Gayy. I Dont care. Well i do a bit cause i feel like a bit of a saddo haha. Err but ok, i'll just make up for it and not write any next month.
Someone asked me what i did today, and really i cant remember. My brain is disintegrating, i wish i could say it was due to my hectic party lifestyle but unfortunately not, just the opposite most likely, lack of use has cause my grey matter to turn to dust. I went to the new house for a bit with my mam and ate dorito's while she swept the stairs down, then later in the afternoon i went with her to walk the dog and see my auntie at work to ask about the car (it broke down a few days ago). I Cant wait to move house, my mam keeps asking me which bedroom i want and i cant make my mind up. Im desperately hoping there is a nice hot slightly-indie-but-not-trying too-hard boy living next door. Most likely its just old people, but a girl can hope. I havent seen any people in the street yet. Theres a really old kind of creepy looking church at the end of the street as well, its kind of cool.
Anyway. I got changed twice today, for no reason. Im finding it quite hard to dress myself lately, i think im in a phase of wanting to actually look my age and not like a 16 year old. Halfway through the day when i got changed, i decided to go for the slightly waitress-ey look. Well i dunno i dont think thats what i aimed for but thats how it turned out. Not sure how a dungaree dress can make me feel waitress-ey but it did. I wore boots today, their kind of shoe boots but better. Iv had a fair few nights out in them, and they've got a few scuff marks but i love them so much.
Im going to be gutted when they get too worn out to wear anymore. I bought them off ebay but it wasnt from a proper shop so i doubt i'll get another pair quite like them.
I wore a shirt today so that explains the waitress thing. I have no idea where it came from, i think it was a hand me down from someone ages ago. All my t shirts and tops are either dirty or crammed into the bottom of the wardrobe, so it was a case of going for the first clean/not crumpled thing i could find. Its too big for me, so like the genius i am, i safety pinned the back haha.
Stupid i know but it was kind of cold today so i was just wearing my coat anyway. Im kind of looking forward to winter just so i can wear my coat all the time because i love it. It kind of swamps me but i like it, its cosy. And grey. So much for my new years resolution of brightening up a bit. Actually i got it before i made the resolution so i guess im off the hook.
Someone asked me what i did today, and really i cant remember. My brain is disintegrating, i wish i could say it was due to my hectic party lifestyle but unfortunately not, just the opposite most likely, lack of use has cause my grey matter to turn to dust. I went to the new house for a bit with my mam and ate dorito's while she swept the stairs down, then later in the afternoon i went with her to walk the dog and see my auntie at work to ask about the car (it broke down a few days ago). I Cant wait to move house, my mam keeps asking me which bedroom i want and i cant make my mind up. Im desperately hoping there is a nice hot slightly-indie-but-not-trying too-hard boy living next door. Most likely its just old people, but a girl can hope. I havent seen any people in the street yet. Theres a really old kind of creepy looking church at the end of the street as well, its kind of cool.
Anyway. I got changed twice today, for no reason. Im finding it quite hard to dress myself lately, i think im in a phase of wanting to actually look my age and not like a 16 year old. Halfway through the day when i got changed, i decided to go for the slightly waitress-ey look. Well i dunno i dont think thats what i aimed for but thats how it turned out. Not sure how a dungaree dress can make me feel waitress-ey but it did. I wore boots today, their kind of shoe boots but better. Iv had a fair few nights out in them, and they've got a few scuff marks but i love them so much.

I wore a shirt today so that explains the waitress thing. I have no idea where it came from, i think it was a hand me down from someone ages ago. All my t shirts and tops are either dirty or crammed into the bottom of the wardrobe, so it was a case of going for the first clean/not crumpled thing i could find. Its too big for me, so like the genius i am, i safety pinned the back haha.

I wore my hair up today, in an attempt to look/feel older. I like my hair down but i do feel somehow more mature with it tied up. I think its due a trim cause sometimes when iv had it up for too long it really hurts my head. Im also really getting fed up with my fringe thing. Not sure if it really qualifies as a fringe. I had a normal straight across fringe for most of my life till a couple of years ago when i got fucking sick of cutting it every two weeks, so i just decided to stop cutting it altogether, and i kind of liked the inbetween stage when it was long enough to not be a proper fringe but not long enough to have grown out completely, and i could just kind of swish it to one side. Its too long now, and its not all in one piece, it always takes me ages to get all the right lengths out when i tie it back.

I decided to wear a ribbon today, i bought it a few months ago when i went to a family party thing that was 60's themed and at the time i didnt know what to wear, but i wanted an excuse to get some ribbon so that was it. Iv done a couple of other things with it so far, but i think its a bit limited really. Pretty all the same though. Theres my industrial as well, its over two and a bit years old and im still not bored of it. I should really get a shorter bar though cause its a bit big. I think i got really lucky with it too, never had any problems with it healing or anything really. I took it out and put it in again the other day just for the craic. It doesnt hurt any more of course, but it was still a bit wierd, cringy. I apologise for the orange sofa, we will be getting a new one when we move.
Here's a picture of my dog Roxy, she's ace.
