Sunday, 29 June 2008

Take 2

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Blog two eh. Well i dont have anything interesting to say, its almost ten to one, pretty late. I just dont want to have set this up, and then forget about it. Sooo here i am. I think its proper genius that this gets auto saved every minute or whatever. Im always pazza on myspace that it'll fuck up and i'll lose whatever iv spent the last however long on. Actually now iv started this i wanna carry on, nowt interesting to say though. Then again, i doubt anyone else reads this so its a win-win. Im listening to Mew, their so cool i love them, havent listened to em for ages ago. I had an ace little moment the other month when i was listening to them, theres this mew song, wheels over me, and it was the first time i'd listened to it for over a year, id just forgot all about it it, and one of the lines in the song, just brought back a memory of someone that id completely forgot about. No, i mean, i hadnt forgot about the person, i'd just forgot about a moment that happened that was related to that song. ahhh. And in the same vein, shelly asked me what my "big secret" was, that i said i'd tell them at the end of the year. And i will definately tell them, its just gonna be wierd. Im definately gonna have to be drunk when that comes out haha, im such a pussy! Iv just got this dead nice vision of us all after a night out, scoffing pizza, all still slightly wasted, at mine, and then i'll just tell them about it. I hope it works out like that. Its not like the old days anymore, everything takes maticulous (cant spell that, i know) planning. Its a hassle to organize stuff that should just be spontaneous and fun. Anyway, yeah, i kind of do just want to tell them already, its been aages, but when i decided that, in my resolutions, i did think "i'll do it at the end of the year". And i know what im like when i set my mind to it, with things like time limits. even though it does my head in waiting, i always do wait it out till the time iv set myself is done. Woo im such a rambler. Thankyou haha. Anyway, yes, it will be all good, and all out.I cant be arsed writing anything else. so i shall shoot to bed.cyaaaaaaaaax

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