Sunday, 28 June 2009

Tv, ladybirds

So, its Sunday night, I'm watching Glasto highlights on TV, they're showing black eyed peas. I cant even describe how much this band disgust me, and I really don't want to be an Oasis style "what the fuck is Jay-Z doing headlining glasto" snob, but seriously. They're not even one of those bands that you'd think, "well I know they're a bit poo, but fuck it we're at a festival, it might be fun to watch them". Plus you've got the risk of that girl pissing herself on stage.
Also I just realised they are singing "lets get it started, lets get retarded in here". I'm not normally the kind of girl who gets offended, by anything. But I do find that really offensive, actually, fucking scrap that, I just find this band as a whole offensive. Absolute gash. I hope as some sort of karma this guy gets a brain injury. Then again, he's already a retard.

(Incidentally, more on karma later)

Urgh anyway. Bon Iver later will more than make up for that shit. Also, isn't Rolf Harris supposed to be have been doing glasto? I haven't seen hide nor hair of him all weekend. Silly BBC coverage.
Also, they keep showing interviews and segments on VV Brown (wonder if she's any relation...)
I haven't heard her music so I wont comment on that. But she does seem like a really nice person and I quite like her personality.
But I want to rip that horrible fucking fringe right off her head.

Anyway, back to karma, I was in my yard the other day, I cant remember what day to be precise, but that doesn't matter. I was just sitting and something caught my eye, at the time my mam was stood in the yard too messing around with some clothes (for some reason, dunno what she was doing) when I seen something in the corner of my eye.
"Ladybird" my mam exclaimed. I thought it was something she'd dropped, or had fell off the top she had hold of, so I checked it out, it'd landed right near where I was sat anyway. It was sort of semi trapped in a spiders web, more of a cobweb really. It wasn't totally trapped or anything like, but as soon as it landed a spider came running out, it was only a little bigger than the lady bird, but it still crawled over to/onto it. With ninja like speed and reactions, I jumped up to the rescue. The spider went away on its own volition anyway, not sure why, maybe because the ladybird was way to big for it to eat. So I plucked the little ladybird out and tried to brush off the spider web, I put it in the plant pot with my sunflowers, and then after a while it just flew off over the garden wall.
And it made me think, its probably karma for killing that Peabody spider the other week. I still feel sad about it, but I feel glad to have saved the ladybird. My inner peace is restored.
All is good with the world.

Dude karma


Karma, Karma

Oh I get it

Friday, 26 June 2009

I have an urge

an urge to PARTY!

Only joking. I have a proper urge to play on a 2p machine, I'm genuinely itchy to play one, if I had one right now I think I would be on it for hours.
I know I still haven't wrote about going to Scarborough yet (I will soon!) But when we were there, we only got chance to go in ONE arcade, and even then we were only in it for, I dunno, less than 10 minutes. And even though I won a dice-key fob which was exciting (even though its kind of shitty and wasn't exactly worth a pound) It just wasn't enough. Like eating a spoon full of delicious chocolate cake, but not being able to have any more. I'm unfulfilled dammit!
I just googled for one, but I gave up after about four minutes. There's so many different names for them, its frustrating. Penny pushers, pushers, coin falls, 2pence machines, full sized arcade pushers, Gah.

Sigh. One day, one day I will own one, a proper one, and I will keep it in my front room. Ha!

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Its a nice day

I pulled the wires down and out, Im writing this from my back yard sitting on a nice comfy sun lounger thing. Im wearing an old shirt that belonged to my nana, and some cutoff shorts. I hope summer is nice enough to wear these kinds of clothes more often. I like Isaac Brock's lisp. I think its cute. I think there is something wrong with my sunflowers, I dont think they're dying but the leaves look a bit... infected.
Roxy just came into the yard, she has drips of milk in her... doggy beard? Its funny, I dont know any other dogs that like milk.
Earlier on there was a fluffy fairy floating around infront of the screen, it seemed to be just staying here for ages, then I followed it with my eyes as it finally floated off and noticed a skyscraper flying overhead. It was as if the fairy wanted to show me it.
My mam is making toast, it doesn't smell very nice.
There is a nice breeze.

Im inspired by postsecret.

Monday, 22 June 2009

I killed a spider today.

I felt a little guilty at the time, but just typing out that title, the guilt hit me properly. It was a pea-body, the variety of spider I hate the most, but s/he didn't deserve to die I guess.
I've been growing sunflowers see, and I think they're going to turn out to be pretty beautiful, however when I moved them into a bigger pot as they grew, the stupid pots I used didn't have any holes in the bottom, and being the novice gardener that I am, I didn't think to check this before adding a load of compost and the sunnies. And seeing as its been raining fucking loads recently, it just got really waterlogged and the leaves on the bottom started turning yellow, so I googled it and sure enough its because its been over-watered. Anyway, when I first planted them, I ran out of compost and it was only about two 3rd's full. So I got some more the other day, and this afternoon I replaced the rubbish soggy stuff with the nice fresh stuff. This also gave me chance to try to put some holes in the bottom of the pot. So I did that. Then when I was about to pour the compost back in again, something tiny caught my eye in the little bit of soggy compost that was left in the bottom of the pot. I must have really good eye sight, I don't know how I even noticed it, but just as I was about to start pouring, I seen a tiny thing moving, it was about as wide as a hair, but it was moving, I was pretty intrigued so I dug around (gently) a bit and there was this little pea-body (not as horrible as the full size ones, but I still didn't want to go near it). I dunno if it was proper trapped, but the little wispy thing I'd noticed was one of its little legs, waving back and forth as if to say "I'm stuck under here, help". Like I imagine an avalanche victim would when trapped under a lot of snow.

So I tried to poke it out with a garden cane, this didn't really help, just sort of moved the sloppy mud about, so i got impatient and just sort of scooped it out with a spoon that I'd been using ages ago in the yard for other various gardening efforts. I could have put it down gently, and made sure it was ok, but I was getting really impatient at this point, I'd already knocked two pea body's off the pot when it was upturned when I was trying to put the holes in, and they were annoying me. I just sort of slopped the globule of wet muddy on the floor and then got on with the job at hand. I figured spiders are pretty hardy (even though pea body spiders are wispy as fuck) and that it'd be ok, and hey, at least I tried to get it out right, that's better than burying it with heavy soil right? But a bit later when I'd finished, I went to check and It was still there, lying motionless I think.

So yes, upon reflection, I do feel really guilty. I'll double check tomorrow but I'm pretty sure it did die. And i know "it was only a spider", and I don't even like them, but aw, poor thing.
I'm such a tool I know, but I just can't kill anything, even if there's a giant spider in the house, I'm scared as hell of it, but its always left to me to get it out, cause my mam would just kill it if I didn't.
When I was a kid, I would go around the fences in my garden, and If i seen any flies in spider webs that were still moving, I would pick them out and try to rescue them. Maybe I should become a Buddhist.

Ok, spider homicide aside (see what I did there), what else do I have to say. Naaawt really.
Interesting results from my last poll. The comments were my friend messing around, but she said she only voted once. For the longest time it just had one vote for Yes, which was intriguing. Its all pretty stupid though, It might not have even been by who ever it was, I'll never really know will I. Well, nevermind, no point dwelling on it I suppose.
I went to Scarborough with my mam and auntie and their friend on Tuesday, it was mostly pretty nice but with a couple of large chunks of not so nice chucked in. I'll write about that in a different blog though cause this one is pretty long already. I got a proper mint hat.

I want something to eat, I'm not even hungry though, I'm just being a greedy twat, I probably wont cave cause I've already brushed my teeth, But I could just go for some, I dunno what I want actually, something sweet, Flapjacks maybe. I bought golden syrup the other day cause I made american style fat pancakes, they turned out ok but took ages to make. Anyway yeah, maybe I'l go to town tomorrow and buy rolled oats and indeed make flapjacks.


P.S, I found this on Ebay the other day, I think its even worse than the squirrels.


Saturday, 13 June 2009

I dont really know what to say about this one

I stayed over at Laura's last night, and today got the bus back home, luckily for me the bus stops quite close to my house. I got off, it was glorious sunshine, i cursed myself for not bringing my sunglasses with me last night because at the time the sun wasn't properly out. I'm pretty close to my house, and I thought about how happy I was that it was such a nice day, considered which way to walk to my house, hmm cross over and walk across the chuggy, or go back-over which might have been a bit quicker but the lights at that end take bloody ages to change. Ok, Chuggy it is.
So I'm walking along, iv been off the bus for about a minute, maybe less. When i hear the unmistakable sound of loud mouthed bastards. They're pretty close behind me, and shouting at someone who is a "CUNT!!". I decide to let them get past me, luckily I happened to have to stop at that point anyway cause I needed to let a car pass. I hang back for a little bit, and sure enough they walk past, I catch a glimpse of them, I don't want to look at them for too long in case they have some sort of Medusa effect and being around them for only a few seconds might turn me into one of them. I notice they all have cans of lager. Its 12.48PM. The smallest one seems to be the loudest, and judging by her hair, the one that's gone the longest without washing.
Unluckily for me, I have seen these (I want to call them girls..?) before, once, and coincidentally enough, in pretty much the same place, except that time it was evening. They were drunk that time too, and shouting at the "FUCKIN' REFUGEES!!". Anyway, they were haggard. It was fucking bad enough seeing them from the front/side for all of 30 seconds. If I'd known what they looked like from behind, I would have span on my heel and ran back the other way. Unfortunately, I didn't realise until it was too late, this is the sight that greeted my poor poor retina's. Im posting it here because I don't want to be the only person who's scarred by it. I have a feeling its a bit of a Ring thing too y'know, you probably wont die 7 days after seeing it, but you might wish you would. I'll just feel bit better sharing I guess, like if I pass it on, I dunno. A problem halved and all that.

Here goes

Excuse my finger in the lense, Iv got a bad habit of doing that. Iv never done covert photo taking in the street before.
In hindsight, maybe the picture doesnt look as bad as I've been going on. But trust me, seeing it in the flesh (or should that be flab) just, urghh.

Sorry folks. It was just too rancid to keep to myself

Saturday, 6 June 2009

Charity haul

Had a bit of a charity shop binge the other week, actually i mentioned that not long ago on here didn't i? I only actually bought two things, so i suppose its not really a binge, BUT, the two things i bought i love and they were only £1 and £2, which makes me love them even more.
I haven't posted about them sooner because i wanted to post them both together, and after washing the dress, i just couldn't be arsed ironing it. Mainly cause I'm shit at ironing, and also cause i hate it. And also cause there is quite a lot of material. Anyway, i decided i should do something "productive" tonight while i was bored, as opposed to sitting on my arse eating mars bars. So i ironed. I also tried to customize an old pair of shoes, it went okay but then i got bored and gave up.
Here's the dress.

(Arms raised to avoid unsightly under-arm-muffin-top)


Half a person?

I just love the material, its just plain cotton (i think) But it just sits so beautifully, its not too thick but its not light and floaty either. Its a pain to iron but its worth it. It has completely no labels though, so i have no idea where its come from, i cant even see anywhere that someone might have cut the labels out. It makes me wonder if someone hand-made it?
It only cost £2. Two pounds! Insane. I'm think I'm going to get it shortened a little bit, cause I'm pretty sure I'm too short to really wear knee-length dresses. When i very first seen it and thought it was nice, i thought it would be perfect to customize, with it being so plain. I'm not really experienced enough to go properly crazy on it, I'll probably just do something simple. Maybe I'll chicken out and decide not to do do anything to it at all in case i ruin it ha.

Ok, here's the cardigan i bought, i love this even more than the dress, and it was only a pound!! There was a button missing but i sewed a new on one today and it looks alreet. Its so comfortable as well. Maybe this is going to be one of those things that you look back on and think "what the fuck was i thinking". But for now I'm going to keep it on for as long as possible.

I'm wearing a dress under there, i promise! It was a dress from a charity shop last year, that i took to "customizing" (read- cutting half the bottom off cause it was almost full length) It turned out longer at the back than at the front which looks a bit weird. I'll be able to fix it though so its good. One day I'll be good at this stuff.