I was idly wandering around my bedroom bored, picking my way through the few remaining bits of floor that were actually visible amongst the piles of clothes scattered around, I guess I got bored after a while, because I plonked myself onto the bed and had a channel hop.
My Tv is always on in these situations, and I know its probably a massive waste of energy having it on when I'm not paying the least bit of notice to it, but I like the atmosphere of it being on. Which is probably a bit weird but not as weird as this post will probably be.
Anyway, as I was passing through 1-5, I got stuck on 2. The last few minutes of university challenge was on, and a wonderful sight befell my eyes. I watched, almost dumbfounded at the beautiful boy from Oxford. Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?!
So there you have it, more or less. His name is Matthew Chan and he looks like this

Sort of takes your breath away slightly doesn't he?
I'm glad he's quite a little star after his stint on UC (I am not glad I only discovered him till pretty much the final episode however) And for the first time in my silly fangirling over people I fancy, I didn't feel like a massive freak for being sad enough to google him. Hooray! Furthermore, when all this was going on, I remembered this - http://www.b3ta.com/questions/fans/post407386
Further cementing my realisations of being (more) normal (than most) in regards to having crushes on unobtainable boys :)
Okay, before I press the publish post button I want to add two things, the fist being this - I had a mint laugh at the commentator guy on university challenge who has to very quickly say the name of whoever buzzed AND the college they're from, in the space of about half a second, especially when "Magdalen Haddad-fonda" buzzed. That's a lot of syllables to squeeze into such a small time slot.
And the second being this - (more links sorry!) http://www.cherwell.org/content/10705I like how he seems so cool about it, and I felt a little bit fuzzy at the comment "maybe people will recognise me in the street, ask me to hold their hand, kiss their mouth, write their essays, that kind of thing. Maybe not, though."
Matthew Chan, if I ever happen to see you in the street, I will definitely come over and ask if I can kiss your mouth.
Hmm, not my type, really..
Haha ohhh, but he's so yummy. I dunno, maybe you have to see him 'in action' as it were.
I'm not sure I want to be involved, or even just observe, in any boy action..
Aha oh dear... I just meant in action on university challenge :)
I'm sure other things were going through your head as well.. admit it..
I promise they weren't. Not untill now anyway...
Hi,I'm a Matthew fan from Japan.
I did a search for his name and arrived your blog.
Recently,he took part in Japanese TV Quiz show.His team became a champion.
The digest was uploaded in Youtube.
I also think he's really cute boy!
does anyone know if he has any chinese blood? he looks eurasian, and chan is a chinese surname (i'm chinese)
Hahah Im sorry people, I honestly don't know anything about it him. I just seen him on TV and thought he was pretty!
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