So there I was merrily stepping over the carpet of junk that is my bedroom floor (more on that later) in the dark, when suddenly I notice a dark spot on the wall/ceiling that I never noticed before. I'm really really hoping it is just a blotch that I've never taken notice of before, but in my heart, I know its not. So I put the light on, and yes, my worst fears are confirmed, that is a rather sizable spider up there.
Great. I have a little look, it doesn't look too bad. This situation made me realise that I've never seen a medium sized spider, they are always either about the size of a 5p, or MASSIVE. Anyway, at first I thought it was in the 5p sized category, I'm a lot closer to the floor than I am to the ceiling though, and further gawping reveals that its actually a MASSIVE one. Goddamn. It was getting pretty late and I had been about to get into bed. If it was a 5p size I would have just thought fuck it, and not been too fussed. But this one. I spent a lot of time debating what to do. I had only just noticed it, how long had it been there? Why hadn't I noticed it before? Has it been there all day?
In the end, I pussy out and sadly decide to retreat to the safety of the spare room. That is until I get in there and discover that its fucking freeeezing cold, because the window has been open for ages. Also the dog is laid on the bed, and the bed is quite hairy and she looked so sweet and comfy. After this dilemma, I decide to go back to my own room, I hate the big spider, but I hate the cold more. When I get back to my room and reassess the spider, I momentarily change my mind and wonder if there is any way around the spare room glitches. I change my mind again and decide there isn't. The spider hasn't budged. Then I get a hit of bravado, I'm not being pushed out of my room by a spider. The bravado retreats and I start thinking, maybe I should sleep with the light on? Spiders don't like light. Then I get a bit more hardcore again and think about how ridiculous the whole thing is, and just get into bed already. I try not to think about waking up in the morning and finding the spider next to me on my pillow. Or waking up in the night with it trying to crawl into my ear. I turn the light on and off a few times, to see if it runs away in the dark. It doesn't. So I go to bed. I slept on the edge. The spider was close to my bed see, and if it had fallen off, it would have landed on the other end of it. I'm not sure I actually got any sleep, it didn't feel like it.
When my alarm goes off at 7am, the first thing I do I look at the spot. Sure enough, the spider is gone. Shit. Not long after I find it again, still way out of reach, but at least its gone in the right direction along the ceiling, the right direction being the opposite direction of me.
Turns out it was on the dining room door, and even bigger up close. Fortunately it was on the move and when it got to the floor I managed to glass it.
And that concludes the spidery tale, I hope. I hope they are one and the same spider, cause if not I probably have one still in my room, somewhere.
Whoa this post was painful to read since i had to squint while scrolling past the pictures. Im lame and so scared of them i cant even look at a picture. It takes me weeks to recover when ive seen a spider in my house. Im glad spiders are not taking over your life. Just never let them be the boss or you will end up like me.
Ayy carumba, sorry! I really should have had a spoiler or something.
Im sorry you have such a bad time with spiders though, that must be tough. I tried not to let this one take over my life, but I still laid on the very edge of my double bed all night and only got about half an hours worth of sleep haha.
Apparently they dont like lemony things, so try spraying lemon juice around windowsills and doors and any other spidery crevices, and hopefully you will repel them.
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