Monday, 18 April 2011
Bread knife blues
Also had a dream where I could make myself float. I've had a few dreams the last 6 months or so that I could float or fly, and honestly it feels incredibly cool and amazing and always leaves me disappoined upon waking. Wonder what it means. Probably some bollocks. I don't believe in dream dictionarys.
Oh well yeah anyway, thats all.
Phone finding blues
I've had my little teeny samsung for about 3 and a half years, In human years that'd probably be about 30. In todays world of everyone getting new phones every 6 months, its served me well and I love it almost as much as I loved kitkat chunky peanut butter, but the crack has got bigger, the camera won't take pictures anymore and the mp3's are a bit hit and miss when it comes to playing them.
And so began the task of finding a new one, a task that has been about 25 times harder than I thought it would be.
The first one I came across the other week in the early days of looking for a new phone, before everything go so complicated was a really sweet little model called the LG pop. I was pretty excited about it at first, it was so small! And seemed quite decent. But with further research into other phones, I realised it was really basic, and I got greedy. For not too much extra cash there are phones with a lot more going for them. So with a heavy heart I have resigned the little pop to the reject bin, which is such a shame cause I love the size and shape so much, and if it had a few extra things I'd have been all over it like a wet flannel. But there are a few others that I have my eye on that also look good, and I'd rather pay a little extra for a fair bit more.
I won't go into them all, but one day last week, armed with my mam because I am scared of phone salespeople, I had a quick look around all the phone shops in town. Which was only slightly helpful. Phone sales people are so awful, not personally of course, but it really makes me so uncomfortable going into those places cause they're just so vulture like. Since attacking google post phone shop mooching, I'm ready for another go. Going into town with my mam again tomorrow and this time I'm going to have a more thorough examination of whats about.
There are many things that I'm finding I just can't process about phones these days, its insane. I don't even mean techy wise. For one thing phones are so huge and ugly these days! I know I'm used to my tiny zoolander phone, but some of the ones I've seen have been about the size of, I dunno, something BIG. Giant phones are bad. Also its completely normal for phones now to cost hundreds of pounds. Hundreds and hundreds. For a phone. If I was going to pay 3 months wages for a phone, I would expect it to make me breakfast in bed, give me massages and tidy my room for me. I just don't understand how anyone can think its reasonable to pay that much, or how companies think its reasonable to charge that much. I suppose if you're on a contract maybe it doesn't work out as that expensive, maybe you get a good deal. I dunno, I don't really know anything about it. But anyway, sheesh. Who needs a phone with a 27 million mega pixel camera and sat nav and the ability to play the whole series of tomb raider. Crazy.
Back in the world of all things non phone related, I still have not located my USB thing for my camera, which is even more annoying now because firstly my last 3 posts have been massive walls of text and secondly I've taken so many pictures over the weekend that I want to post. I'll have another hunt for it tonight.
Went for a walk up the river to the barrage with my mam yesterday evening, it'd be a beautiful afternoon and the walk was nice. On the way there we seen a horrible skagy stocktonian woman shouting the most offensive racist sweary abuse at the taxi drivers at the rank, for, I'm assuming, refusing to take her anywhere. (don't blame them). Then got further up the road 5 minutes later to witness the armed response unit and loads of police cars and some incident going down. Police with guns, everyone stopping to look (including us haha!) Dunno what happened in the end, we didn't hang around and not much action was going on. The rest of the walk was trouble free.
Also discovered a new shop in town, possibly about to open, possibly already open. It was so cool, it had just loads of second hand books, for free! They've saved them otherwise going to landfil and you can just go in and donate what you want. What a great idea, absoloutely can't wait to go in.
I had a chill out today about working at Clintons, in regards to all the ranting I did about it in the last post. I still mean everything I said previously. But I know I should be grateful and it could be a lot worse. I could still be jobless, and really I'm so happy that I have one. And theres not one person at work who I don't like, so really I'm a lucky mofo. I'm still on the lookout for anything else though!
Just on a final note, a old man came into work today, to return a single envelope, saying that he'd bought a bundle of cards recently and when he'd wrote them all out, he realized he had one left over. I think thats the sweetest nicest thing I've heard in a very long time. Just a simple little act, I mean I know he probably was just in town anyway, don't think he'd have came down especially just for that one thing. But it really warmed my cockles (whatever cockles are) and he was just so cute. I love old people :)
Friday, 15 April 2011
Back again
Watched Scooby doo at 4pm, lame I know, it was my favourite cartoon as a kid though, and I always love watching them.
A bit later on my mam and auntie and me went doon my grandads house to walk the dog and do some gardening, quite a lot of gardening going on in my life at the moment isn't there!
Last year (or was it the year before that?) from nowhere strawberries started growing in the little bit of garden in my grandads yard. Mostly the slugs got to them before we even discovered them, but we salvaged a few that were untouched. This year though, theres absolutely loads more growing, they've spread quite far out from where they first sprouted from. I'm really happy about this, and am going to try my hardest to stop the garden pests getting them.
Anyway tonight I was weeding out all the weeds, it was really therapeutic, getting them all out, leaving only the strawberry plants and some flowers. I felt a good sense of achievement afterwards, because the weeds were so bad before I tackled them. This is because the bastards next door have that horrible creeping ivy stuff, which has come through to our side. Its an absolute nightmare to get out because its so tough, they're like those jungle vines and I don't doubt for a second that if they were hanging from trees, I could easily swing on them. They were a pain, but I've annihilated most of them.
It was a nice little gardening session, a black cat crossed my path (well, the back wall), we had biscuits, and when I got annoyed at my hair getting in the way, and I had no bobble to tie it up with, I managed in my infinite genius, to locate the old peg bag, and successfully pegged my hair up. It was such a success, and so comfortable, that I am still wearing the pegs in my hair right now, 6 hours later. [pictures here at a later date]
On a final and unrelated note, on Saturday I laid my tartan blanket in my yard and spent a while listening to music whilst wearing a summer dress and carefully picking alllll the seeds from the head of my dead sunflower. I was pretty happy to discover that there was even any in it, glad I was too lazy to cut it down all this time, cause I was going to just going to go out and (get my mam to) buy me some, but I actually had a lot to harvest from last years sunny.
Earlier in the week, in my haste to remove a tasty tasty pizza from the oven, I gave myself a nasty but small burn on the arm. I just kept it under a plaster and all was well. The other day I took it off, and lo and behold, thanks to sitting in the yard that sunny day, I had a little tan mark where the plaster had been. Its faint, but noticeable. I was wearing sun cream as well that day. Only factor 8, and only for about half the time I'd been out because I forgot at first. I didn't think it was even hot enough for sun cream but I thought best to be safe.
Anyway, shutting up now.
Back again.
This is basically about my shitty day. I was, as you may have noticed, not off on the best start to today. Groggy at not being able to find my thing, I know it sounds like nothing, but the lack of posts from me recently stemmed from me not really ever being in the mood to blog lately, and that combined with me being hit with failure the one time I feel really in the mood to start back up, well it filled me with rage.
Anyway, after that me and my mam tootled into town. Her to pay some bills and buy some dog food, and me to go to work. Or so I thought until I got there only to be told I wasn't actually in today. The normal me would giggle, be a little embarrassed and then go on to be pretty chuffed about having the next 4 hours to myself. But this was today me, the grouchy me, the me that was already pissed off.
Clintons can suck my balls. Hard. They fuck me around all the time. I'm only on a four hour contract, and even that's probably not gonna be for the long term. They fucked me over last month by somehow not paying me at the end of it for the few shifts I'd done (that were a lot more than 4hrs p/w and the wages would've been nice because I'd just blown the last of my savings on a festival ticket) Because, I actually don't know because. Some bullshit about "cut off dates".
Basically I'm working a month in hand, which has left me absolutely fucking skint (save for £5.85 in the bank) for 6 weeks. Because here we get paid on the last Friday of the month, and this month has 5 Fridays.
Also 4hours a week would usually mean I can sign on still, but the boss gave me 24 hours one week last month, despite me telling them repeatedly that anything over 15 will mean I have to sign off, which I didn't want to do for a job that I'm getting hardly any hours for and that might drop me at any moment. I should have put my food down here and said no to the hours she'd gave me, this part is entirely my fault. But I just thought I'd way rather work and just sign off, and that I'd get a nice payday (a week or so later, or so I thought) when I got paid.
So I'm getting fuck all job seekers which I could have been doing this entire month so far, and I'm still broke for 2 weeks. Normally I would be fine on my own being skint, I can handle it. I just felt dead tight on my mam, not being able to contribute to anything.
Anyway for now I'm not gonna go off on one too much about the rota till I go in a check it again, cause maybe I did get it wrong. But the last time I was in, was last Friday, and I knew I wouldn't be back in all week and thus I spent an extra long time looking at the rota double checking my one lonesome shift. I even wrote it in my phone at the time so I wouldn't forget. Maybe I looked at the wrong sheet, but I'll find out fo sho tomorro. SO unless I'm a moron and looked at the wrong sheet, it was them being dickheads and changing the rota without telling me. You should see the state of them, 50% of the time when I go to look they're not even in the plastic wallet, and when they are there they're covered in mank where peoples hours have been scribbled out and changed and wrote back in again.
So I left work, I couldn't go straight home because I didn't have a key because I thought I wouldn't be back home till 5 and my mam would be home and I didn't need to. My mam was still in the town, and she infuriatingly never has her fucking mobile on her, despite me telling her to approximately 78.9 times a week. When I finally got home there was a lull in my rage for a while.
If my earlier intended photoblog had worked, you would have seen shiny new pictures of some seeds I bought the other day with money my auntie kindly lent me. And also one of my very newly sprouted sunflowers. After I had changed out of uncomfortable work clothes, I decided maybe to use the afternoon to plant my seeds and flowers. Whilst looking for plant pots in the yard, my mam kindly informs me that she's hogged the two empty plant pots that I had been planning to use. Great. Thanks a lot mam.
One of them had had my chili plant in (before I finally admitted that I could hold on to them no more and that they were indeed dead) so rightfully that should have been mine at least. I don't even know what she planted. Some ugly things no doubt, she has horrible taste in plants. She said "ohh well you can have the big pot". The big one is massive, but also grimy as fuck. I could put up with this, but it has no drainage holes at the bottom, and my particular type of seeds need good drainage so it was totally useless. Why didn't she just plant hers in it, I don't know. Pretty sure bulbs don't give a damn about drainage.
So for the third time of the day, I am screwed over. Ok, I know misplacing something, and attending the wrong things really don't count as being screwed over. However for someone so usually cheery as myself, I suppose its only natural that occasionally things will build up and piss me off. I'm just glad it doesn't happen often.
Thursday, 14 April 2011
The blog that wasn't
However I utterly cannot find the little usb thing I need to transfer my photos over. I have literally hunted high and low in my bedroom looking for it and its absolutely nowhere to be seen. The only explanation left in my mind is that some "mischievous" ghost of some sort has hidden it thinking its being cute and cheeky. Ghost, you are not cute and cheeky. You are pissing me the fuck off.
For the last 20 minutes I've been wandering bedroom and house shouting expletives and angrily telling the ghost that I want my goddamn thing back. To no avail.
If I come back from work to find it neatly placed in the middle of my bed, shit will go down. WHERE THE FUCK IS IT?! urghhh I'm so angry.
Ok, can't type any more, anger rising. Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghhhhhhhh
Well whaddya know
-"Drinking a cup of love tea. I need it!"
'ave a word.
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Lovely university challenge boy
I was idly wandering around my bedroom bored, picking my way through the few remaining bits of floor that were actually visible amongst the piles of clothes scattered around, I guess I got bored after a while, because I plonked myself onto the bed and had a channel hop.
My Tv is always on in these situations, and I know its probably a massive waste of energy having it on when I'm not paying the least bit of notice to it, but I like the atmosphere of it being on. Which is probably a bit weird but not as weird as this post will probably be.
Anyway, as I was passing through 1-5, I got stuck on 2. The last few minutes of university challenge was on, and a wonderful sight befell my eyes. I watched, almost dumbfounded at the beautiful boy from Oxford. Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?!
So there you have it, more or less. His name is Matthew Chan and he looks like this

Sort of takes your breath away slightly doesn't he?
I'm glad he's quite a little star after his stint on UC (I am not glad I only discovered him till pretty much the final episode however) And for the first time in my silly fangirling over people I fancy, I didn't feel like a massive freak for being sad enough to google him. Hooray! Furthermore, when all this was going on, I remembered this -
Further cementing my realisations of being (more) normal (than most) in regards to having crushes on unobtainable boys :)
Okay, before I press the publish post button I want to add two things, the fist being this - I had a mint laugh at the commentator guy on university challenge who has to very quickly say the name of whoever buzzed AND the college they're from, in the space of about half a second, especially when "Magdalen Haddad-fonda" buzzed. That's a lot of syllables to squeeze into such a small time slot.
And the second being this - (more links sorry!) like how he seems so cool about it, and I felt a little bit fuzzy at the comment "maybe people will recognise me in the street, ask me to hold their hand, kiss their mouth, write their essays, that kind of thing. Maybe not, though."
Matthew Chan, if I ever happen to see you in the street, I will definitely come over and ask if I can kiss your mouth.