Saturday 9 January 2010

If the snow buries my, my neighbourhood

I would like to spam this post with snowy photographs. I think I've figured out that my camera problems were with the stupid memory card. I'm gonna have to send it back, stupid thing. So for now I'm down to taking them on internal memory which is a bit shitty cause internal memory only holds 8 pictures. Still, better than nothing right.


Frozen Tees

If anyone knows how to do that thing, whereby the pictures are clickable and you can see the full size images, pleeease help me out. Cause I dunno how to do it and its really irritating me. These pictures look so much nicer in their full glory.

Soo, its been snowing quite a lot, for quite a lot of time. Three weeks basically, on and off. The other week it looked like it was all disappearing for good, then another load of snow fell and it all came back again. I'm really enjoying it, at least I was till today, I think its all disappearing. For good it seems now (until next year maybe).
Today and yesterday seemed weird, yesterday it snowed a lot throughout the the night, and Saturday was really beautiful, it was all settled in the trees, in the gutter near my bedroom window, the old plant pots in the yard, every ones walls out the back. The chuggy at the end of my road (chuggy being the grassy park type area) was especially wonderful, the snow was really deep.
I attempted to make a snowman with Laura, but after about 15 minutes our feet and hands got too cold and we abandoned it. It was a small knee high mound. We planned to go back and finish it, but we ran out of time cause she had to go to work, and when we did go back some kindly folk and smashed it down. But never mind. Prior to that I went into town and down the riverside with my mam, to see the river Tees had frozen over. It was strange, but delightful. I remember when it froze over once in the 90's. Though today I read a news story about a man who died going onto the frozen river to try and get his dogs that had wandered on. The story was kind of unclear weather the dogs had fallen through, or if they just were walking on the ice and would have been fine coming back to dry land on their own. Generally I have no sympathy for people who have gone through the ice, its not like they don't know what they're doing, they should know better. But this story kind of made me feel quite sad, cause he was just trying to save his dogs. On the other hand though, he should have kept them on leads.

Anyway, today I awoke to the sound of dripping. The snow was all melting. There was still a lot of snow around, but it just didn't feel magical anymore. It had all fell from the trees, and it was sort of soggy underfoot. I would be happy if we got another huge snowfall and it all started over again.
On facebook loads of people have joined a group (lol facebook) called something along the lines of "it snowed, we loved it, now it can piss off"
People are such humbugs. We hardly ever get snow, and when we do its a miracle it even lays in the first place without melting straight away, I think this much snow should definitely be embraced and enjoyed. Theres nothing anyone can do about it, you might as well make the most of it while you can. Who knows when its gonna be like this again. Besides, didn't it always used to be like this every year, back in the day?

Anyway, the whole point of this post was that I thought it was the exact right time to post this video

The weather recently made me think of it, and I also concluded that its the worlds most perfect snow song.
Then I listened to it on repeat about 10 times, and re-concluded that maybe its the worlds most perfect song in general.

Um sure I had more to add, but I can't remember anything else now.
Blog concluded.


Anonymous said...

it doesn't take ten repeats to know that you are the world's most perfect person in general

Bianca said...


karo said...

kewl. seems like im your neighbour.

And congrats to the creepy but very friendly stalker.