Obviously, I'm back again. Not that I went anywhere interesting. (though in the interest of my blog I should probably say I was away travelling in space, eating my own weight in waffles and squirty cream, and volunteering at a home for Pugs)
Got the laptop fixed, I did about 1% of this myself, thanks to locating the restore disk, not sure how I managed to get it up and running, cause at the 2 hour point of trying to get it to restore I was about to give up, but then it worked. I then handed the lappy over to my computer genius friend Leon who kindly sorted out the rest (thanks a million if you're reading!) the resolution was all funny, or as I technically put it "everything has gone big?!" So yes, fixed, he even fiddled about with it so that I could stealy steal unsecured networks in my road, which is how I'm writing this here blog, because Virgin are massive bastards and keep cutting us off and not letting us leave. So its all good, I guess!
I have been staying away from looking at anything to do with Leeds festival, in order to save heartache.
Last weekend I went to Bowes Museum with my auntie, look it up if yr unfamiliar with it. Its this massive stately home place, relatively close to us. Back in the day a man called John Bowes had it built as a wedding gift to his french wife Josephine. How perfect is that? Things were so much more romantic in those days, I kind of went weak at the knees when I found that out. I hope the man I marry will build me a fucking huge stately home when he marries me.
Bowes museum is in a town called Barnard Castle, most things were shut on account of it being Easter Sunday, but there was a second hand bookshop that we went in, it had some ace books that I wanted to buy, but I, as ever, had no money left (7 fiddy to get into that museum y'know)
But its a nice little town, I reckon we'll go back soon, I hope so cause I wanna buy old cool books!
Today I went to Stuart park in Middles'bro cause there was a fair on, a very tiny fair. The animal part was cool though, loads of goats, I would quite like a little pet goat. Here's some picturez
The goats were actually kind of ignorant, they wouldn't come over to me for a stroke.

This one spent about 5 minutes scratching its ass on this post
Look at the look of satisfaction on its face haha. I also took a picture of a big cock. (fnar fnar) I've been dying to say that.

In other news, Saturday was the most beautiful day of the year so far, I reckon. It was hot and bright and sunny and the sky was dead blue. I wore a summery dress, it was lovely. Today was a bit colder unfortunately. I planted some of my sunflower seeds at my aunties, that I harvested from my sunnies last year, though I don't think yr meant to sow them till may but oh well, might as well give em a crack.
I've been playing with the macro on my digital camera recently, I just realized macro photos are ace. Here's some from when I very first had a go at them, on an apple that still had a little leaf on that I thought was cool, a fake flower in my room, and some from Saturday that I took of a daffodil.

Also on Saturday, man Saturday was a good day, I didn't realize! On Saturday I got a flower press from a charity shop. Its a bit weird cause I'm not sure it'd have entered my mind to want one before, but as soon as I seen it, its like I knew instantly that its the kind of thing that actually I would totally love. And it was only a pound! At the moment I'm just pressing a few daisies, I would love a Daff but I can't bring myself to pick one! So I'll give the daisies a week and see how they turn out. Buzzin.
Okay, before I started this, there were a lot of thoughts in my mind, but now they've all gone, I've probably forgot things I was gonna add but ah well, I can't remember.
Next time I will recount tails of my adventure into my attic, and a trip to the flea market.
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