I would like to think that I wasn't the only one who's first thought upon seeing this was "I hope it's miley"
Unfortunately not, she wasn't even on the thing. I fail to see how this is news worthy. It was at the bottom of the page, but still, there are probably 756 other things that are more interesting. Anywayy.
I didn't really plan on writing anything else but seeing as I'm here I kind of feel like writing more.
Work at the grotto is going good, they're having a lot of trouble finding a Santa. Two people have gone through the interviews, landed the job, and then decided that actually they don't want it after all. Wankers, couldn't they have realized this before applying, pfff.
One of the security guy's has had to fill in twice, which was good of him cause he didn't really want to do it, and I suppose he really didn't have to. But he was a good Santa, I think its proper good of him to do it.
The Santa yesterday came an hour and 15 minutes late, because they had to call him at the last minute. Which as an elf, was alright cause it meant we just got to stand around for an hour and a bit, good job it was only a week day and we didn't have to tell that many grumpy parents that he was gonna be late. When he finally turned up, he wasn't that great a Santa really, he was good talking to the kids, but cause it was dead quite, seeing as most kids are at school, he kept taking his beard/wig/glasses/hat/gloves off between customers, which meant that when a customer did come along, we'd have to hold them off for a bit so he had time to get it all back on. Also when the grotto closed, he walked from it to the office without his beard/wig/etc. It wasn't so bad cause it was 7pm and the place was dead. But he still shouldn't have done it.
He did cause me a huge moment of amusement though, by asking a little girl if she had "been a good boy?" hahaha. Doyle. Though to be fair the kid was only about one and a half, and had dead short hair and was wearing jeans. But on the other hand, the jeans had little red polka dot turn ups. So I'll leave it up to you to decide if that was his fault. It was hella funny anyway.
I cant be bothered writing much more. I have to work Saturday (tomorrow) and the agency have asked me to work Sunday now as well which I was supposed to have off. I really don't mind though, its really good and also I guess its an extra day's wages innit. Also I'm hoping for a sighting of the top gear guys, I'm not sure what the craic is there exactly, I just know theres some sort of top gear exhibition at MIMA and they're filming something there. Blah blah. I hope they come to the grotto, but I doubt they will really.
Getting the bus to Boro tomorrow will be hectic, I had to stand all the way there today it was that busy. So its gonna be miles worse tomorrow. On the way home, I sat next to a woman with the yellowest fingers/nails I have ever seen. Her hand was flaky. Luckily I had the self restraint to not look at it much, even though it was gross as. That's smoking for you. If that's what it does to the outside, imagine how bad it is inside.
Oh god whats wrong with me, I can't stop rambling.
I'll shut up now, Adios
ohhhh so THATS why there was a mahoosive queue outside mima this morning . I thought it was something more exciting than that, I walked past to see what the bejesus was going on and I figured in my head that those people queuing didnt look much like arty types so it all makes sense to me now.
I think YOU should take over as santa!!
Where has 'anonymous boy' gone? I think anonymous boy = roses boy. It all fits!
Ya, im gutted I never seen any of them. I wouldn't have gone over and stood in line, but I kind of wanted to see them just mooching about y'know, I think I've caught some sort of celeb seeing bug after we seen Graham Norton in New York haha.
You know, I have suggested being santa a couple of times, but people just laugh at me, boo.
I think anonymous boy went to Gay Paree, sigh. Hmm dont know if he's roses boy though!!
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