Tuesday 21 July 2009

Things I dreamt about last night

Man that was some wierd dreaming.

  • Looking after Michael Jackson (putting him to bed on my sofa?!)
  • Having a party at my/someone's house in the yard, trying to hide vodka
  • Being a ghost and being able to walk through doors into people's houses
  • Being at a massive hybrid of car boot sale/music festival
  • Having a massive argument in a hotel with my parents over something I dont even remember now
  • A massive funfair
  • Walking through a different smaller funfair with someone, and thinking how stupid that girl was for bringing a tiny puppy to a fair

Yikes, no more chocolate for me before bed


Anonymous said...

Hey, I randomly stumbled across your blog while I was hunting for something online and I really like it (although I only read the first couple of pages) - you write about what people actually think and do and I share the love of bon iver/the pumpkins (sp are my favourite band ever - pre-reunion). I used to live on my own with my dad and our dog in nowheresville, too, until I was 18(I used to hope he'd get together with people I saw - really liked your thing about the bass guy) - now I'm 22, I've just finished at Newcastle Uni and I live with great people in a great house in Jesmond and write books (basically how I wound up on this blog) - so I know how you feel - and that stuff does work out - sometimes it just takes time/effort/luck. Anyway I've seriously got to get back to what I was doing but your blog's really decent (I never commented on one before, and I'm a guy who doesn't like most blogs - so that must count for something) and thanks for being something different to the normal boring blog-world of shallow teenagers - it's awesome to know someone else experiences this stuff!

Anonymous said...

...and that looked a lot less crappy when I typed it!

Merrick said...

I must agree with anonymous, your blogs are quite refreshing and are different from the norm! I enjoy reading them, you always seem to put a smile on my face. Thank you. ;)

Laura-Anne said...

fucking hell. if you think that was a weird dream, hows about this. I had a dream last night where i was on a train with this random man (don't know who he was but his face was so vivid!), suddenly the train crashed and me and this man were in a swamp up to our knees all of a sudden without warning we heard a strange gurgling noise beneath the swamp and then this GIANT scorpion with a kitten head arose from the swamp then using one of its scorpion claws reached to its face and took off what turned out to be a plastic kitten mask even though its real kitten features were still moving, to reveal a giant slug coming out of the scorpion body then it started pinching the random man's shoulders. I kid you not this happened last night in my dream. never eat bournville chocolate before bed.

Bianca said...

Aw shucks guys! Naw its really cool how you anonymous guy just happend to find my blog. I always secretly hope people read it and like it, so this is good, not creepy at all!
Lucky for living in jesmond its really nice, I especially like the petting zoo, I got bitten by a piglet there once, ahhh.
Anywayy yeah, on a serious note, thankyou for taking time to leave a comment, Im glad ye like it, Hopefully you'll come back!

P.s, the matchmaking with the pirate is off, I seen him last week holding hands with a woman with purple hair.

Anonymous said...

Gutted about the pirate. Maybe we could set your mum up with my dad... it'd be like the parent trap...only better acted and with no-one growing up to date Sam Ronson/ fail at life/dating Sam Ronson.
And I was just writing part of a book and looking through blogs/photoblogs - I wanted to put something in about a blogging community and your blog pretty much nailed it (bearing in mind no-one really cares about the blogs of kids who are so rich they can buy anything and appreciate nothing...they lead some seriously dull cyber-lives).
Jesmond's alright - I take tons of photos in the Dene (yeah...walking indie cliche) and go running there sometimes but I've never been to the petting zoo. How terrible is that?
I might change my name to "Anonymous Guy" by deed poll...I bet it'd sell a stack of books on enigmatic value alone...