Monday, 17 February 2014


Soo as it turns out, I am a massive, massive idiot.

I wrote a huge blog post the other night. I thought it would be kind of poignant to pour out my heart about my heart on Valentines day. I don't know how many words, but it was loooong and it took me hours and hours. Wasn't so much that I wanted people to read, just that it was time I got it out and I thought this was a good place.


I somehow managed to delete the entire fucking thing. 

I don't even know how. I just know that after I had published it, I went to have a quick look at it, and I wanted to change the font or something stupid like that. 

Don't know what I did, or how, but I managed to erase everything except one fucking paragraph that I had somehow pasted. Then, knowing how blogger automatically saves as you are writing, every few minutes or so, I panicked. I think I left the page at that point hoping that it wouldn't save if I just closed the window entirely.

I think that's what happened. Something like that anyway.

So if anyone is good at this kind of stuff, is there any way at all that I can get it back?
I'm not good at this stuff (obviously) so you will have to explain like I'm 5. 


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