For now, I'm kind of looking forward to this month being over, its been a bit up and down. Shitty things include- Break-ups, missing out on meteor showers cause of immense amounts of cloud, getting rained on more than should be allowed in a summer month, spending more money than I should have on shoes (totally worth it by the way), and to top it off, I had a phone call this morning from a lovely lady asking if I wanted to come for an interview for a job I applied for over a month ago, and then her telling me it was in Altringham. I applied for the same company 'cept in Middlesbrough, which I told her, and she said her boss had handed her a pile of CV's, and that's how she got mine. How my CV made it from Stockton to Altringham, when I definitely addressed it to Middlesbrough, I do not know. I was disappointed though. Haven't had an interview in a few months and when I do almost get one, it turns out to be a dud! Haha. If you don't laugh you'll cry. Though I suppose it is quite funny.
Watched, read the book, then re-watched The virgin suicides. Still undecided weather I like it or not.
Good things this month include the Runswick bay trip, just one of those days where everything is lovely and perfect. I'll do a separate blog about that laterrr. Finding a genuine bonafinde peacock feather, laughing SO hard at something I seen on TV tonight, that I actually wondered if it was possible to die from laughing. Also got a lipstick today from the market for a fraction of the price they're selling them for in the shops. I'm trying to wear lipstick because, I don't really know actually. I was bored in my room a couple of months ago, mooching through my hand me down make up, when I found this really small one, it was bright pink, and for shits and giggles I tried it on. It turned out to actually quite suit me. So I thought. I know basically fuck all about make up though, even less about lipstick, so I wasn't certain, but I thought it looked OK. So I wore it the next day, and my auntie commented on it, she said "ohh is that new lipstick, it doesn't half suit you". So that was an unexpected but pleasant surprise, accidentally stumbling across lipstick that looks good on me. I'm still not 100% sold on lipstick just yet, I've never worn it before in my life, but I'm almost there. Anyway, I'll shut the hell up about that now cause it boring.
Also good about the month ending, next month is my Birthday. I realised its ridiculous to be worried about "getting old" when im only going to be twenty fucking four. So im looking forward to it.
My eyes are a bit tired, for some reason I couldn't sleep much last night. Also "Stand by me" is on in 20 minutes and I love it and am gonna watch it, even though I've got the DVD.
Located a gig buddy for the Modest Mouse gig I was screaming about on here before. (or should that be the gig buddy located me, Thankyou!!) Im very happy, I can't wait to go go go, and gig and shop and generally do good things. Im glad August is ending on something really great.
Here's some pictures that are unrelated to all of the above.