"donkey says hello. I have named him Jean Pierre-Francois x"
And it had this picture of a donkey attached -
This made me very happy, and very amused. However it has since became a bit of a mystery. At first I thought it was probably one of my friends with some obscure reference to something that I didn't quite get. Basically, here's the text conversation I've had with the person since-
me- I like your donkey, but who are you?
?- Erm what?
me- I just got a message from this number, a picture of a donkey called jean pierre francois?
?- Not from this number you didn't
me- Um I can guarantee I did, how else would I know your number? I can send it back to you if you'd like?
[no response until 7am today, who the hell texts at 7am?!]
?- Who is this?
me- I'm Bianca. Who are you? I'm honestly not messing you about, I really did get a message from this number
?- And what did they say?
me - It said something about a donkey with a french name, and a picture of said donkey attached. I'll forward it to you now.
[forwards message]
?- But I have no idea who you are or where your number has come from
me - Ditto haha. All I know is that I got that message at 9.40 last night from the same number I'm texting you on now. I guess the network just screwed up. I'm t-mobile, are you with them too?
?- No I'm not
me - Oh well, I guess it was just some weird mistake then
? - Oh right ok
And that's the end of that. I couldn't be arsed texting back any more. I thought I might be meeting a new and exciting person via the medium of mixed up texts, but this person was obviously just some boring dickhead. Stupid too, judging by how much they seemed to struggle with my quite clear responses. It definitely all came from the same number though. So I have no idea, was this the text version of crossed lines? Was it a genuine mistake by the network? Did someone jack this persons phone and they were too stupid to realise? Or was it that person all along who was just messing me about for shits and giggles?
I just don't understand how it could have been from someone else altogether not in the equation, but be from this morons phone number. I'm not bothered by it, It was a dead good accidental text to get. I'm just disappointed that I'll never get to talk to, providing it all was just some weird network screw up, the person on the other end, who shares my love of french things, and donkeys. And who lives somewhere nice enough to have a thatched cottage.
Anyone has any answers, please lemme know.

it might be the romantic in me but i get some "amelie" vibes from this. I think you have an admirer who just wants to make you smile. Maybe the same person who sent you the flowers?
Awe I LOVE the Amelie aspect of that yeah! I kind of hope thats true, maybe more donkey picture messages will come my way!
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