Brian, Brian Cox. I'll keep this short because everyone seems to be talking about him lately, he's on TV quite a lot and all that.
Anyway, at first, I am ashamed to admit, my lust was a slow burner, he was for me a case of "I can see why people fancy him" but was a bit lukewarm myself. Recently though I've seen the error of my ways. I've seen the light, I've found the righteous path. The last two weeks have been where I truly began to appreciate the Cox. There really is just somethinggg about him that makes him, I don't know, alluring? irresistable? Maybe its the soft spoken voice, the gentle smile that seems to be permanantly etched onto his face, the fact that he's so fucking smart. Basically, he's just a bundle of lovely. And lovely is probably the most attractive quality in a person, for me it is anyway. In conclusion, like most people in the UK, I fancy the floppy hair offa him.
Seems like the feeling is mutual too...
Seems like the feeling is mutual too...

(Too creepy..?)
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