I went to the flea market today, it was cold and starting to rain a bit. The last couple of times I've been, the weather has been the same, kinda pants. I had an annoying moment at the flea market today, I seen this little cute clock, just like this one -

picked it up, had a little look, put it down and looked at other stuff, vowing to come back on the way out and find out how much it was, hopefully just a coupla quid, and maybe buy it then. Schoolboy error. About 5 minutes later, me and my mam were in the next row, but I heard and seen some guy buying it. Goddamn! It was only 3 squid as well. Mainly I'm annoyed at myself for not getting it at the time, because I had no reason not to. I just thought "well I don't have much money, I'll hold off for a bit cause I might see something I like even more and then I'll have no money left to buy it".
So yeah, from now on, if I see something I want, I'm buying it immediately. Anyway, my luck isn't totally out cause ebay has thrown up some almost exactly the same, I'll see how my luck holds out in 2 days when the one I'm watching ends. I wanna make a miniature-clock-necklace.
And in another unrelated snippet, we got a leaflet through our door today about the church near my house. It got burned down by vandals in the 90's after it'd been stood empty for a couple of years. Anyway they're having an open day tomorrow, I'm gonna have a walk down and check it out, my mams at work so I'll be going on my own. Not sure how they're gonna host an open day, because it literally is just a stone shell. I'm interested in going in and seeing it anyway, they held carol services in it near Christmas time the last couple of years and we've never managed to go to them for whatever reasons.
I've got a proper lovely memory of the church from when I was about 15 or 16, and our art class came from school and we sat at this end of the church with out sketch pads and just spent a couple of hours drawing it.

It was a gorgeous hot summer day and we were all just spread out on the grass in the sun having a lovely time. It was especially nice cause our GNVQ class was small, there was only about 10 of us, and also it was the afternoon and we just got to go home afterwards rather than going back to school, which would have been even better if I'd lived here at the time, it would literally took me 2 minutes to walk home. But anyway, I have dead fond memories of art class at school, and this one was dead good.
Back to the church though, the leaflet was dead interesting, here's a juicy snippet -
"it is believed that a mass grave from the 1640 "black death" plague and two mass graves from cholera outbreaks in 1832 and 1849 are located on the church site. One of the cholera pits is rumoured to be directly beneath the tree at the main entrance"
Which is creepy cause every single time I walk past that tree, I always think about how pretty it is, its just a really lovely little tree, and its got an old fashioned street lamp next to it which always makes me think of Narnia. I don't think I'm gonna see my little tree in the same way again!
The leaflet also says
"An old legend says that if you run around the church three times from the main entrance then look up you will see the face of the devil"
How fucking creepy! But also I do want to try it, ha. There was also something mentioned about road improvements in the 1970's which led to the exhumation of a thousand and something bodies. Writing that out, its only just hit me how many bodies that is. Pretty scary stuff. So yeah, I'm gonna check out the open day tomoz.
Also just before I go, I wanted to mention something I seen in the town today, well sort of seen.
It was a busy day, Wednesday is market day so its always packed. Anyway I noticed a little bit of a thing going on, an old man had fallen over. Which made me think, there is literally (man I say literally too much in this blog, but I really mean it this time) nothing worse than old people falling over. Theres a lot of fucking shit in the world, and theres probably a few hundred things worse than an old person falling over, but for me, it really is one of the worst. Maybe its cause I have such a love for old people, which might sound like a mental thing to say, I dunno, but I just have such immense appreciation for them. The things they've been through, the war and stuff, pretty much none of us would be here without the people who did that for us. That's why it makes me want to rip my own head off in anger when I seen on the news and in papers that fucking scallies beat old defenceless people up, break into their homes and stuff. Its the thing that makes me angriest in the world. My mam's uncle, my now dead grandads brother, the only living Brown man now, he's 88 and he's just the sweetest old man, and when he was a teenager, or maybe in his early 20's, he was a Japanese prisoner of war. I don't really have any idea what that means or was about, just that they got tortured. Apparently he never talks about it. But I'm so glad he came out of that, cause he's totally awesome.
Anyway, sorry, massive tangent. Conclusion, old people are lovely and wonderful.
And the fallen old man today didn't seem too hurt, he wasn't like sprawled all over the floor or anything, and I was so relieved that I didn't see him fall, cause it would have shaken me up a lot, so God knows how it made that poor guy feel. But I was so relieved to see there was a few people helping him. A few minutes later some paramedics came.
This is basically what this large tangent comes down to, as my mam mooched around a market stall, I kept my eye on the situation. The paramedics were a man and a woman, and I just watched them looking after him, talking to him and things. This is nothing I haven't thought before, its a pretty strong belief of mine, but seeing it today, re-enforced it. Paramedics are fucking amazing. Obviously, doctors and nurses and all of that are too, but paramedics, they're the first ones there, the ones that have to calm down the patient and be kind and friendly and make them feel at ease. Especially with this old man, I felt so sorry for him, although there was people helping him, I didn't think of this at the time that the people might have been his family, his daughter or whatever, but I got the impression that it was just passers by who had stopped to help him. So this poor guy was shaken up, and probably embarrassed, and all alone in a busy town centre, hurt. But they came and they probably made he him so much better. These guys are doing such an important job, and they basically get shit wages. I just hate the injustice, it seems, that they get so little for doing so much, when footballers get paid in the thousands daily or weekly or whatever. Urgh. Anyway. You know what I mean though?
Right thats it, apart from one last thing, Im going to bum a song to you now.
Its called Blue Skies and its by Noah and the whale. Here's a link - http://www.last.fm/music/Noah+and+the+Whale/_/Blue+Skies
I am so in love with this (the regular version), I've listened to it about 20 times today, its just magical and wonderful and ohh its just so ace. Its kind of a sad song, but it makes me very happy. Love love love LOVELOVE. Fanfuckingtastic.
Apologies for mass over use of the words fuck, fucking, and literally in this blog.
Time to sleep
(and listen to Blue Skies one more time)
If you dont already love Angus & Julia Stone I think they would be something for you. The new album "down the way" in particular. amazing.
Life lesson, always take what you want when you see it, or when you realise you want it, it'll be gone !
As for the Church, i would actually love to give that a try, although i reckon i'd Chicken out before i got round the last time haha ! It was would be so creepy, but so much fun ! I'll have to give it a go.
As for that song <3 it.
If you like that and if you haven't heard it, you should check out Before Their Eyes - Start with Today (Acoustic). It's slow nice and i love it ! I think you would to.
Good to see you posting again !
Have fun !
I work at a restaurant that has a lot of stairs. Old people love the restaurant, and I, too hate it when old people fall! I get so scared watching old people walk up and down the stairs. I just keep on my toes to make sure they don't fall. But once, I fell in front of a full restaurant. How embarassing! So it must be embarassing for the old people, too. Not just painful, or could cause some other damage like a broken hip or something
I also agree with how the wages of footballers are outrageously high. What do they do? They basically get paid to work out and have fun! It is teachers and paramedics and life coaches and life savers and leaders that need to get paid the bunches of money. Homicide investigators ought to get paid lots of cash because they deal with potential killers, daily!
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