Firstly though, I have (somehow!) gained 6 followers on here. I just wanted to say thanks really! I know its just a blog, but it means a lot to me. And before this turns into an Oscars speech, furthermore I would like to apologise to anyone who commented on my last post, because I am a lazy shit and haven't replied yet. From now on, I will respond with haste.
Anyway, back to the business at hand! I don't know why I keep leaving massive gaps between blogs lately, but I'm gonna try and not do that any more. Writing a blog, I find anyway, for me is like writing a diary entry. There's usually only a small window where I feel like doing it, and I do feel quite strongly like doing it. But also usually I miss the window cause I'm always farting about doing other pointless things and then a few minutes later I don't wanna write anymore. But anyway, here I am, I wanted to write tonight. Cause its been so long, there's a lot of pictures I wanted to include. But anyone who's on blogger will know how much of a massive pain in the arse it is, the picture system on here. For some reason, it likes to mess up what you've written, leave big gaps, and generally be impossible to move your picture around. So this time, I'm not putting up with that. All the pictures from the following post will be at the bottom of this no doubt huge wall of text. This is why I need to blog more frequently, so I don't have a massive build up of pictures I wanna post! But this is a one off, next time will be normal.
Hay fever is kicking my ass today, well tonight, it kicked my ass all yesterday, now its night time and its still kicking my ass, and its looking like its going to kick my ass again tomorrow. Urgh, anyway, I guess I should write about all the pictures I've just uploaded.
First off, here's some pictures from the derelict church I was on about in my last post. I had a wander down and it was really cool. Quite busy as well, for some reason I thought I'd be the only one there! It was smaller than I expected, it was obviously totally bare so there wasn't really much to photograph. But who knows when I'll get to go in again, so I made the most of it. I would really like it if it was still a functioning church, or at least had more to it. But it was still quite good.
Yesterday I went to my grandads house for a few hours with my mam to do the gardening. I don't know how much I've wrote about this on here, but basically when my grandad died about 2 years ago, he didn't leave a will and his house has been up for sale pretty much ever since. Its empty, nobody wants to buy it. The garden was getting overgrown as, so yeah, hence we tidied it. Gardening sucks. Too many spiders for my liking. And it takes ages. But theres a few little delights in my grandads yarden. Last year we discovered strawberries growing in there. Absolutely no idea where they came from, either from next door or a bird dropping a seed. Unfortunately by the time we found out about them, the slugs had had a nice feast and we never got to taste any. This time though, we took all the weeds from around it, and they're getting good sunlight. The slugs are clever and are probably waiting for them to ripen up before digging in. Gonna make sure we get in there first this year though. I'll google for ways to keep the bastards off. Other garden delights were lots of snails (I know they probably eat plants too, but there is just something friendly about them) and a little green caterpillar I found.
On the topic of fruit, I had a bit of a health kick the other week and bought loads from the market. Apples, plums, a watermelon, a pineapple, and cherries. Cherries are delicious, and I can tie knots in the stalks using my tongue. A good party trick, but one that I've only just realised, I have never performed at a party. But is something I'm strangely proud of. I have a vivid memory of when I learnt it. I spent about a week trying to teach myself using a little length of elastic I had butchered from a bobble. I was probably about 16, and was walking around on a lovely sunny evening with my friends when I suddenly realised I had done it. Anyway, this isn't about that.
On the topic of food, I went for an Indian with my mam and auntie the other week. It was delicious. I manged to accidentally make my hair curly which was a nice surprise. Why does hair always turn out better when you don't put any effort into it? Anyway, it was from having my hair up in a bun while I had a shower a few hours before. It got a bit damp but I forgot about it, and when I took it down, it was all wavy curly.
I was sat in my yard this afternoon when I looked up and noticed these two planes. Normally that's something I would notice, but this crept up on me. Good job I knew where my camera was. Chem trails are nice.
I know I've only mentioned this once in my blog, but I did some paper cuttings recently. I didn't do any for ages cause I'm lazy, but I always wanted to, and the other night I got round to doing one. I got the template off the Internet, so I don't really feel like I've actually created anything, but it was still enjoyable to do. I'll have to make my own template, and cut that out, before I really can consider any of these to be my own work.
If I've calculated this correctly, this only leaves me with the topic of books. I'm only just realising how good books are. Some pictures of books are of course below. The tie book I came across in Stockton library and I thought it was significant because I think it might just be the most boring book ever written. The Holme House one I thought should be included cause it amused me, though I don't recall what it was even about. (If anyone is confused about Holme House, its the local prison)
The Picnic, is a book I got from a charity shop last week. I don't know why it stood out so much to me, I think it was the french-esq authors name, and the fact that it just looked pretty old and shabby. But the nice writing inside probably cinched it. I like getting little insights like that, I guess books are a good place to find them. The person who used to own this book was called Maurice Wedgewood. And the note at the bottom reads "best wishes for xmas + new year 1947. Roy". 1947 doesn't seem that long ago, but then I realise, this book is older than me. Loads older than me. No doubt Maurice and Roy are long gone, but I like to imagine where it came from. It was probably sat in Maurice's house for years, until he died and his house got cleared and the book sent to Oxfam. Maybe. I'll never know. Anyway, the book smells good. And the first story I read from it was quite weird. Which I like.
Also on a last interesting note, when I was browsing the bookshelf, I picked up another book that I thought looked interesting based on the spine. When I picked it up I seen that it was also a book that belonged to Maurice. I didn't get it, cause the contents didn't really interest me. But I thought it was a good little coincidence that I picked it up. Like I had some strange connection to Maurice based on our book taste. I'm a little sad that I'll never meet or know even the first thing about Maurice. I hope he was a cool guy. He could have been a miserable old sod for all I know, but nah, I dunno, I don't think he was. (also, how slow am I?! I only just realised the Moss/Roy/IT crowd connection. Haha!)
Anyway, yakkety yack. Its late, I'm gonna shut up now. Enjoy the pictures!
(P.s, note the tights. £2 from primark. I now have more tights than I know what to do with, they take up a whole drawer in my wardrobe and they're still packed in like sardines. But these are probably my favourite. White tights, and love hearts. Two of my favourite things combined. Schwing.)

On the topic of fruit, I had a bit of a health kick the other week and bought loads from the market. Apples, plums, a watermelon, a pineapple, and cherries. Cherries are delicious, and I can tie knots in the stalks using my tongue. A good party trick, but one that I've only just realised, I have never performed at a party. But is something I'm strangely proud of. I have a vivid memory of when I learnt it. I spent about a week trying to teach myself using a little length of elastic I had butchered from a bobble. I was probably about 16, and was walking around on a lovely sunny evening with my friends when I suddenly realised I had done it. Anyway, this isn't about that.
On the topic of food, I went for an Indian with my mam and auntie the other week. It was delicious. I manged to accidentally make my hair curly which was a nice surprise. Why does hair always turn out better when you don't put any effort into it? Anyway, it was from having my hair up in a bun while I had a shower a few hours before. It got a bit damp but I forgot about it, and when I took it down, it was all wavy curly.
I was sat in my yard this afternoon when I looked up and noticed these two planes. Normally that's something I would notice, but this crept up on me. Good job I knew where my camera was. Chem trails are nice.
I know I've only mentioned this once in my blog, but I did some paper cuttings recently. I didn't do any for ages cause I'm lazy, but I always wanted to, and the other night I got round to doing one. I got the template off the Internet, so I don't really feel like I've actually created anything, but it was still enjoyable to do. I'll have to make my own template, and cut that out, before I really can consider any of these to be my own work.
If I've calculated this correctly, this only leaves me with the topic of books. I'm only just realising how good books are. Some pictures of books are of course below. The tie book I came across in Stockton library and I thought it was significant because I think it might just be the most boring book ever written. The Holme House one I thought should be included cause it amused me, though I don't recall what it was even about. (If anyone is confused about Holme House, its the local prison)
The Picnic, is a book I got from a charity shop last week. I don't know why it stood out so much to me, I think it was the french-esq authors name, and the fact that it just looked pretty old and shabby. But the nice writing inside probably cinched it. I like getting little insights like that, I guess books are a good place to find them. The person who used to own this book was called Maurice Wedgewood. And the note at the bottom reads "best wishes for xmas + new year 1947. Roy". 1947 doesn't seem that long ago, but then I realise, this book is older than me. Loads older than me. No doubt Maurice and Roy are long gone, but I like to imagine where it came from. It was probably sat in Maurice's house for years, until he died and his house got cleared and the book sent to Oxfam. Maybe. I'll never know. Anyway, the book smells good. And the first story I read from it was quite weird. Which I like.
Also on a last interesting note, when I was browsing the bookshelf, I picked up another book that I thought looked interesting based on the spine. When I picked it up I seen that it was also a book that belonged to Maurice. I didn't get it, cause the contents didn't really interest me. But I thought it was a good little coincidence that I picked it up. Like I had some strange connection to Maurice based on our book taste. I'm a little sad that I'll never meet or know even the first thing about Maurice. I hope he was a cool guy. He could have been a miserable old sod for all I know, but nah, I dunno, I don't think he was. (also, how slow am I?! I only just realised the Moss/Roy/IT crowd connection. Haha!)
Anyway, yakkety yack. Its late, I'm gonna shut up now. Enjoy the pictures!
(P.s, note the tights. £2 from primark. I now have more tights than I know what to do with, they take up a whole drawer in my wardrobe and they're still packed in like sardines. But these are probably my favourite. White tights, and love hearts. Two of my favourite things combined. Schwing.)
i realy like your paper cutting but, like, you know whe you look at things and see the wrong think then you realize and feel silly? Well it looks to me like a young lady breaking a flamingo's leg. Is this so?
Ohh yeah it does look a bit like that! She's supposed to be playing croquet with it, Alice in wonderland y'know. I'll have to do some more sooon.
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