I've never been to a wedding before, so I am mega excited! I hope I don't cry...
So my cousin is only 18 (I think, maybe she's 19 now) I'm really happy for her, but I'm finding it hard to process, because as we were all growing up, her and her brothers were the closest things I had to siblings and I can't believe that now she's a grown up. We weren't especially close though, we didn't see each other all that much cause they all live in Castleford. I have so many funny memories of them when they were kids, I just can't grasp that they are grown up now. I can still see her as one of those kids who's hair never seems to grow till they're about 7, with no front teeth, telling us about what she had for school dinner that day (beef, if you're interested).
We're going up to their place tomorrow morning and I think we're staying till Wednesday or Thursday.
I've been really excited about the whole getting dressed up for a wedding. I bought a lovely dress off ebay, planned my whole outfit, make up, jewellery, shoes, hair style.
Here's a sneaky peek at my dress-
Thats all folks.
Absolutely gorgeous! Have fun at the wedding. :)
Ooh-err, thanky all :)
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