I haven't posted about them sooner because i wanted to post them both together, and after washing the dress, i just couldn't be arsed ironing it. Mainly cause I'm shit at ironing, and also cause i hate it. And also cause there is quite a lot of material. Anyway, i decided i should do something "productive" tonight while i was bored, as opposed to sitting on my arse eating mars bars. So i ironed. I also tried to customize an old pair of shoes, it went okay but then i got bored and gave up.
Here's the dress.

(Arms raised to avoid unsightly under-arm-muffin-top)


Half a person?
I just love the material, its just plain cotton (i think) But it just sits so beautifully, its not too thick but its not light and floaty either. Its a pain to iron but its worth it. It has completely no labels though, so i have no idea where its come from, i cant even see anywhere that someone might have cut the labels out. It makes me wonder if someone hand-made it?
It only cost £2. Two pounds! Insane. I'm think I'm going to get it shortened a little bit, cause I'm pretty sure I'm too short to really wear knee-length dresses. When i very first seen it and thought it was nice, i thought it would be perfect to customize, with it being so plain. I'm not really experienced enough to go properly crazy on it, I'll probably just do something simple. Maybe I'll chicken out and decide not to do do anything to it at all in case i ruin it ha.
Ok, here's the cardigan i bought, i love this even more than the dress, and it was only a pound!! There was a button missing but i sewed a new on one today and it looks alreet. Its so comfortable as well. Maybe this is going to be one of those things that you look back on and think "what the fuck was i thinking". But for now I'm going to keep it on for as long as possible.

You look absolutely gorgeous Bianca! I love them both. :)
LOLZ at your POLLZ
love from the boy who sent the roses.
bianca you should turn this roses debacle into a massive nationwide televised hunt for the boy. it would be perfect for ITV primetime, you can get an obscure celebrity to help you on the quest -to raise the profile of the show n that.
i sent you the roses
no you didnt it was me
they're both lying! it was MEEE!
who writes lolz at pollz?
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