Wednesday, 20 May 2009


Im watching Embarassing Bodies on channel 4, and im pretty sure i just heard someone use the phrase "intimate fluid". Best name for jizz ever. Im pretty sure thats what they were talking about, they were on about erectile dysfunction just now so i guess it was. ahahh. Ahh.
Last night i dreamt i kissed alex zane, Cha-chingggg. Didnt get to see any of his intimate fluid though. Pretty strange series of dreams last night like, including seeing a dog get clipped by a bus, but then just sort of vanishing, being in a very small (like the size of a shower cubicle) police station waiting room with lots of other people, aaand last but not least dumping a paste table outside someones house because we (whoever i was with, i dunno) couldn't be bothered carrying it any more. What a strange series of events.

Not sure what the craic with the Poll is, 2 people have voted "Not Me" when i just checked it 10 minutes ago, but yesterday the result was 1 person had voted "Me", which was kind of exciting, but its dissapeared now so who knows what that means.

On a final note, we just went to Asda, a couple of hours ago, and got a delicious looking chocolate torte reduced to 80p. I cant wait to eat it but we just had pie for tea and im too full.

Chocolate soon.

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