I emailed Interflora and asked them about it, they said they couldn't reveal who it was without the person's permission which is totally understandable, but said that if thats what i wanted, they would ask. So of course i said yes, but it just turned out that "We are unable to contact the sender of the order".
Im not sure if that means the sender genuinely didn't leave any contact details, or maybe it means they left a number or something but they still couldn't be contacted, Or, if it was just Interflora's kind way of letting you down instead of saying "the sender said no". Its all very confusing. Im suprised how, i dunno, easily i've given up on this. When it first happened i was determined to find out who it was, but now i've kind of resigned myself to the fact that i might never know, which is a bit sad really! I guess i just figured that who ever it was would come forward at some point, by now at least. But oh well.
I guess, in conclusion, i do still really really want to know who it was, but i dont want to have to ask around, i want who ever it was to come forward.
Do you know what would be even better, if they'd send me something else, not like a gift or anything, but whoever it was has my address, maybe send me a letter, or a postcard, or, i dunno. Just something wierd, maybe a photo cut out of a magazine for example, or, a sweet wrapper, or some pencil shavings, or a poem, or a joke, or a tiny box with mysterious things in. Ahah oh crap, i am rambling. Ok. I'll shut it now. Feel free to participate in the poll, its anonymous.

You are so adorable!
i admit, it was me bianca brown. i love you like i love cheese souffle x
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