Monday, 31 January 2011
Lucky little breaks
Next, find my lost jumper...
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Anyway, I've been to the library with my mam today, I have a book thats due back tomorrow, I had planned on finishing it and taking it back today but I just got it renewed instead. While I was at the library I was struck with the urge to read The Shining, because the film is mint and I'm kind of in the mood lately, to be scared. But it wasn't there. I'll try next time. I also got out the diary of Anne Frank, because how could I resist reading the diary of someone else? I've had a little flip through and her writing is very smart, very coherent, very mature. She was 13, and her writing is about a hundred times better than mine. Anyway it seems interesting and I'm looking forward to reading it. Also got one called "frozen in time" about the franklin expedition, I've not heard of it before but it sounds interesting and very mysterious, all I know is that it was some expedition from the 1800's and somehow they all died. Is about it, I think. Also it had this on the cover -
Frozen scary mummy corpse. There are worse pictures in the book, and worse still photos on google images if you type in "franklin expedition" which I kind of wish I hadn't done, but they intrigue me and terrify me in equal measure.
After leaving the library we stopped off at cooplands for cake, it was pretty late though and there were no chocolate toffee danishes left, so I got a large bun thing with pink icing and cream and jam in the middle and with a glace cherry on top. The woman who worked there was dead nice, asked if I was eating it now, so she could figure out how to package it, and when I said no she said "ahh saving it to eat at home eh" and then said "I'll pick you the biggest one". I didn't argue. It was very tasty, I could only eat half of it, the other half is in the fridge ready for me to scoff later. And rest assured, scoff it later I certainly will.
The party I mentioned in the last post was great, but thats a post for another day.
Someone on facebook the other day posted a link to I had heard of it before but not been bothered about having one myself, the same for formspring, cause usually they're just a magnet for drama. But it got me re-thinking it, and I decided it would be fun, and I am nosey, so I've gone ahead and got me some.
Purely for the purpose of blogging experimentation you understand. I'm not keeping them for long, maybe a week or so, cause they're pretty gay really. I might keep the formspring, depending on how it goes, cause I do like answering questions. So there you go, bombard me with writing, if you feel so inclined.
Also, lastly, remember my agony bianca thing? That question I answered, I dunno if it really was a genuine question, but if it was, this is a little plea to the person who put forward their question, What happened with the boy? Do let me know please! Anyone else who has a question for agony bianca, fire away.
Saturday, 22 January 2011
Anyway in other news
Went to my very first Pilates class on Monday with Laura, it was pretty good, if a little boring in parts, but I know its supposed to be really really good for you, and I did quite enjoy it. I'd like to carry on with it for a bit. Also we met this really sweet Spanish girl, she was lovely. I always think its really good to meet other people from totally different places, I kind of want to make friends with her. Plus being at Splash made me really want to go swimming, I can't believe I used to live a 3 minute walk from that place and I've never been swimming there.
The Australian open is on at the moment, giving me a nice little Nadal fix. Swoon. Seen the Armani photo's the other day, and they are scorching. Though I do secretly find it hilarious that they gave an advertising campaign for underpants to the guy who has a permanent wedgie, he really does never seem to stop poking around his ass crack. It is a truly magnificent behind though.
I should probably shut up now.
Going to a party later on in the night, someone in the streets 50th, should be alright anyway.
Later taters!
First it was a bag of bird peanuts hung outside the front door, then she added some balls made out of fat that have seeds and things in.
This was a few weeks ago, because I am lazy and get sidetracked easily, so it has since been taken down because the birds ate it all, but for a while this is what hung outside our house -
(Looks a bit rude, get it?
1.09 here)
Monday, 17 January 2011
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
New year part 2
So, apart from a raging hangover thirst, I felt pretty good, and proceeded to throw on jeans and a hoodie, as any hungover new years day should be spent in. Or that was the plan, only I couldn't find my hoodie anywhere. So after a while of throwing clothes around I had a total turnaround and thought fuck it! Then I got changed into this -
And whacked on a slick of lipstick, because I just suddenly felt like being glamorous, and mainly because I felt like if you start the year in a ton of sequins, its going to be a good year.
So there we go. As for new years resolutions, I had a quick skim over the ones I made last year which were, try black pudding, learn to do the splits, don't feel silly taking pictures in public, making my bedroom exactly how I want it, and drink more vimto.
I tried black pudding once, it was ok but it wasn't the best quality. I'll try it again, some decent stuff. In conclusion it was quite nice, and that's one resolution that I did keep.
Didn't learn the splits, that'll be added to this years reso's.
Forgot all about the photo taking one, but I think I managed it a little.
Bedroom, forgot about that one too but I did make it a little more "me"
Succeeded in drinking more Vimto.
I guess overall last years ones were hit and miss. Not bad I feel.
Now for this years.
Ok I just forgot what all the ones I had planned were, so I shall leave it here and remember them next time.
Here's the prize I won from my cracker-
Good eh?!
Friday, 7 January 2011
New year
New year newyeah. So we're a week into 2011, I can't tell if its gone very fast or very slow. I'll plump with slow, because this time last week when I was stumbling around Ku bar, seems like a long long time ago. I'll be glad when its Monday and I'll be able to tell one day from the other, I've been a bit confused for most of the Christmas period. I had a fun new years eve though, staying in Stockton with mes amis. I got really really nostalgic at midnight, for some reason, I'm just a nostalgic kinda girl.
The results of the hair curlers were thus -
Unfortunately I was too busy getting ready to take any proper pictures of how it looked, but it did look very curly and lovely (and better than that picture) for about an hour before my hair did its usual trick of going "ehh nor, no curls here thanks" and promptly dropped them all.
Also, a hair anecdote, when me and Laura had finally finished prancing around/getting dressed/made up/pre-drinking, we went to the local shop so Laura could buy some batteries for her camera, there were three Irish gypo's in front of us, I could feel one of them's eyes boring into me but I just kept on talking to Laura to avoid her, but then she butted in and started asking me about my hair. Actually she was really really nice, they all were proper nice, but it was so funny. Laura was getting served and this Irish girl who was probably about 18 kept on asking me if my hair was real or extensions, and she kept on asking me if they were extensions even after I'd guaranteed her that it was indeed my own hair, and she kept on touching it haha. Then she proceeded to ask me to take off my shoe to see how tall I was. They were so friendly though, and I was pretty tipsy, so it was quite nice banter. Though should I be offended that some strangers thought my hair was fake?!
Fun was had a Ku bar, made some drunken friends at the end of the night who spent the entire time we walked from ku to the take out, and then in the take out, trying to convince us to go back to "Mikey's" house, (at least I think he was called mikey) They were proper sound though, and it would have been so fun to do something spontaneous like to go to the after party in Billingham of someone we just met whos mam was away in Germany. I was darn tempted too, it sounded so much fun, but I had to be up pretty early the next day in order for new years dinner.
The night started out quite respectfully,
Slowly got a bit sweatier, messier, drunkerer
(on my half at least, Laura is a more together drunk than I)

Hahah. Actually only just realised how funny those are. Oh well, gotta have a laugh haven't you.
Right, I actually had a load more stuff to write, but I just realised that if I wrote it all down now, this would actually be the longest blog post anyone has ever made ever, and nobody would ever finish reading it.
So there you have it, topics I will be writing about next time include
phone update,
life update.
Sunday, 2 January 2011
Broken screen blues
Dropped the laptop on it. Only from the height of a few inches, and not properly dropped like "slipped out of my hands", just like "putting down on the floor".
Ever had those dreams where your teeth are falling out, but then you wake up, run your tongue around your mouth and are filled with relief?
It was like that, except minus the relief. I keep thinking I'm going to look at my phone and it'll be back to normal.
It still works perfectly, but I'm so gutted that I've done this. I had it about 3 and a half years, and in that time I've dropped it from high heights, onto hard surfaces, and down the stairs on one occasion, and its always been totally fine, its a little bruiser, I was starting to think it was invincible.
Its old, but I still love it so much. I don't know what I'm going to do really. I'm planning on taking it to a couple of those shady looking mobile phone accessory shops that are around near where I live, if any of them can fix it cheaply I'll probably just get it fixed. On the other hand, if it costs quite a lot then I'll just stick with my cracked screen until I can save up for a fresh phone.
Maybe this was just the worlds way of telling me I need a new phone. I always knew I would need one eventually, that the day would come when I would get one, I just didn't think it would be like this.
Here's my artists impression of how it looks -

Saturday, 1 January 2011
alabama arkansas
In the absence of any words/story/other let me introduce ye to this song. I can't get enough of it, and its a good way to start the first post of a new year I think. I've been playing it constantly the last few days, especially yesterday, I even had it in my head pretty much the entire time I was out last night, and when I woke up today.
Its called "Home" and its by a band called "Edward Sharpe and the magnetic zeros" who I discovered whilst mooching around on Spotify a coupla months ago.
The other day I heard it on the TV, film4 are using it as a background song for their advert. I was like, ohh I know this song! Made me feel really happy and cool.
When it comes to music, I am pretty un-cool. I don't know loads of songs or loads of bands, and even the ones I do know and love, I probably don't know as much of their stuff as I should or could. So it always feels like a nice little personal achievement when I get some sort of music trivia hit.
So there you have it anyway, hope you enjoy it as much as I do, its a wonderful little song, with wonderful lyrics which I recommend you look up, if you like the song.
I won't keep on posting loads of YouTube clips on my blog, it sort of annoys me when people do it all the time. But I realllly really wanted to share it, cause I just love it so much.