Last Fm is interesting though, its a pretty good idea, I like to keep track of whatever I've been listening to. I would never have expected YYY's to be my top artist, though I do love them. I love all those bands in my top 8 though. Interesting that The Smiths and Bon Iver are currently neck and neck, though I have a suspicion that if Bon Iver had as many songs on Spotify as The Smiths, they'd probably just have the edge. Also I would like to mention my disappointment that Spotify has no Arcade Fire and I also suspect that if they did, they would be my top artist by a country mile. As well as my mentioning it, I would like to make a pledge to anyone reading this who might have a host of Arcade Fire mp3's, to please send them my way. I really miss listening to them. Any takers can email me, my email address is in my profile, should you be so kind.
Now thats out of the way, the updates on my aunties bonfire party are as follows.
Got there at around 6.30, sat around not really doing anything for about 5 minutes because nobody was there yet who wasn't a Brown. Picked a few wotsits off the food table, had a glass of WKD (blue) that an adult bought me for my birthday that I had taken round. I'm 24, I guess old(er) people think that thats all young people like to drink. Anyway, it was the thought that counts so I'm not gonna bitch about someone buying me WKDS. Also I had topped the bottle up before I went round with extra vodka. After that 3 of my aunties neighbours arrived, they're real nice oldish women. Then I stuffed my face with party food whilst drinking more blue stuff, and one glass of wine. And then chocolate gateaux. Went out onto the front to watch the fireworks at around 7.30, they were pretty lovely. Not so lovely was my aunties bald fat neighbour coming out in a T-shirt and boxers. This is the second time I've seen this man in his boxers. Anyway the less said about him/that, the better. I didn't want to watch the whole display through a viewfinder (and I had no idea about the settings, apart from some vague Internet instructions that I couldn't remember) so I only took a handful of photos (unlike bald fatman who snapped away for pretty much the entire thing)
I know they didn't turn out properly, but here's just one for now. I'll post the rest later.
Glammed it up a little bit, not so much with clothes but I wore some make up. As you can see I'm venturing out into the world of red lipstick. Tricky because I know fuck all about lipstick, its all about "underlying tones" and all that crap that I don't know/give a damn about. Also when I think of red lipstick, I almost always think of this http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=fashion which sort of worries me. But seeing as it was night time, and I was only going round my aunties, and I was in a glammy sort of mood, I went for it. I'll do some further testing regarding the red lippy and get back to you.
I took the bonfire night opportunity to add a bit of glitter and teeny tiny stars to my face. They didn't show up on this picture, but they were there, somewhere.
So anyway that about covers it. It is now the 8th of November, already. (buy a poppy, people!) About 5-7 days untill the time of year last year when I got the ball rolling on being an Elf. More on that as/when/if it happens. My mam told me its going to be horrible weather tomorrow, I'm going to wear my massive red jumper. If I can find it.
Till next time...
The Arcade Fire
p.s. You rock my world.
Look me up on Last.fm, I'm MachineOfLight!
Oh my, that is a lot of Arcade Fire. Thankyou so much!! I really appreciate it a lot, actually you rock my world for doing that. Thankyouu.
Niek, consider yourself added sir.
Good taste in music :) have a good day
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