I haven't worn them yet, and I don't suppose they're new anymore, cause I bought them about a month and a half ago, but I've been waiting until its more festive to wear them. And that time is round about now. Might wear em tomorrow, over tights of course, I'm not insane enough to go partially bare legged in snowtimes.
Speaking of which, Stockton is very snowy at the moment and I'm trying very hard to not go off on one and jabber on and on for ages about how magical it is, and how much I'm enjoying it and how much I missed it.
In other news, I need to find a new way to start new paragraphs. And also, remember the ranty post I made about that gay interview I had for Clintons? Well the lady from there, the boss of the Stockton store, rang me on Monday and blah de blah to cut a long story short, she asked me to come in for a chat if I was interested in a crimbo job, and now I'm working there. I get finished on Crimbo eve, I don't think they can take me on after that, they seem to have a lot of staff already. So I had my second day today and it was alreet, its no being an Elf, but its been good so far. I feel sheepish for ranting so much about how lame the interview was for the job I didn't get. But anyway I suppose its all good, got a bit of money for the festive season now and I feel 100% less of a jobless waster now. (I filled a massive helium balloon today, it was fun).
Its great being able to start sentences thusly - So I was on my way home from work today - it'd been snowing on and off pretty much all day, I only worked till 1pm, when I finished I went to boots to buy a natural collection lipstick for £1.99, and then when I left, I got totally blizzard-ed on. Which was pretty wonderful. I was wrapped up well, and just having a thoroughly great little time walking home in such snowy weather, sporadically laughing to myself cause I was just having such a damn good time.
Here's some views from on the way home.
At this point I was so so tempted to just throw down my bag and start building a snowman, but I had no gloves and would have lasted about 2 minutes before giving up, and also I wanted to get home to watch the Nadal/Murray game.
When I arrived home I looked like this -
Don't wear mascara when it snows, unless you want to look slightly Alex Delarge
Later on we walked the dog, the street looked pretty.
And that's about all I can be bothered with for tonight.
did i mention you're my dream girl?
That depends entirely who you are mon petit beau.
Actually, no it doesn't. Nobody has mentioned that to me before
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