Monday, 31 December 2012

Farewell 2012

4.42am First post in an age. I have work at 6am (Only gone and scored the morning shift on new years eve haven't I! Amazing!)

I couldn't sleep tonight, I woke up at around 1am after about two hours sleep. A lot of tossing and turning later it was 2.15am and I decided to admit defeat. I figured I might as well make the most of my spare time, I washed my hair, it is now tied and pinned up in the hope of being curly for tonight when I will be going to a party.

I made a toastie and a cup of tea and watched some really crap Tv. Mooched on the internet and decided that I want to live on Sveti Stefan island in Montenegro (look it up, its gorgeous)

So, I'm leaving this here, with sincere apologies to my friends that I've neglected in the last few months of this year, promises to write more blog posts, and all those shiny new starts you get excited about at a new year.

Im going to leave on this note now, another Bon Iver bumming. My love for them has swelled massively especially the last few months of this year. I don't think I could love another thing on this earth as much as I love Bon Iver.

Happy new year everyone

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