Friday, 28 October 2011

me again

I don't think I've ever left it this long between posts, apologies, if any one's interested.

Anyway the large gap has coincided with my getting my first first proper, grown up, full time job. Also as of 16 minutes ago, its pay day, and I have been waiting (impatiently) for what seems like a long time, but I am happy and excited about both the job and the pay. More on that later.

Actually other than the job and work related stuff, I don't have much else to report on. I'm dressing up for Halloween twice, due to payday only being now though, and having to dress up tomorrow for the first event, i am going to be rushing around at the last minute putting it all together. I think it'll be okay in the end though. Might hollow out a pumpkin. I love Halloween. Need to squeeze in a viewing of Halloween the film too. Ooh!

Its 00.32, I haven't been both awake and at home at this time in what feels like months, its a bit weird, nice to know that some things haven't changed though, and I am getting the familiar late night hunger pangs, of course, always after I've already brushed my teeth.

Right I'm gonna go because tired and hungy is not a great combo.

Till next time...