Friday, 26 August 2011
confusing apple eating experience
Left an apple, the other day, in very close proximity to a strawberry and cream scented yankee candle. Tonight seemed a good one to eat the apple, and as I was munching away I kept getting the smell of strawbcreams. I knew that it must've been from the candle, but my brain couldn't process that the smell of a candle could penetrate an apple. Quite strange, I kept expecting my apple to taste like the smell but it never did.
The point is, keep apples away from smelly candles.
Earlier on I was reading the TV guide in the hope of discovering something good to watch tonight, when up popped a Spanish film called "Bad education". A very vague bell started ringing in the back of my head, and further research confirmed that I actually knew of it.
The first time non-skippable trailers on a DVD have ever been useful, I remember seeing it a couple of times on one of my doovds and thinking that I'd like to see it. GGB is in drag, which lead me to believe it was some sort of comedy, but further research tells me its some sort of drama about sexual abuse. Anyway I reckon it'll be good and its starting shortly so I shall say goodnight.
Saturday, 20 August 2011
He's the only one who knows the words
Trying real hard that is, to resist posting more youtube videos on my page. I am managing pretty well, but I just wanted to babble about how much I am in love with a song this week.
Beirut - The Peacock
I cant stop listening to it, its so so gorgeous. The melodic voice of Zack Condon just does something to me, there just aren't enough letters in the alphabet for me to explain how stunning it is. Ohh Zach!!
Anyway, there you go, Beirut - The peacock. Get on it.
Back on track
I haven't sorted out my photos yet, so I'll come back to the whole wedding shebang in another post. In summary, it was less interesting than I had expected weddings to be, but it was still lovely overall.
More interestingly though, my cousins live in Pontefract, where, fact fans, I discovered is home to the very large and very delicious smelling Haribo factory. I was quite confused the first couple of times we went into the town centre because all you can smell in the air is Haribo and its amazing. Here in Stockton town centre the only smell that lingers on the air is chemicals or horse shit.
There was also a large looking shop named "Hariboland" but unfortunately I didn't get to go in.
This was really a pretty dull and pointless post wasn't it? I only just realised that I had nothing of much substance to write about, except to say that tomorrow is Sunday and we're going on another countryside picnic. I hope the weather is as sunny as today and I can wear my summer dress.
Here's a photo of me trying to snuggle my cousins dog, unsuccessfully as you can see.
Toodle pip old beans.
Friday, 19 August 2011
Saturday, 13 August 2011
Happy dress
I've never been to a wedding before, so I am mega excited! I hope I don't cry...
So my cousin is only 18 (I think, maybe she's 19 now) I'm really happy for her, but I'm finding it hard to process, because as we were all growing up, her and her brothers were the closest things I had to siblings and I can't believe that now she's a grown up. We weren't especially close though, we didn't see each other all that much cause they all live in Castleford. I have so many funny memories of them when they were kids, I just can't grasp that they are grown up now. I can still see her as one of those kids who's hair never seems to grow till they're about 7, with no front teeth, telling us about what she had for school dinner that day (beef, if you're interested).
We're going up to their place tomorrow morning and I think we're staying till Wednesday or Thursday.
I've been really excited about the whole getting dressed up for a wedding. I bought a lovely dress off ebay, planned my whole outfit, make up, jewellery, shoes, hair style.
Here's a sneaky peek at my dress-
Thats all folks.
Blue blue electric blue
About a year ago, I came across a horrible shade of blue nail varnish in my house. I knew it wasn't mine, and I knew it was old, so it must've been my mams from yonks ago. I tried it on, as you do, and it became one of the many things I come across in life that I know isn't particularly nice but I really love.
So after a while I realized that I should try and get some more, so I spent quite a while looking for a perfectly matched shade, but to no avail. In the end, I settled for the closest I could get, which turned out a lot more of a bright electric primary blue (miss sporty). Turns out I like it possibly even more than the original 80's bottle. It was cheap as chips, lasts for ages, and the quality is ace.
It just really pops against my skin tone, and I've been wearing it pretty much non stop for at least a couple of months.
Also I've had a few complete strangers, (and the little girl who lives in my street) compliment me on it, which is nice!
In conclusion, blue is an excellent colour for nails and I don't understand why I haven't seen anyone else wearing it.
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Sunday funday
Nowadays we don't do that much any more but my mam and auntie and me went out for a Sunday mooch last week and I really enjoyed it. It was a nice day, and the first time my legs had been out in weeks. We stopped off at Barnard castle to get ice creams and have a look around (theres a proper class second hand book shop there that I LOVE).
They said that when I was a kid, whenever we used to go there they would take me to splash about in my little swimming costume in the paddling pool. Its still there today, but its empty and dirty and all the kids that were there that day were preoccupied by the play park.
We sat there though, to eat the ice creams and got nostalgic.
I guess some teenagers had also been keeping a bit of nostalgic tradition alive here too, can't beat a crudely graffitied penis can you?
Anyway after that we hopped into the car and drove to what I thought was a town but was actually a picnic area called, I think, Bowlees. My mam had been going on about it for ages because my Nana and grandad used to take my mam and auntie there when they were kids, and then they all took me when I was a kid. We reckoned though that the last time we were there, I would have been about 4.
It was just one of those beautiful typical English countryside places, with a little stream and a waterfall. It really was a gorgeous place though. We stopped and had a damn fine picnic, my mam attempted to do some bird spotting and then we all walked up stream.
Where we came to the first of two waterfalls,
There is a photo floating around somewhere, of me and my grandad in front of this waterfall, in this exact spot. I guess it was a little sad, having the reenactment alone, but it was a cool opportunity to re-do it 20 years later!
I was laughing in this one because as my auntie was taking the photo, a family came around the corner and caught us mid-photoshoot haha.
We walked a little further after that, up some steps and to another bigger waterfall. We couldn't get any further than that, so we turned on our heels and went back.
So there it is, my lovely Sunday.
I hope that next time we go coast-wards instead. I do love the countryside but my heart is always at the beach. Better get putting in my requests!
Saturday, 6 August 2011
German English Japanese, all the sand in all the seas
Its fucking mint, as are the band. (Devotchka, that is)
So aside from that, turns out I was completely worrying about nothing in regards to my last post. The boss was totally fine, way finer than I thought she was gonna be about it it. So I guess thats a lesson for me to not worry about things that I get worried about.
I don't really have much else to add tonight, its been a pretty damn miserable day today, rain filled for the most part, and quite thundery but I'm always down for a good bit o thunder & lightening.
I'm quite tired on account of eating far, far too much nutella late last night and consequently waking up at about 7am with a massive belly-ache. Hahah, another lesson for me, and for you actually, don't eat nutella from the jar with a spoon late at night.
Bish bash bosh.
Thursday, 4 August 2011
I'm pretty sure they were mating, they were there a long time. Nothing strange or unusual about two bee's getting on it, I hear you cry.
But it is strange, I think, when one is really huge and one is really small.
If anyone knows whats going on here, give us a shout.
I just procrastinated so much that when I had almost ran out of things to procrastinate (eat a slice of pizza, listen to smashing pumpkins, read other blogs) I googled procrastinate, to make sure I was spelling it right, and then read the wikipedia page on it.
I procrastinated writing this blog, because afterwards I have to go to bed, which means it'll be no time till I wake up and go to work, where I'll be handing in my notice. And that, is what this is all about. I'm very nervous about it.
I've been meaning to quit my job for a while, because its rubbish and I'm only there temporary and I don't get a decent amount of hours. Also because I'm going to my cousins wedding in two weeks and end of the road festival at the end of the month, and I'd never get the time off for them.
I mentioned before that I was applying to a casino, well the group interview was actually a lot of fun and I really enjoyed it. I came away actually really wanting the job (before I went to the interview, I was totally unsure). They said we'd hear back in a week, or maybe a little more. So I waited and waited and didn't hear anything. Then on Monday I got a call, as far as I can gather its only a call back, and I'm having a one to one interview next week. Which is good news for me.
Even if I don't get the casino gig, it will be my excuse out of there. I'm planning on telling them that I applied ages ago and didn't think I would hear back from them, and have been offered the job, hence handing in my weeks notice. The reason I'm worrying so much about it is because my boss had a bit of a chat with me last week, and basically she booked me in two weeks holidays in September and upped my hours to 16 from my official 8, because of some boring reasons you don't want to read about. At this point I knew I wouldn't be staying that long, but hadn't figured out the details so my tiny mind just thought "yeah ok just go along with her for now".
So I'm worried I'll look like a bit of a dodgy character and she'll think "why did she let me give her more hours and holidays when she's leaving". This is where my "Just been offered a job" lie comes in, hopefully it'll just look like I only just found out about it.
I'm also worried because the rotas are already up for the next 2 weeks and I had been down for 20 hours to cover 2 people who are on holiday. Urgh I'm just stressing about it. I'm going to be nervous as hell tomorrow.
My coping mechanism, with things like this, anything thats worrying me or that i'm not looking forward to, is to just think "this time tomorrow/next week/mont, it'll all be over with"
Which does help a little bit!
I'm currently having a hot flush, I don't know if its cause I'm bugging out, or because the pizza I just ate had jalapenos on, or maybe because its just a fucking humid night.
Anyway, god, what a boring blog post, sorry! Needed to get it all out y'know.
Better stuff next time,
wish me luck, T'rah!
Monday, 1 August 2011
Also it feels wrong referring to an older man as "hot". Sometimes I don't like the word hot to describe people at all, so from now on I will refer to him as beautiful bed man.