I don't have much to report on, though that's never really stopped me rambling on here before.
I just watched the lovely bones, and I totally bawled my eyes out at the end. There used to be a time, many a year ago, when I could watch films that were of the "weepy" variety, and be able to regain a natural steely composure. No desire to cry at all. That all changed the first time I watched the green mile at around 13 and I've never been able to keep a dry eye at anything remotely sad since. I had always put this down to the green mile being so heartbreaking and thus opening the floodgates forever. It just occurred to me right now though, that it was probably just a natural thing, teenage hormones and all that, and it was probably written in the stars that I would be a crier. I accept that I will always cry at sad films.
Didn't expect to cry so much about the bones though, when it started getting to the sad part at the end, I thought "alright, it'll probably be around the 3 mark on the crying scale". In hindsight, (can you still have hindsight even though it was only about 20 minutes ago?) though, it ended up being around an 8.
I'm undecided about how good I thought it was though, it was quite good just apart from a couple of things like how the father suddenly just realized it was the neighbour just by seeing him in a photo and looking at his dead rosebush. Maybe the book will be better though, I bought it ages ago and haven't got around to starting it yet and it was the whole reason I wanted to watch the film.
Anyways, I didn't mean to write this much about what a massive crybaby I am, so I'll leave this here.
Before I go, I would like to share this photo of graffiti that someone scrawled on the back gate of my grandads house. Its already amongst my favourite.