I might make another one tomorrow, daytime, still in 09'. I might not get around to it. I don't know why I get the urge to cram in as many blogs as I can at this time of year, before the new one comes in. But ok.
Christmas wasn't bad this year. I woke up at about half 9, after about half an hour of shouting from my mam. You know you're lazy when you find it hard to pull yourself out of bed on Christmas morning.
The presents I got were pretty much just the usual stuff, chocolates, hairbrushes, socks, bath sets. There was nothing I especially wanted anyway so it wasn't disappointing. The only thing I did want, was a camera, and after not getting it for my birthday in September, I took it upon myself to just buy it when I got my first couple of elf wages in. Good craic.
Here's some photo's from the big day.
That's my dog Roxy, she loves ripping open presents, in this case my tin of heroes (did you know they now do creme egg twisted in there? Ace) Anyway yeah, Roxy, we wrapped up a present especially for her, but she opened it so quick I didn't get chance to snap it.
My mam and my auntie
Me looking like an ugly moonface. Good camera skills mam.
I'm only just realizing I didn't take that many pictures on crimbo day which is kind of a shame.
I'll just give you some others from the few days before or after Christmas. It snowed which was pretty lovely, it was even more lovely that it actually laid and didn't melt and then snowed even more.
These are from the sort of park, I guess, that's at the end of my street. Its not a proper park, its just a big sort of green, with a burnt out church in the middle. The church is just a ruin now, and its got a big fence around it so you cant get in, but last year and this year they held a kind of carol service in it one night a few days before Christmas, both times iv missed it for some reason, but I did see it prepared once, they'd put loads of lights inside and it looked really beautiful.
Here's some pretty immense icicles on a building in town.
Alright, I'm thinking I should break this up with a bit of text now. I was having a proper Killers fest earlier on when I was writing this, they're my total guilty pleasure, I know you shouldn't feel that way about bands you genuinely like, but I dunno, I think most people think they're lame. But not me, I love them, and I ain't afraid to admit it. Booyah.
This year went fast, really fast on reflection. But it wasn't that great. I remember this time last year saying "I can't wait for 2009, cause 2008 has been shit". But oh well. Biggest disappointments of 09 for me include
- Lack of Leeds (or any) festival
- The post office in town having a total overhaul and losing the little desk at the front, and consequently losing the amazingly hot boy that I used to sneak a peek at whenever I went past. truly disappointing.
- Halloween being a total fail
-Lack of sprouts for Christmas dinner, I love them, and we had none. Gutted.
-MJ being dead
-nikki grahame not being.
On the other hand, highlights include
-my electric blanket
- mysterious valentines roses
-Yeah yeah yeahs gig
- Summer being pretty nice, weather wise
-Finding some pretty good things in charity shops
That about does it for lights. I've come up with a couple of resolutions for new year -
-Try black pudding. Not sure it counts as a proper resolution, but its something I really want to do. Because it smells amazing, and everyone says its really nice. I've just never been able to bring myself to even contemplate eating blood. But I will concentrate on how nice it smells. Maybe I'll discover my new favourite food.
-Learn to do the splits, cause I was at work the other week when I absent mindedly started sliding my feet across the floor in opposite directions in my slippy curly elf shoes. Anyway, I got pretty far down, my fellow elf Lauren said I'd got all the way down but I'm not sure I quite managed that. But I figure if I do it often enough, stretch the muscles and that, I can probably train my legs to do it, right? I'll try anyway, its gotta be more successful than my "handstand-a-day" idea. I did do handstands each day for a few weeks, but then I just let it go. I think splits will be easier, cause it takes less energy.
-Don't feel stupid taking photo's of things in public places. That ones pretty self explanatory.
-Get around to creating my bedroom exactly how I want it
-Drink more Vimto
I think that about covers it for wall of text. I'll bombard you with more photo's now. Elf photo's. I only thought to take my camera to work on my last day, such a doyle, I should have took it on various days and got pictures with everyone else. Anyway, these ones are of me, Lauren, and Stuart.
It was nearly home time, on the last day, the postbox was too tempting
Im really gonna miss being an elf. I had a really good time there. Also I discovered dressing as an elf gets you hit on quite a lot. Theres and handy hint for anyone looking for love in the new year.
I hope everyone had a good christmas
P.s, I forgot to add the best photo of all, I didn't get a good one cause I was in a car at the time. This is in Darlington.

Yep, someone built an igloo. That might just have been the best thing I've seen all year, its genius. It would never have crossed my mind to build an igloo, but its so much cooler (no pun intended) than a snowman. Next time it snows, im gonna attempt to make one of these.