Dentist was wonderfully unpleasant, the needle was in my mouth a hella long time. I decided to try and count how long, I got as far as 30 seconds, then I heard Fyfe Dangerfield on the radio and was nicely distracted, though it would have been miles better if Fyfe was actually at the dentist with me, holding me hand and crooning to me, but it wasn't meant to be. Oh yeah, and I drooled all over myself at the dentist too, hahah. It was pretty bad craic, I was having a root filling, and they have to put something right up the root, a little file, and then xray it to see if its in the right length, blah blah. So I had this thing poking out of my mouth at the front, and I couldn't/didn't dare close my mouth in case I knocked it or jammed it right in, thus, I couldn't swallow. For some reason, I found this whole episode more amusing than embarrassing, even though it doesn't sound it. At all. So, before the xray, there I was sitting numb in the dentist chair, staring at the ceiling and wondering really strange wonderings as for some reason I always do when I'm there, when my attention is drawn to what the hell she's doing in my mouth? It just felt like she was, I dunno, tightening something around the tooth, then after she'd been doing it a couple of minutes, I finally twigged on that she was poking something (the file) up and down the entire length of my tooth, which was fucking horrible. I mean, I couldn't actually feel it, it was just the sound, and the thought of knowing what she was doing. Ergh, it gave me the shudders. But I'm hardcore, I got over it. And that's the dentistry story done.
The job interview was lame, I got there well on time, but I had to wait about 25 minutes, which pissed me off a bit cause the same happened at the dentist. But anyway, I felt like it went fine, no hitches, BUT my interview was like, 5 minutes long, 10 at the most. And everyone else who had been in, (there was 2 other interviews going on at the same time in the same room) had been in like half an hour. So I kind of knew I was screwed, but oh well, the good old English tax payer will support me for now till I can be bothered to roll my ass out of bed one day and go to another interview.
What else was I upto in the last proper post. I finished reading the bell jar, I could probably make this next statement a lot more intricate, but I'll just say this - It was shit.
I liked it till the point she broke both her legs. And then that subject was never touched upon again? For some reason. After that it just went down hill, and the ending was gash. I had to look up online weather that actually was the ending, or if someone had ripped out the last page. Maybe its a really great book but I just didn't "get" it. But whateverr, I'll go back to reading Great Expectations, which I am now halfway through. Haven't read it since summer like.
I liked it till the point she broke both her legs. And then that subject was never touched upon again? For some reason. After that it just went down hill, and the ending was gash. I had to look up online weather that actually was the ending, or if someone had ripped out the last page. Maybe its a really great book but I just didn't "get" it. But whateverr, I'll go back to reading Great Expectations, which I am now halfway through. Haven't read it since summer like.
Tonight I waxed my legs (again) I've done it a few times before, but it never really seemed to end how I expected it to. I concentrated a bit more tonight though, and hopefully I've got the hang of it now. They feel smooth, I guess I did everything right. I feel quite hardcore about it, its totally not as big a deal as a lot of girls make out, it only hurts for a second, and somehow, I kind of liked the hurt. Like, it made me feel like cause it hurt, I was definitely doing it right.
This morning I was rudely awakened by the stupid police helicopter flying right over my house, the noise from that thing is just ridiculous, I can't believe how loud it is. When its right near your house, its like having a combine harvester next to your bed, ripping everything out of your room and spewing it back at you. I thought it was about 8am, when it woke me up, but upon further inspection of my phone screen, it was actually nearly 10.45am, which really surprised me. It hovered around for a bit, being noisy, then a few minutes after it had buggered off and I had started to drift back into sleep, my alarm went off. D'oh.
I had planned to go to the library today, but it was raining outside, the greyest gloomiest wettest day you could imagine, I knew it had been raining all night, it was raining when I went to sleep. So I didn't leave the house all day.

Back to the fringe. Its been quite a while I suppose, since I got it done. Im still largely undecided, though I am starting to lean towards quite liking it. Getting it cut was a confusing experience, she kept asking me all these wierd questions that I didn't know the answers to, like how far back did I want it? I didn't know you could choose, I thought it was just a natural thing, and I didnt really know what to say, I was just being a doyle and going "err I dunno". Then she asked me the most confusing fringe question of all, cause I was just basing it on what my old fringe was like, "did you used to be able to see your forehead through your fringe?" WHAT THE FUCK?! But by this point I had already umm-ed and ahh-ed so much, I just decided to say yes, even though I had no idea what she was on about. A few hours later upon reflecting on my fringe, I realised she just meant was it thick. Why the hell didn't she just say that. Anyway. Guess it didn't make that much difference.
I really regret not buying straightners before getting it cut haha. Yeah that was a mistake. I'll have to buy some next week. I definately didn't think that through, I had forgotten that when you have a big fringe, you wake up with it pointing in many different directions, and withouth straightners its a right pain in the arse trying to sort it out. Usually it looks like this each morning -
I'll give it more time, a month or so, see how it goes (or grows) then I'll decide if im gonna grow it out again, I know it seems silly, wanting to have had it in the first place and now im already thinking about what to do with it next. I guess its just one of those things where you work it out as it goes along.
Generally, I think its okay.
Long blog, Adios from me and my fringe
Ive pretty much always had a fringe and also a curly thing at the front to mess it up ofc. What i always did was to wet the fringe in the morning and blow dry it while using a comb to get in the right place. That is if i didnt feel like washing the whole head.
That way it goes straight, at least for me.
Ahh yeah, thats what I've been doing too, great minds think alike huh! I think it works better than straightening, it seems less flat.
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