and tomorrow morning I'll be sober, but you'll still be beautiful

Its 12.16am. I should be asleep because I'm getting up early tomorrow. But about 10 minutes and 18 seconds ago, I decided I just wasn't ready for bed yet, even though I was a bit tired, I just wanted to stay up, just for 15 minutes more. I don't have the Internet at this point, maybe my bedroom is just too high up for the free signals. So I will paste this into blogger later, I guess theres really no reason for me to have added that, but heh, there you go, its there anyway. Iv played about 200 games of spider solitaire in the last week or so, and I'm bored of the other games, so I decided, just for my last 15 minutes, to watch some movie clippets.
First I had a go at the spongebob squarepants movie that I downloaded months ago, but I didn't realise till just a few weeks ago, the entire thing is in German. I thought it might be a laugh watching it for a bit though, And the intro in German is pretty damn amusing, but Its also pretty scary, German seems to me to sound really stern, as if they're just talking in capitals all the time, maybe it was just the film. It was funny though, but then I gave in and figured I didn't really want to watch it once it was a few minutes in. I don't want to watch "Les Chansons D'Amour" , because like a tool, the version I downloaded was obviously En Francais, but there was no subtitles, and there's no chance I could amble my way through it, when I only know about 10 french words. (Though a few weeks ago I decided I'm gonna watch the entire thing anyway, so I can pretend to be a bit cultured, and to see how much of the plot I could grasp without understanding the words) So I didn't want to/couldn't watch that, but I did really want a Garrel fix, so the next natural choice was The Dreamers.
So here I am, 10 minutes 18 seconds in, and it hit me how much I just fucking love it. Its so fucking weird, but its so beautiful as well, the scenes, cinematography, just everything. And I know there's loads more about it that I haven't "got" yet.
I remember when I started media studies in college, and one of the two media teachers saying that after taking the course "you wont ever be able to watch a film without dissecting it" cause you'll just notice and pick at all the little things you never noticed before. And he was right (I always notice when they cross the 180 degree line) But mainly I'm glad, cause finding all those little things, they're just little things that make you love whatever film your watching all the more.
I remember when I started media studies in college, and one of the two media teachers saying that after taking the course "you wont ever be able to watch a film without dissecting it" cause you'll just notice and pick at all the little things you never noticed before. And he was right (I always notice when they cross the 180 degree line) But mainly I'm glad, cause finding all those little things, they're just little things that make you love whatever film your watching all the more.
Whatimneanersay is, I just am in love with this film, I love the way they cross cut it with all those old movie clips, and I'm going to love it even more when i actually watch all the films they've took the clips from. And I hope one day I'm as cool as Isabelle. (but not as fucked up)
So I wondered if this is my favourite film now. Its always been Edward scissorhands, for years. I don't know what my favourite, band, song, food, colour, drink, pair of shoes, breed of dog, time of day is, but I was always sure of Edward scissorhands, the Danny Elfman music, the pastel houses, the cars all leaving at the same time each day, the quidnunk neighbours, Edward just as a sweet character, the bittersweet ending. the overall magical feel, and iv loved it from the the first time I saw it. So its weird that it might not be my favourite anymore. But just a few minute of the dreamers and It completely changes my mind. Maybe its the streets of Paris that are making me fall in love with it, maybe if I went there and found out its not as good as I imagined, then I'd change my mind I don't know. Maybe its Louis and Eva that do it, maybe its Isabelle and Theo, and their fucking cool Frenchness, and the awkwardness of Matthew. A combination of all of the above i suppose.