New year newyeah. So we're a week into 2011, I can't tell if its gone very fast or very slow. I'll plump with slow, because this time last week when I was stumbling around Ku bar, seems like a long long time ago. I'll be glad when its Monday and I'll be able to tell one day from the other, I've been a bit confused for most of the Christmas period. I had a fun new years eve though, staying in Stockton with mes amis. I got really really nostalgic at midnight, for some reason, I'm just a nostalgic kinda girl.
The results of the hair curlers were thus -
Unfortunately I was too busy getting ready to take any proper pictures of how it looked, but it did look very curly and lovely (and better than that picture) for about an hour before my hair did its usual trick of going "ehh nor, no curls here thanks" and promptly dropped them all.
Also, a hair anecdote, when me and Laura had finally finished prancing around/getting dressed/made up/pre-drinking, we went to the local shop so Laura could buy some batteries for her camera, there were three Irish gypo's in front of us, I could feel one of them's eyes boring into me but I just kept on talking to Laura to avoid her, but then she butted in and started asking me about my hair. Actually she was really really nice, they all were proper nice, but it was so funny. Laura was getting served and this Irish girl who was probably about 18 kept on asking me if my hair was real or extensions, and she kept on asking me if they were extensions even after I'd guaranteed her that it was indeed my own hair, and she kept on touching it haha. Then she proceeded to ask me to take off my shoe to see how tall I was. They were so friendly though, and I was pretty tipsy, so it was quite nice banter. Though should I be offended that some strangers thought my hair was fake?!
Fun was had a Ku bar, made some drunken friends at the end of the night who spent the entire time we walked from ku to the take out, and then in the take out, trying to convince us to go back to "Mikey's" house, (at least I think he was called mikey) They were proper sound though, and it would have been so fun to do something spontaneous like to go to the after party in Billingham of someone we just met whos mam was away in Germany. I was darn tempted too, it sounded so much fun, but I had to be up pretty early the next day in order for new years dinner.
The night started out quite respectfully,
Slowly got a bit sweatier, messier, drunkerer
(on my half at least, Laura is a more together drunk than I)

Hahah. Actually only just realised how funny those are. Oh well, gotta have a laugh haven't you.
Right, I actually had a load more stuff to write, but I just realised that if I wrote it all down now, this would actually be the longest blog post anyone has ever made ever, and nobody would ever finish reading it.
So there you have it, topics I will be writing about next time include
phone update,
life update.
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