24 June 2011
I'm alive!
I've had quite a grumpy day today. Work issues, you know. In fact everything about work in the last couple of months has absolutely pissed me off. I'll try to derail the oncoming train of just ranting for ages about it by first and foremostly apologizing for being one of those whiny bastards who always complains about work, and secondly, by disregarding all that and going ahead and complaining about work anyway.
Its happened a lot that I've turned up at work and they've said "oh you're not in today" or again like today when I breezed through the door at 10am for my shift "oh you're not in till 2" when I'm certain enough that I'd bet a limb on the fact that last time I was in she told me I was working at 10. Then there was the time a few weeks ago when my boss called me on a Sunday and basically bollocked me for not being there. I had no idea I was supposed to be in that day, and she was a total bitch about it and made me feel like shit. I did start to wonder if I am being just properly thick about it, but I've honestly never had a job I've had rota problems at all with before. They just like to change them around every fucking day and then not tell you.
Today was payday, I've done loads of hours this month over fathers day, and they've proper dramatically underpaid me and I don't know why so I'm gonna have to sort all that out and they'll probably just end up fucking me over again.
I'm on an ongoing temporary contract, (because everyone at clintons is up the stick) they wont give me more than 8/12 hours a goddamn week, yet they're advertising for more staff for a 16 hour contract. They truly are shitmongers.
Ok, so that's the end of my ranting. I'm desperately trying to claw my way out of the job, but there are no other prospects at the moment. I might get a job in a casino in September if I'm lucky at my group interview session (which I know I declared that I wouldn't go to another one ever again, but this is what clintons has driven me to) at the end of next month.
Anyway onto better things, its Wimbledon season and therefor my thighs are suitably worn down.
Ohhh Rafa, you despicably gorgeous creature!
On the other end of the wimbledon lovelies spectrum, I absoloutely cannot stomach andy murray. Goddd he's just such a fucking wankstain. Tonight I came to the conclusion that the only thing more irritating than andy murray is andy murray fans.
Right anyway that about covers it for now, my next post is my 200th, keep yer eyes peeled!
Thursday, 2 June 2011
I just think everyone should know about this
Its the blog of a girl who takes messages posted in missed-connections sections of new york newspapers, and turns them into beautiful pictures. I think why I love these so much is that the beauty comes not just from the images she creates for them, but that the messages are actual, genuine words that other people have written. The combination of real life and the picture painted for it, just makes them really special to me.
This is my favourite one so far, because when I read the message, I thought to myself that I always wondered the exact same thing. And not just that, it was just worded so beautifully and felt so genuine and seemed so romantic, it really touched me.

I saw you for maybe a second or two.
I've read missed-connections before and wondered why people just didn't say something then and there. Now I understand... perhaps it's because the moment is extraordinary; containing a fullness of its own... and the thought that this person across from me is not a part of my everyday life, and at any second will disappear, didn't even occur to me... it seemed that we were in whatever it was together, and that sort of connection rarely, if ever, happens between strangers, so my mind was a little slow on registering that there would be no "some other time" if neither of us asked for the others phone or email.
Now, hours later, the ripples created by those few tender seconds still gently rock something within me...
and I become a missed-connections poster.
Would you be interested in having tea or going on a ride?
I hope they enchant you as much as they have me.
Saturday, 28 May 2011
However, it has been, the week went fast indeed.
I'm finding it quite difficult to write this, because Dylan yummypants Moran is on TV at the moment, and its neigh on impossible to drag my eyes off him for more than ten seconds at a time.
ANYWAY, I have not blogged in a while, and I'm overdue. This will be a very brief s'boro review, because I can't be bothered getting all the pictures off my camera, so I'll leave you with this one, of me and my auntie and my mam in a cliff lift, because its already on my computer.
A more thorough review to follow shortly.
Friday, 20 May 2011
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Plant fighting, vienetta
So here's the craic, my grandad died a few years ago, a few years after my nana. His house has been up for sale ever since, its not in bad nick (just a bit old fashioned) basically its solid and just needs a few non-major things doing to it. Its been on the market for 3 years and nobody has been interested enough to offer us a decent price. There was a frankly cheeky old whore of a woman who recently offered £55,000 for it which the olds quite rightly immediately declined. Its up for about 70, and before that, at the very beginning it was up for around 90.
Anyway boring house stuff aside, recently my mam and auntie (and my other auntie who doesn't live round here any more but who's been up once or twice to help out) have started giving it a good going over, stripping and painting all the walls, fixing the little bits that needed fixing and all that sort of thing.
Today we tackled the garden. It was miserable and cold and grey and drizzling. In the little square patch of garden in the corner is an old rose bush which is starting to bloom and looks so beautiful, and some honeysuckle my mam had planted years ago. We hacked down the honeysuckle cause it was just crawling all over the roses and generally taking over the area and was all brown and dead underneath anyway. As a result my hands are covered in loads of thorn scratches, those little buggers like to fight you off. This evening I was contemplating how little cuts and scratches are more painful than big ones. Then it occurred to me that I've not really had a big cut or bloody injury, and really that's probably not the case.
On one last gardening note (for this entry at least), yesterday all three of us, plus a handyman my auntie knows who's fixing some things up, were having a tea break in the yard. I was in said square patch with the rosebush, digging up a dandelion with the garden hoe, when I came across one of these. Warning, if you don't like gross things, then don't click this link.
I tentatively picked it up on the end of my hoe, and then not so tentatively dropped it into the middle of the yard for everyones inspection. "What the hell is this?" or something like that, I said. I had never ever seen anything remotely like this at all, my first thoughts were that it was some sort of weird plant bud or a dead cockroach, I guess I knew it wasn't a roach because firstly my grandads house and garden are nice and clean and tidy and secondly I didn't really think we got those big juicy ones even in this country. Still, I knew it wasn't quite right. "Its a cocoon" piped up the handyman. I was impressed! And relieved. And then I felt guilty for sort of dropping it on the floor before I had known what it was. So I tried to put it back where I found it using the hoe and a wallpaper scraper, but let me tell you, those things are tricky to pick up especially when you're scared of handling it and don't want to pick it up with your own fingers. It kept on rolling off, only from a height of a few inches so I knew it wouldn't be damaged, but I obviously "woke" it up or something, cause it started slowly wriggling about. Then I got even more scared. Anyway managed it in the end and all was well and good.
I googled it when I got home and I thiiink, I'm fairly sure its a moth pupae. Sort of disappointing that its not going to be a glorious magnificent monarch butterfly or anything, but I like moths anyway so its still pretty good. How cool are cocoons though? Nature never fails to amaze me with its ingenuity. I checked on it today, it was still there, I hope I didn't kill or damage it. Part of me wanted to put it in a container and bring it home and raise it, but to be honest, I am still scared of it. It does still LOOK like a roach after all.
In other news, my mams friend at her work keeps giving us vienetta. Vienetta is mint, I am very pleased with this development.
Saturday, 14 May 2011
Books and other stuff
The other was don quixote volume 1, which I have no idea about but just picked for its size, age and pretty pattern down the spine .
The last one I got, I would probably have picked up and put back down again, but when I opened it up I seen written inside that it was a book crossing book http://bookcrossing.com/ which excited me. I had visions of it once belonging to a lovely tweed jacket wearing Matthew Chan-esq boy. When I entered the code into the website though, it had only been left by one guy, who's 45, and who's profile picture was of him looking like he needed a hug from David Cameron
Anyway, I'm still pretty excited about it, I'll leave a review and maybe get in touch with the guy after I've read the book.
In other parts of my life, I went to that interview, the guy was alright but I didn't get the job. He called up to tell me on Monday, which in this day and age of job rejections is a very rare thing, but the cynic in me believes wholeheartedly that I was the only rejectee he'd called to let know, because he knows where I work and knows my bosses and doesn't want to look like a cunt in front of them. But oh well, looks like I'm stuck in my lame job for a bit more. Crappy amount of hours but it feels wonderful to have a whole week off between shifts.
In town today with my mam we stopped off at the butchers to buy a joint of lamb for Sunday dinner, later on making idle talk at the checkout I asked my mam if we were having dinner at ours this week rather than my aunties. Then she started going on about how my auntie had been mentioning a trip to Scarborough, this was news to me. I hadn't been there at the time it was discussed, but the long and short of it is that we're going next Sunday instead (I think. I hope) Which got me thinking about how much I love scarborough even though I don't think I've mentioned it before on here. I had this memory, a good few years ago, that had been lurking around in my brain un-remembered since I was a kid, I don't remember what caused it to come flooding back but I'm so glad it did. When my mam and aunties were kids, my nana and grandad used to always take them there on holiday, and when I was born, me too.
Anyway this memory, of my nana sitting playing bingo, in one of the seafront games arcades, you know on those horrible but brightly coloured plastic bingo boards that made such satisfying noises when you clicked the covers across each number. Behind the boards, racks and racks of crappy tacky prizes along a mirrored wall, and someone with a monotone voice slowly calling out the numbers. You know the place. My nana loved bingo. The rest of us wern't so keen so we'd go off and wander around while she stayed playing. I remember I was only a dead young kid, probably about 6 or 7, and in one of the bingo places, for the kids they had this weird little machine, not a game, but just things moved and you watched. I remember it cost 10p a go, and it was, if I remember correctly the facade of a house, like a dolls house, but this one was spooky and haunted. And when you put in your 10p skeletons would come out of the doors and go into other ones. I don't remember if they did anything else, I think maybe you got a prize at the end, something dropped out like a kinder egg toy, in a plastic ball. I loved that thing, I would go on it alllll the time while the bingo was going on. Don't know why it mesmerised me so much, or how I even managed to forget about it all. I was so happy when it came back to me though. I wish there were pictures of it or something. Anyway that's my strange little memory.
One last tale before I go, you may or may not be aware that my mam and auntie are trying to spruce up my grandads empty house. They're decorating it all, to be honest I hate decorating its so damn boring so I've been avoiding it as much as possible. The other week for some reason or other, they wanted to get into the attic. For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to get in that attic. Unfortunately when it came down to it, our ladders were nowhere near long enough, I couldn't even pop my head in so far as to see anything. I've been told repeatedly that its empty, but I thought, WWJD? (What Would Journey Do) and I didn't stop believin'. In my minds eye, the attic was choc full of my nans clothes, my mams old clothes from when she was my age, old books, forgotten family heirlooms, tall old hat stands, big wooden chests, lamps. Just all sorts of stuff.
So anyway, I managed to get the hatch off and shoved aside up the attic hole, but could go no further. We left the hatch off anyway, for my cousin to have a go of getting up (which she didn't) and that was that. For the past week or two, its been open. Today, after I had yet again dodged the decorating, my mam came home and said to me "eeee you'll never guess what happened at grandads tonight" then she told me how they had been decorating and my auntie noticed that the hatch, which had been completely open, was now completely back its its original position. Freaked me right out that did. Theres pretty much no way it could have been done. None of us have touched it, it can't have slipped back into position. The only viable explanation is that the guy who came in to do some plastering work had a mooch around when he had the place to himself, but even that's unlikely. We'll ask him next time we see him, he's one of the neighbours. What a mystery! If it wasn't him, there is literally no explanation for it. My first conclusion that I jumped to was that it was a ghost, my mam just said "I hope theres no one living up there". Not sure which is the scarier prospect. More on that as I find out.
On a final couple of notes, my 200th blog post is coming up, so keep your eyes peeled. My stats page revealed that I recently hit the 7'000 views mark (wow!) and last but not least, here is a photo I took the other day of an exceedingly fluffy white cloud.
I eventually did find my card reader, it was in my converse boot. How it ended up there I have no idea. Then I lost it again, then I found it again on a shelf.
From now on I'll try to write shorter blog posts.
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Time for a shiny new post
I have a job interview tomorrow, today, Friday (friday, gotta get down on friday)
At work last week my boss told me that the manager from a shop thats related to clintons, just up the road, called them to say he had a job going and if they knew anyone... Long story short, interview tomorrow. I really hope I get it, its 16 hours and its permanent. Obviously I would like more hours, but compared to the measly 4 I have now, its most excellente.
Yes, so I hope it doesn't rain on me tomorrow any time before 1pm!
I will now proceed to spam you with images of myself from firstly a lovely day from a couple of weeks ago when it was sunny and I enjoyed myself in the yard, and secondly a couple of days ago when I attempted to curl my hair for the second time (it only lasted half an hour, who do I have to screw to get my curls to last?!)

Doesn't my smile look especially radiant here?
Anyway, this is more of a filler entry until I can be bothered to do a proper and hopefully intereesting one,
Monday, 18 April 2011
Bread knife blues
Also had a dream where I could make myself float. I've had a few dreams the last 6 months or so that I could float or fly, and honestly it feels incredibly cool and amazing and always leaves me disappoined upon waking. Wonder what it means. Probably some bollocks. I don't believe in dream dictionarys.
Oh well yeah anyway, thats all.
Phone finding blues
I've had my little teeny samsung for about 3 and a half years, In human years that'd probably be about 30. In todays world of everyone getting new phones every 6 months, its served me well and I love it almost as much as I loved kitkat chunky peanut butter, but the crack has got bigger, the camera won't take pictures anymore and the mp3's are a bit hit and miss when it comes to playing them.
And so began the task of finding a new one, a task that has been about 25 times harder than I thought it would be.
The first one I came across the other week in the early days of looking for a new phone, before everything go so complicated was a really sweet little model called the LG pop. I was pretty excited about it at first, it was so small! And seemed quite decent. But with further research into other phones, I realised it was really basic, and I got greedy. For not too much extra cash there are phones with a lot more going for them. So with a heavy heart I have resigned the little pop to the reject bin, which is such a shame cause I love the size and shape so much, and if it had a few extra things I'd have been all over it like a wet flannel. But there are a few others that I have my eye on that also look good, and I'd rather pay a little extra for a fair bit more.
I won't go into them all, but one day last week, armed with my mam because I am scared of phone salespeople, I had a quick look around all the phone shops in town. Which was only slightly helpful. Phone sales people are so awful, not personally of course, but it really makes me so uncomfortable going into those places cause they're just so vulture like. Since attacking google post phone shop mooching, I'm ready for another go. Going into town with my mam again tomorrow and this time I'm going to have a more thorough examination of whats about.
There are many things that I'm finding I just can't process about phones these days, its insane. I don't even mean techy wise. For one thing phones are so huge and ugly these days! I know I'm used to my tiny zoolander phone, but some of the ones I've seen have been about the size of, I dunno, something BIG. Giant phones are bad. Also its completely normal for phones now to cost hundreds of pounds. Hundreds and hundreds. For a phone. If I was going to pay 3 months wages for a phone, I would expect it to make me breakfast in bed, give me massages and tidy my room for me. I just don't understand how anyone can think its reasonable to pay that much, or how companies think its reasonable to charge that much. I suppose if you're on a contract maybe it doesn't work out as that expensive, maybe you get a good deal. I dunno, I don't really know anything about it. But anyway, sheesh. Who needs a phone with a 27 million mega pixel camera and sat nav and the ability to play the whole series of tomb raider. Crazy.
Back in the world of all things non phone related, I still have not located my USB thing for my camera, which is even more annoying now because firstly my last 3 posts have been massive walls of text and secondly I've taken so many pictures over the weekend that I want to post. I'll have another hunt for it tonight.
Went for a walk up the river to the barrage with my mam yesterday evening, it'd be a beautiful afternoon and the walk was nice. On the way there we seen a horrible skagy stocktonian woman shouting the most offensive racist sweary abuse at the taxi drivers at the rank, for, I'm assuming, refusing to take her anywhere. (don't blame them). Then got further up the road 5 minutes later to witness the armed response unit and loads of police cars and some incident going down. Police with guns, everyone stopping to look (including us haha!) Dunno what happened in the end, we didn't hang around and not much action was going on. The rest of the walk was trouble free.
Also discovered a new shop in town, possibly about to open, possibly already open. It was so cool, it had just loads of second hand books, for free! They've saved them otherwise going to landfil and you can just go in and donate what you want. What a great idea, absoloutely can't wait to go in.
I had a chill out today about working at Clintons, in regards to all the ranting I did about it in the last post. I still mean everything I said previously. But I know I should be grateful and it could be a lot worse. I could still be jobless, and really I'm so happy that I have one. And theres not one person at work who I don't like, so really I'm a lucky mofo. I'm still on the lookout for anything else though!
Just on a final note, a old man came into work today, to return a single envelope, saying that he'd bought a bundle of cards recently and when he'd wrote them all out, he realized he had one left over. I think thats the sweetest nicest thing I've heard in a very long time. Just a simple little act, I mean I know he probably was just in town anyway, don't think he'd have came down especially just for that one thing. But it really warmed my cockles (whatever cockles are) and he was just so cute. I love old people :)
Friday, 15 April 2011
Back again
Watched Scooby doo at 4pm, lame I know, it was my favourite cartoon as a kid though, and I always love watching them.
A bit later on my mam and auntie and me went doon my grandads house to walk the dog and do some gardening, quite a lot of gardening going on in my life at the moment isn't there!
Last year (or was it the year before that?) from nowhere strawberries started growing in the little bit of garden in my grandads yard. Mostly the slugs got to them before we even discovered them, but we salvaged a few that were untouched. This year though, theres absolutely loads more growing, they've spread quite far out from where they first sprouted from. I'm really happy about this, and am going to try my hardest to stop the garden pests getting them.
Anyway tonight I was weeding out all the weeds, it was really therapeutic, getting them all out, leaving only the strawberry plants and some flowers. I felt a good sense of achievement afterwards, because the weeds were so bad before I tackled them. This is because the bastards next door have that horrible creeping ivy stuff, which has come through to our side. Its an absolute nightmare to get out because its so tough, they're like those jungle vines and I don't doubt for a second that if they were hanging from trees, I could easily swing on them. They were a pain, but I've annihilated most of them.
It was a nice little gardening session, a black cat crossed my path (well, the back wall), we had biscuits, and when I got annoyed at my hair getting in the way, and I had no bobble to tie it up with, I managed in my infinite genius, to locate the old peg bag, and successfully pegged my hair up. It was such a success, and so comfortable, that I am still wearing the pegs in my hair right now, 6 hours later. [pictures here at a later date]
On a final and unrelated note, on Saturday I laid my tartan blanket in my yard and spent a while listening to music whilst wearing a summer dress and carefully picking alllll the seeds from the head of my dead sunflower. I was pretty happy to discover that there was even any in it, glad I was too lazy to cut it down all this time, cause I was going to just going to go out and (get my mam to) buy me some, but I actually had a lot to harvest from last years sunny.
Earlier in the week, in my haste to remove a tasty tasty pizza from the oven, I gave myself a nasty but small burn on the arm. I just kept it under a plaster and all was well. The other day I took it off, and lo and behold, thanks to sitting in the yard that sunny day, I had a little tan mark where the plaster had been. Its faint, but noticeable. I was wearing sun cream as well that day. Only factor 8, and only for about half the time I'd been out because I forgot at first. I didn't think it was even hot enough for sun cream but I thought best to be safe.
Anyway, shutting up now.
Back again.
This is basically about my shitty day. I was, as you may have noticed, not off on the best start to today. Groggy at not being able to find my thing, I know it sounds like nothing, but the lack of posts from me recently stemmed from me not really ever being in the mood to blog lately, and that combined with me being hit with failure the one time I feel really in the mood to start back up, well it filled me with rage.
Anyway, after that me and my mam tootled into town. Her to pay some bills and buy some dog food, and me to go to work. Or so I thought until I got there only to be told I wasn't actually in today. The normal me would giggle, be a little embarrassed and then go on to be pretty chuffed about having the next 4 hours to myself. But this was today me, the grouchy me, the me that was already pissed off.
Clintons can suck my balls. Hard. They fuck me around all the time. I'm only on a four hour contract, and even that's probably not gonna be for the long term. They fucked me over last month by somehow not paying me at the end of it for the few shifts I'd done (that were a lot more than 4hrs p/w and the wages would've been nice because I'd just blown the last of my savings on a festival ticket) Because, I actually don't know because. Some bullshit about "cut off dates".
Basically I'm working a month in hand, which has left me absolutely fucking skint (save for £5.85 in the bank) for 6 weeks. Because here we get paid on the last Friday of the month, and this month has 5 Fridays.
Also 4hours a week would usually mean I can sign on still, but the boss gave me 24 hours one week last month, despite me telling them repeatedly that anything over 15 will mean I have to sign off, which I didn't want to do for a job that I'm getting hardly any hours for and that might drop me at any moment. I should have put my food down here and said no to the hours she'd gave me, this part is entirely my fault. But I just thought I'd way rather work and just sign off, and that I'd get a nice payday (a week or so later, or so I thought) when I got paid.
So I'm getting fuck all job seekers which I could have been doing this entire month so far, and I'm still broke for 2 weeks. Normally I would be fine on my own being skint, I can handle it. I just felt dead tight on my mam, not being able to contribute to anything.
Anyway for now I'm not gonna go off on one too much about the rota till I go in a check it again, cause maybe I did get it wrong. But the last time I was in, was last Friday, and I knew I wouldn't be back in all week and thus I spent an extra long time looking at the rota double checking my one lonesome shift. I even wrote it in my phone at the time so I wouldn't forget. Maybe I looked at the wrong sheet, but I'll find out fo sho tomorro. SO unless I'm a moron and looked at the wrong sheet, it was them being dickheads and changing the rota without telling me. You should see the state of them, 50% of the time when I go to look they're not even in the plastic wallet, and when they are there they're covered in mank where peoples hours have been scribbled out and changed and wrote back in again.
So I left work, I couldn't go straight home because I didn't have a key because I thought I wouldn't be back home till 5 and my mam would be home and I didn't need to. My mam was still in the town, and she infuriatingly never has her fucking mobile on her, despite me telling her to approximately 78.9 times a week. When I finally got home there was a lull in my rage for a while.
If my earlier intended photoblog had worked, you would have seen shiny new pictures of some seeds I bought the other day with money my auntie kindly lent me. And also one of my very newly sprouted sunflowers. After I had changed out of uncomfortable work clothes, I decided maybe to use the afternoon to plant my seeds and flowers. Whilst looking for plant pots in the yard, my mam kindly informs me that she's hogged the two empty plant pots that I had been planning to use. Great. Thanks a lot mam.
One of them had had my chili plant in (before I finally admitted that I could hold on to them no more and that they were indeed dead) so rightfully that should have been mine at least. I don't even know what she planted. Some ugly things no doubt, she has horrible taste in plants. She said "ohh well you can have the big pot". The big one is massive, but also grimy as fuck. I could put up with this, but it has no drainage holes at the bottom, and my particular type of seeds need good drainage so it was totally useless. Why didn't she just plant hers in it, I don't know. Pretty sure bulbs don't give a damn about drainage.
So for the third time of the day, I am screwed over. Ok, I know misplacing something, and attending the wrong things really don't count as being screwed over. However for someone so usually cheery as myself, I suppose its only natural that occasionally things will build up and piss me off. I'm just glad it doesn't happen often.
Thursday, 14 April 2011
The blog that wasn't
However I utterly cannot find the little usb thing I need to transfer my photos over. I have literally hunted high and low in my bedroom looking for it and its absolutely nowhere to be seen. The only explanation left in my mind is that some "mischievous" ghost of some sort has hidden it thinking its being cute and cheeky. Ghost, you are not cute and cheeky. You are pissing me the fuck off.
For the last 20 minutes I've been wandering bedroom and house shouting expletives and angrily telling the ghost that I want my goddamn thing back. To no avail.
If I come back from work to find it neatly placed in the middle of my bed, shit will go down. WHERE THE FUCK IS IT?! urghhh I'm so angry.
Ok, can't type any more, anger rising. Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghhhhhhhh
Well whaddya know
-"Drinking a cup of love tea. I need it!"
'ave a word.
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Lovely university challenge boy
I was idly wandering around my bedroom bored, picking my way through the few remaining bits of floor that were actually visible amongst the piles of clothes scattered around, I guess I got bored after a while, because I plonked myself onto the bed and had a channel hop.
My Tv is always on in these situations, and I know its probably a massive waste of energy having it on when I'm not paying the least bit of notice to it, but I like the atmosphere of it being on. Which is probably a bit weird but not as weird as this post will probably be.
Anyway, as I was passing through 1-5, I got stuck on 2. The last few minutes of university challenge was on, and a wonderful sight befell my eyes. I watched, almost dumbfounded at the beautiful boy from Oxford. Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?!
So there you have it, more or less. His name is Matthew Chan and he looks like this

Sort of takes your breath away slightly doesn't he?
I'm glad he's quite a little star after his stint on UC (I am not glad I only discovered him till pretty much the final episode however) And for the first time in my silly fangirling over people I fancy, I didn't feel like a massive freak for being sad enough to google him. Hooray! Furthermore, when all this was going on, I remembered this - http://www.b3ta.com/questions/fans/post407386
Further cementing my realisations of being (more) normal (than most) in regards to having crushes on unobtainable boys :)
Okay, before I press the publish post button I want to add two things, the fist being this - I had a mint laugh at the commentator guy on university challenge who has to very quickly say the name of whoever buzzed AND the college they're from, in the space of about half a second, especially when "Magdalen Haddad-fonda" buzzed. That's a lot of syllables to squeeze into such a small time slot.
And the second being this - (more links sorry!) http://www.cherwell.org/content/10705I like how he seems so cool about it, and I felt a little bit fuzzy at the comment "maybe people will recognise me in the street, ask me to hold their hand, kiss their mouth, write their essays, that kind of thing. Maybe not, though."
Matthew Chan, if I ever happen to see you in the street, I will definitely come over and ask if I can kiss your mouth.
Monday, 4 April 2011
Friday, 25 March 2011
Things to write about include, spiders in sinks, redcar and loads of other stuff that has just escaped my head.
Here's a picture I took today on a little jaunt to York, I seen a hot air balloon which looked something like this...
and a dress that looks a little something like this...

Actually thats a rank photo of my dress but I'll take a better one at a later date.
Apologies for this being a bit of a crappy post, but I am in the middle of a hot flush.
Saturday, 19 March 2011
People I hate part 1
Ant + dec
Myleen klass
Lily allen
Martine activia mccutcheon
Richard and judy
Friday, 18 March 2011
Accidentally rock n roll?
After arriving home, eating some mac n cheese and being grateful to be back in the safety and comfort of my own bedroom, I decided to postpone my tiredness for half an hour of DVD watching. It meant I had to go downstairs and grab the ps2 and untangle all the wires to bring it back upstairs, but I really really fancied watching that DVD.
So there I was, poised, bundle of playstation, wires, controller and doovde under my arm, hovering around the back of our very large very old and very very heavy tv, on its stand, attempting to pull out the scart lead from the back. Then it happened, the tv leered forwards, there was nothing I could because the damn thing weighs about twice as much as me. It just tipped off.
Then my mam starting shouting down the stairs asking what was going on. It was pretty funny though, and she wasn't at all pissed off. The next day we tried it but its completely dead. I am a moron.
Sacrificed my bedroom TV by way of replacement. Booo.
So there is my tale of TV destruction. Am I rock n roll?
Fifteen minutes with you
If everyone who worked in the job centre was as yummy as the boy who I had my appointment with the other day, I would be on the dole for the rest of my life.
Saturday, 12 March 2011
There's something about Brian

Seems like the feeling is mutual too...

(Too creepy..?)
Friday, 11 March 2011
The great pancake day disaster and other things
Seconds later, disaster (stupidity) struck, when I was struck, my by own clumsy hands, with my own frying pan, in my own face. I was over exuberant in my tossing, and I almost dropped the pancake, so I did the spazzy trying-not-to-drop-something dance. Pain wise, it actually wasn't that painful at all, for a burn, because I had the heat on pretty low and also I had just done about 4 consecutive flips. However it was still enough to leave a fair sized red mark on my face. At first it was just a little red, with a white line in the middle...
The next day all the red had gone and the white line had turned a nice red colour
Today its down to this -
Its actually a lot darker than in that photo, guess my bedroom light bulb is too bright. But anyway I can see that its starting to fade, so hopefully if I can resist picking at it, it will just gradually fade away and I will be scar-free. I was pretty worried at first, that it was going to leave a permanent scar, I don't actually know if it will or not, but I think it'll be ok and just disappear and leave my skin mark free.
Anyway, I'll be more careful next time. And the pancakes were very nice.
Moving on, me and my mam and my auntie have been doing a little bit of decorating at my grandads empty house that we are trying to sell. Its been pretty boring, but I've been snapping up the few left over items that nobody else is too bothered about, but I love all the things I've managed to salvage. There really is not much in the house, no furniture even, just the last few bits and bobs. There will be pictures in the next post about this, but so far I've claimed amongst other things, old books, old glasses, and an old bookshelf that I really do need. Pretty happy with my little haul.
In the last couple of weeks I have discovered the Toblerone. Re-discovered? I've definately had at least one before, in the past, years and years ago and I guess it didn't really register with me, but for some reason I tried one again recently. Then I tried 4 more, and then I tried a giant (or as it turns out, regular) sized one. They are SO good. I don't know why its taken me so long, but they are delicious and writing this out has made me want one.
Anyway yes, more on that next time, guess I cant really think of anything else to add after all, so this is it for now.
Saturday, 5 March 2011
Blog o'clock
Now all of that is under control, let the blogging commence. I went to write this and my dashboard told me I have (before this post) 182 posts. I also went to the post office today and my ticket number was 182. Its following me around.
Anyway, lets think of something interesting to post about before I get bashed again for having a boring blog.
I'm rather excited for Pancake day (so excited it gets a capital P) on Tuesday. Our philosophy at Biancapol is this, Pancake day is interesting and if you don't agree you can fuck off.
I have mine with lemon juice and golden syrup, in fact on P-day I will refuse to have anything else. I don't understand people who have sugar and lemon juice, when syrup is 100 million times better. See the light people!
Had a bit of a film and snacks fest tonight, watched the Shining with my mam. Having a bit of a Shining thing going on recently, I can't remember what I've wrote about it on here or not, but I bought they book from a charity shop a few weeks ago and I'm planning on reading it for the first time. So watched the film tonight, armed with party sausage rolls, a full size toblerone (only ate 2 triangles though) a bag of microwave cinema sweet flavour popcorn, half a large bag of crisps and some millionaires shortbread, which is definitely in my top 10 favourite foods. Its safe to say I won't be sneaking downstairs for a midnight snack tonight.
So, in more genuinely interesting news, I have finally started to learn to play my mandolin. My lovely friend very kindly gave me a little lesson, I've been practising a while each day for the last 3 days, I can now play C D and G chords pretty well, maybe a little D minor and I can also manage a shaky, slow G major scale. I am really enjoying it a lot, I love my little mandolin and I'm really looking forward to getting better.
I had to cut my nails on my left hand, this didn't bother me in the slightest, but I didn't realise how incredibly short and stubbly my fingers are without a little nail haha. Absolutely worth it though, I don't really give a shit about them anyway, the nails that is. Short ones have had a few advantages already, such as making it 10 times easier to get lip balm and by benfit erase paste of of the pot, and applying. Also came it really useful the other morning when I had an eyelash stuck in my eye. Just a little while poking about et voila.
Wonders of the universe is on tomorrow, with the lovely lovely prof Brian Cox, looking forward to that. *rubs knees*
So there we have it, one blog, almost complete.
Here's a picture of me and Laura at the Thomas Sheraton curry club a couple of weeks ago (hence me munching on a poppadom) and one of a window display of a florist I seen last Sunday that was all sunflowers and brightened up an otherwise grey gloomy day!
Friday, 25 February 2011
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night
Reach me down my Tycho Brahe, I would know him when we meet,
When I share my later science, sitting humbly at his feet;
He may know the law of all things, yet be ignorant of how
We are working to completion, working on from then to now.
Pray remember that I leave you all my theory complete,
Lacking only certain data for your adding, as is meet,
And remember men will scorn it, 'tis original and true,
And the obliquy of newness may fall bitterly on you.
But, my pupil, as my pupil you have learned the worth of scorn,
You have laughed with me at pity, we have joyed to be forlorn,
What for us are all distractions of men's fellowship and wiles;
What for us the Goddess Pleasure with her meretricious smiles.
You may tell that German College that their honor comes too late,
But they must not waste repentance on the grizzly savant's fate.
Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light;
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.
What, my boy, you are not weeping? You should save your eyes for sight;
You will need them, mine observer, yet for many another night.
I leave none but you, my pupil, unto whom my plans are known.
You "have none but me," you murmur, and I "leave you quite alone"?
Well then, kiss me, -- since my mother left her blessing on my brow,
There has been a something wanting in my nature until now;
I can dimly comprehend it, -- that I might have been more kind,
Might have cherished you more wisely, as the one I leave behind.
I "have never failed in kindness"? No, we lived too high for strife,
Calmest coldness was the error which has crept into our life;
But your spirit is untainted, I can dedicate you still
To the service of our science: you will further it? you will!
There are certain calculations I should like to make with you,
To be sure that your deductions will be logical and true;
And remember, "Patience, Patience," is the watchword of a sage,
Not to-day nor yet to-morrow can complete a perfect age.
I have sown, like Tycho Brahe, that a greater man may reap;
But if none should do my reaping, 'twill disturb me in my sleep
So be careful and be faithful, though, like me, you leave no name;
See, my boy, that nothing turn you to the mere pursuit of fame.
I must say Good-bye, my pupil, for I cannot longer speak;
Draw the curtain back for Venus, ere my vision grows too weak:
It is strange the pearly planet should look red as fiery Mars,
God will mercifully guide me on my way amongst the stars
-Sarah Williams