Also I just realised they are singing "lets get it started, lets get retarded in here". I'm not normally the kind of girl who gets offended, by anything. But I do find that really offensive, actually, fucking scrap that, I just find this band as a whole offensive. Absolute gash. I hope as some sort of karma this guy gets a brain injury. Then again, he's already a retard.
(Incidentally, more on karma later)
Urgh anyway. Bon Iver later will more than make up for that shit. Also, isn't Rolf Harris supposed to be have been doing glasto? I haven't seen hide nor hair of him all weekend. Silly BBC coverage.
Also, they keep showing interviews and segments on VV Brown (wonder if she's any relation...)
I haven't heard her music so I wont comment on that. But she does seem like a really nice person and I quite like her personality.
But I want to rip that horrible fucking fringe right off her head.
Also, they keep showing interviews and segments on VV Brown (wonder if she's any relation...)
I haven't heard her music so I wont comment on that. But she does seem like a really nice person and I quite like her personality.
But I want to rip that horrible fucking fringe right off her head.

Anyway, back to karma, I was in my yard the other day, I cant remember what day to be precise, but that doesn't matter. I was just sitting and something caught my eye, at the time my mam was stood in the yard too messing around with some clothes (for some reason, dunno what she was doing) when I seen something in the corner of my eye.
"Ladybird" my mam exclaimed. I thought it was something she'd dropped, or had fell off the top she had hold of, so I checked it out, it'd landed right near where I was sat anyway. It was sort of semi trapped in a spiders web, more of a cobweb really. It wasn't totally trapped or anything like, but as soon as it landed a spider came running out, it was only a little bigger than the lady bird, but it still crawled over to/onto it. With ninja like speed and reactions, I jumped up to the rescue. The spider went away on its own volition anyway, not sure why, maybe because the ladybird was way to big for it to eat. So I plucked the little ladybird out and tried to brush off the spider web, I put it in the plant pot with my sunflowers, and then after a while it just flew off over the garden wall.
And it made me think, its probably karma for killing that Peabody spider the other week. I still feel sad about it, but I feel glad to have saved the ladybird. My inner peace is restored.
All is good with the world.

Dude karma
Karma, Karma

Oh I get it
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