1am and this is the second spontaneous thing I've done/wanted to do in the last hour. It has been so so long since I wrote on here properly, the urge has returned!
The first spontaneous thing was when I was walking home from work just after 11pm, I really fancied going for a walk. I offered a facebook status but, nobody wanted to go for a midnight walk.
I'd been at work since 12pm, (with a 2 hour break in the middle) so I'm actually fairly knackered, but it was quite a mild night, and it just felt calm and quiet and perfect. If anybody had taken me up on my offer I would have definitely gone for a late night adventure.
In the end I just did some washing up and cleaned the kitchen, how tragic! The want to go for a late night walk faded pretty fast, and after that all I really wanted was a hot shower and my bed (electric blanket). So here I am.
Actually I don't really have anything new or big or exciting to write about. Except that I'm pregnant.
(lol jk)
I've been listening to Heavenly father by Bon Iver on repeat for about an hour. I've been listening to it a lot actually, it's a wonderful song. I have no idea what its about but I love it. I think Bon Iver is my one true love. I've never loved a band like this before, I honestly think everything Justin Vernon touches turns to gold. I'll stop gushing about that now, except to say, while we're on the subject of Heavenly father, there is a great cover of it by a guy called Milo Bloom and that is worth listening to too. Really good stuff.
The other night I had a dream about a boy I know, I was wildly in love with him and the dream was very romantic, and I kind of fell in love with him a little bit in real life after I woke up. Actually if I'm being completely honest, I've had a secret little crush on him as long as I've known him. There was once a possibility when we could have... Although it was ill timed and of course as these things go, the window for that passed a while ago, which I guess I am actually okay with. Still, the dream was nice, I spent the rest of the day in a strange sort of zoned out fuzz, like my head was filled with cotton wool. I was convinced that I'd run into him that day at some point. Of course I did not see him at all that day (or since) and he has since returned to the realm of little crushes.
It's December now and I still don't feel excited for Christmas, I mean I love Christmas, but I just don't feel Christmass-y yet, for some reason it hasn't hit me. Maybe I need to put my decorations up.
My mam has been away this weekend and I did toy with the idea of putting them all up in secret and making the house into an absolute grotto for when she came back. Which would have been fucking funny, but I don't think I would have enjoyed decorating alone, and I thought it be a bit mean depriving her of such a festive activity,
Every year for the past few years I always vow to watch "Its a wonderful life". I've never seen it before, but somehow I've never gotten around to watching it. And you can only really watch it at Christmas time. I really am going to watch it this year!
Nearly 2am. Time for sleep.