Thursday 5 May 2011

Time for a shiny new post

I was in the bath earlier, the sky went all grey and I hoped for a thunderstorm. A few minutes later it started raining heavily and I hoped a little more. It soon stopped though, false alarm. I love storms though, and the weather seems to be slowly but surely turning summery. The best time of year for them.

I have a job interview tomorrow, today, Friday (friday, gotta get down on friday)
At work last week my boss told me that the manager from a shop thats related to clintons, just up the road, called them to say he had a job going and if they knew anyone... Long story short, interview tomorrow. I really hope I get it, its 16 hours and its permanent. Obviously I would like more hours, but compared to the measly 4 I have now, its most excellente.

Yes, so I hope it doesn't rain on me tomorrow any time before 1pm!

I will now proceed to spam you with images of myself from firstly a lovely day from a couple of weeks ago when it was sunny and I enjoyed myself in the yard, and secondly a couple of days ago when I attempted to curl my hair for the second time (it only lasted half an hour, who do I have to screw to get my curls to last?!)

Doesn't my smile look especially radiant here?

Anyway, this is more of a filler entry until I can be bothered to do a proper and hopefully intereesting one,



Anonymous said...

You look absolutely Gorgeous as usual and I love your dresses, you look stunning in them!

Bianca said...

Danke :)