I will wrap and ribbon it tomorrow.
I'm listening to a christmas playlist on Spotify, just discovered that there is a Jimmy Eat World cover of "Last Christmas", I am enjoying it a lot.
Finished work for good today, I didn't hate it, but I'm glad to leave. I have to go in tomorrow to pick up my wages and my wellies. I was in such haste to leave today that i forgot to put them on, which resulted in me traipsing around town with wet and cold feet, ballet pumps really aren't good for winter. Ohh well.
Going to boro tomorrow with my mam, not sure why come to think of it, it was her suggestion. The metro centre thing never got rescheduled which I'm not so bummed about any more. Lemme give you this analogy, its sort of like when you're really hungry, but you don't get to eat for aaages, and then when you do get around, the hunger has passed and you're not really hungry any more. Its like that. I don't care any more, maybe I'll go in the new year.
THATS the plan anyway, or it was till it started snowing a fair bit a coupla hours ago. Not that I'm complaining cause I really do love it, but I don't think the buses will be too reliable tomorra, especially early like we were planning on going. But nevermind. Snow messes things up and theres nothing anyone can do about it. I was locked out of work this morning cause nobody had got there to let me in. I made the mistake of going to cafe nero for a take out cappuchino but not picking up any sugar. It was rank without it, like drinking hot strong chemicals. But lesson learnt.
Its almost technically christmas eve. After I've finished doing this I'm going to pain my nails like candycanes.
After the shopping I'll be retiring to my bedroom, possibly for a nap, but more probably to sneakily wrap my mams prezzies and to finally tidy my room. Its an absoloute tip, as you will soon see. There is hardly any floor space to walk on, this is a record for me, I never usually let it get this bad, but I'm definately definately tidying tomorrow.
In other news, had a couple of drunken but fun nights at the weekend. One was impromptu but resulted in me having suuuuuuch a fun night, the next one was a wierd but cool and planned situation of getting back in touch with someone I hadn't spoken to for a long time. I guess thats a long and deep blog for another day, but suffice to say we drank wine at the tommy sheraton, stumbled about in the newly arrived snow afterwards, and ended the night with a kebab. You can't fall off with that really. Also I had work both the next days after that, and I felt mint and hangover free for both of them.
These are from night 2-

More on that laterrr.
Sunset on the way home looked as beautiful as ever. Apart from the massive smudge on my lens that I didn't find out about till just now.
So there you have it. Bish Bash Bosh!
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