Friday 11 March 2011

The great pancake day disaster and other things

You may have noticed by now that I am an avid pancake fan, (in case you haven't - I am an avid pancake fan) So I duly made a small stack of them on Tuesday, it was going pretty well, my mam bought me a new frying pan especially, I made a paper chefs hat especially, and as per tradition my first pancake didn't really work out but the rest of them did. Then I started flipping the pancakes, like so -

Seconds later, disaster (stupidity) struck, when I was struck, my by own clumsy hands, with my own frying pan, in my own face. I was over exuberant in my tossing, and I almost dropped the pancake, so I did the spazzy trying-not-to-drop-something dance. Pain wise, it actually wasn't that painful at all, for a burn, because I had the heat on pretty low and also I had just done about 4 consecutive flips. However it was still enough to leave a fair sized red mark on my face. At first it was just a little red, with a white line in the middle...

The next day all the red had gone and the white line had turned a nice red colour

Today its down to this -

Its actually a lot darker than in that photo, guess my bedroom light bulb is too bright. But anyway I can see that its starting to fade, so hopefully if I can resist picking at it, it will just gradually fade away and I will be scar-free. I was pretty worried at first, that it was going to leave a permanent scar, I don't actually know if it will or not, but I think it'll be ok and just disappear and leave my skin mark free.

Anyway, I'll be more careful next time. And the pancakes were very nice.

Moving on, me and my mam and my auntie have been doing a little bit of decorating at my grandads empty house that we are trying to sell. Its been pretty boring, but I've been snapping up the few left over items that nobody else is too bothered about, but I love all the things I've managed to salvage. There really is not much in the house, no furniture even, just the last few bits and bobs. There will be pictures in the next post about this, but so far I've claimed amongst other things, old books, old glasses, and an old bookshelf that I really do need. Pretty happy with my little haul.

In the last couple of weeks I have discovered the Toblerone. Re-discovered? I've definately had at least one before, in the past, years and years ago and I guess it didn't really register with me, but for some reason I tried one again recently. Then I tried 4 more, and then I tried a giant (or as it turns out, regular) sized one. They are SO good. I don't know why its taken me so long, but they are delicious and writing this out has made me want one.

Anyway yes, more on that next time, guess I cant really think of anything else to add after all, so this is it for now.

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