My eyes are pretty stingy tonight and i dont know why, my auntie gave me some antihistamine tablets a few weeks ago, she said that the same thing happens to her sometimes and she thinks its something to do with hayfever. Im not sure what it is really, i guess thats a reasonable explination, i just dont be a hypercondriac like. Proper annoying when people think they've got stuff wrong with them all the time, man the fuck up. Though i never really think i have owt wrong with me anyway so i guess i would be excused for thinking i might be a bit hayfevery. Anyway, i dont think thats it really, iv never had hayfever before, and i have no other HF symptoms. Dunno why im writing all this really!
I came across this on the internet earlier on, and i thought it was ace.
For anyone not in the know, this guy is Karl Largerfeld, he's the head of fashion label Chanel (not that im in the know myself, i almost typed Channel).
This man totally fascinates me, i dont even know why, but he does. I would just love to go to dinner with him, i think he'd be really whacky and funny, actually i dont want to admit this but i think he'd be a complete and utter, arrogant, cock-end. But i still like him. Which is strange cause i dont usually like people who are cock-end's. (or arrogant)
While i just googled that bag there, i found two other new interesting things that i like regarding him. Numero uno, this bag
The second thing (that i just discovered) is that he called heidi klum "too bling bling". This coming from the man who wears more rings than John McCririck.
seriously, who the fuck wears rings on the tips of their fingers?

He's like an upper class horse riding lady, crossed with the terminator.
But i still like him! Also, according to wiki he "owns several hundred iPods. He keeps them all over the world, in his various houses and apartments". Pretty good for a 70-odd year old.
Okay i'll shut up about this now.
But in a similar fashion-y vein, i had a minor charity shop spree today, I was in town on the way to the post office to get a postal order for some shoes i bought on Fleabay when my mam suggested going round the charity shops, the ones we were near anyway. I bought a reeeeeeeally nice white summery dress, its really really pretty, and it was only £2, and i also bought the most amazing huge cardigan. I know the words huge cardigan dont really go together in a sentence with the word amazing, but i really really love it, im wearing it right now. Its navy blue and orange, and has gold buttons, and two pockets. I think its really cute, even though i guess short girls should avoid oversized clothes, fuck it, i like it. And it was only a pound!!
Anyway, looks better than it sounds, i will post some photo's of it, and the dress soon.
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