When we got there, we found this ace junk shop, I could have stayed in there for hours but I could tell it wasn't really the adults scene so we only stayed long enough for me to snap these cheeky snaps. I believe it was called the stonehouse emporium, on skinner street.
Generally had a bit of a mooch about, y'know. There is a polar bear in Whitby, true story. Not sure why its above a Holland and Barrats, I think it used to be a toy shop.
Other things we did included having dinner, more mooching, spending not as much time as I would have liked in the arcades, I won a little car filled with sherbet and a plastic mobile phone that had a pinball game in one side and sweets that were like nerds in the other. Well worth £1 in two pences. All of which I didn't take pictures of.
By this time the weather was going a bit crazy, the tide was really high and the sea was more rough than I've ever seen it there, it was quite scary. In hindsight I really wish we'd have gone closer to other end of the seafront and got some great picures, but I didn't think of this at the time cause it was bloody cold and we were on the way to catch the last train and didn't have time. Here's some windy pictures before we had to shoot off home-
And one where I'm not sharing the shot with a massive bin.
Thank my auntie for the great framing skills
Insane sea conditions-
Click this one for bigger, the waves are pretty cool closer up.
And of course, even though we didn't climb up to it this time, you can't really go to Whitby without taking a picture of the abbey. It must have been very pretty, once upon a time.
Just after taking that picture it was time to get the train home. I don't want to write too much about it cause I'll end up going on about it for ages and it pissed me off enough at the time. I'll write a separate blog about it another time maybe. Basically loads of drunk people got on the train, were dead noisy, had 2 proper fist fight brawls, close to where we were, we had to move. Train stopped in the middle of nowhere where yet another fight broke out. We waited for police/transport police who did fuck all when they arrived. Waste of time. Got home late, blah blah.
But anyway, here's the last few pictures of the train, before everything went mental.
I bought two amazing hats in a charity shop for £1 each. More on that later.
Done and done.