Saturday, 26 September 2009

It probably doesn't even come from a pig

You know when you have a lot of things milling around in your head? That's me right now, I have a lot of things to scribble down but for some reason I don't know how to start. Maybe its cause our Internet got cut off yet again, because we didn't pay the bill, well we did, just not in time.
Anyway, I just had an ace midnight snack, it was two cold fish fingers (left over from my dinner today) with a line of red sauce down the middle, some pringles and some strawberry milkshake. Oh, also while I was preparing the snack I ate a slice of ham out of the fridge. I don't know what it is about that ham, its not even amazing uber ham, its just asda fucking smart price, its probably wholly unhealthy processed crap, it probably doesn't even come from a pig. But I can never resist picking up a slice and stuffing it into my mouth whenever I happen to be mooching in the fridge, which is quite often to be honest.
I thought it was a nice coincidence that it happened to be just a few minutes past midnight as well, when I started tucking in. Mainly I went down to refill the water bottle cause my feet were cold, but also just cause I knew the fish fingers were there. I wasn't even that hungry, but I had to eat them just because I knew. Anyway, the best bit was the pringles, they are amazing, they're the ones you get in a purple pack, In fact, this would be a good time to slot in a picture.

Ah yes, there we go. They are Italian cheese and garlic flavour, I don't know why nobody has thought of inventing garlic flavour crisps before, they are just delicious. Nobody will want to kiss you for a while afterwards, but personally I find it worth the risk, I can barely remember the last time anyone kissed me anyway, so yeah, Pringles, definately worth it.

I first discovered them last saturday at my aunties tea party she had for her neighbours birthday and to celebrate her own passing of some course or other. Anyway, I almost ate an entire bowl of these to myself. If you're lucky enough to have a Home Bargains near you, you can get them in there for 69p. I think its just pot luck with that store though, it reminds me of a carboot sale, I think every branch just has a whole host of different stock every week, regardless of the other branches.

Here is a picture of my (now sadly devoured) midnight snack.

Appetizing no? Mmmhmm.

Alright what else do I have. Quite a lot of pictures to put in here actually! Remember that tea party I mentioned? I made some meringues for it, Id only made them once before, and that was quite a while ago. I did not realise they were so big untill it was too late. I was quite buzzin though cause everyone that ate one said how lovely they were, so yes, very pleased with myself, especially considering I thought they didn't even turn out that well. But nevermind.

Pretty mighty aren't they? I made some more today, I made them smaller though cause those ones were definately too big. Oh yeah, I only made them cause one of the women who came to the teaparty, it's her birthday today I think, and she's having a party of her own at her house I think, and I was requested to make some more which was nice!

Right enough about food then. This time tomorrow I will be very drunk, but hopefully not falling down the Empire stairs. A couple of weeks ago I had a total dress binge and bought 7 dresses in the space of about 5 days, mainly this was because I went to Redcar with my mam, and Redcar has a lot of charity shops. So I dont feel bad buying 3 charity shop dresses, but then I bought one from Peacocks for £12 which I didn't feel too bad about either because £12 is a fairly good price for a dress. Also it was the first thing I've bought that was new, and not in the sale, in I cant even remember when. I also bought 2 dresses off ebay, so thats almost charity shopping. I know that leaves me one dress short, but I can't for the life of me remember what the last one was. Maybe it was only 6, im sure it was 7 though. Anyway, I'll remember soon no doubt.
Anyway, what Im getting at is, I love dresses, and tomorrow I'll finally get chance to wear the sequinney number that Iv been dying to wear ever since I bought it (for a measly £3 may I remind you again).

Its equally sequinney on the back too. Im gonna have to wear it with a belt, and do something to the sleeves, cause they're dead long, but its worth it I think. Ahhh bargains.

Alright, also what is milling about in my head, Iv saved this till last cause I think its the best. The other day I discovered Modest Mouse are doing a gig in Manchester in December, (Frightened Rabbit as support too?!) I think this seems like an opportunity too good to miss yo. Im also spurred on by the memory of going to Manchester with Laura and Kat and David last February to see the Smashing Pumpkins, we stayed for a couple of days, and went to this ace club called 42nd Street, and shopped, and ate out, and seen the gig. It was just proper bo, it was just really easy too, and it wasn't even expensive. I mean obviously its nothing to do with nostalgia, I would genuinely love to see MM and FR, and Manchester is just such a cool city.

Come one, who's with me bitches? We can stay in Premiere Travel Inn (I think thats where we stayed before?) Cheap as, and we can get a cheap advance train there for not much I think. Also its on like, the 13th or 16th, I can't remember which, and it'll be all christmassey and atmospheric and we can use it as an excuse to go christmas shopping! Come on! Lets do it! Who wants to join me??


Monday, 21 September 2009

I didn't realise it was quite so sunny

I just clicked the change text colour button by accident, I figured I might as well have a different colour for a change. Its 8.41, I'm seeking refuge in my room from the stupid soaps my mam is watching downstairs. I'm listening to the Cure. I'm pretty sure I'm still a little bit in love with Robert Smith. I hope I see someone dressed as him on Halloween, that would be cool. Recently I re-discovered a Cure song called "Catch", It came on when I was listening to spotify (yeah lame I know) But I'd totally forgot about it, and its such a good little song, I'm really glad I found it again.
Its proper pissing down outside, I'm glad I'm inside. Rain is annoying though, I mean obviously its nice sometimes, but I just thought then, I can't remember the last time it really rained, and it made me realise that Summer is pretty much dead by now, and its probably gonna rain loads from now on.
I went to Ropner park a couple of weeks ago with Laura, it was a proper gorgeous day, we took some food and biked there. I guess we were out for a good few hours, it didn't really feel like long though, and I didn't realise it was quite so sunny, but when i got out of the bath that night, I noticed I'd got annoying suntan strap marks. They've probably gone now, they weren't
massively visible, but it was still annoying.

Yeah, I guess those days are over for another year. Shame. My mam and auntie were talking about where they would move if they won the lottery. My mam chose somewhere still in England, and I thought why would she want to stay here? I mean, we really have no reason to stay here, my grandparents are both dead now, I dunno. I don't know why, if you had loads and loads of money, you would want to stay here. I would probably miss it it a bit if I went, but I could still come back and visit a bit. The weather is so gash here, and the whole place, its basically full of scutters, urgh I dunno. I know theres loads of great bits but I don't think they outweigh the aforementioned rubbish bits y'know.

Ahh well, anyway, what else can I jibber jabber about. Its my birthday in exactly a week. I'm sort of excited, I'm definitely not dreading it. But I'll be quite sad when its over, cause I like the build up, its almost better than the birthday its self. It lasts longer at least.
Maybe I'll get a hairdryer. I don't know what I did to the old one, but I thought it was going to blow up in my face. I didn't do anything to it actually, we had had it for a good few years and I guess it just gave out. I'm sick of having wet hair quite so often now though.

Well, In other news, I have a strawberry milkshake with my name on it downstairs, and its now almost 9.10pm so that means it's now safe for me to meander downstairs and not find crap on the the Tv. In other news, I think its stopped raining.

Bye bye bye

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

If I could find a middle ground

Yo. Long time no blog. Quite a long time in fact, I haven't been on here in ages. Actually I don't really have any particular reason for not writing a blog, even though I do have a lot of (boring) material to blog about. A couple of weeks ago our Internet got cut off cause we didn't pay the bill, oops. Even though I could still sort of get on, thanks to whoever Belkin45 is, in dribs and drabs, its annoying to write when you could be cut off at any second, even though this auto saves every minute or so. Never mind. Haha just desperately clawing for excuses aren't I. I DON'T BLOODY HAVE ANY. Just being a lazy mofo I guess.
Anywayy, what have I got to write about. My mam woke me up at 10am today and asked if I fancied going to Redcar, so we did that. I was hoping to save save save what little money I have, but I must be easily persuaded. Better than doing nothing all day I guess. However, the downside to this was that I bought 4 dresses. I don't usually buy four dresses in four months, even though I love them. But all but one of them were from charity shops, which I guess is acceptable seeing as the most expensive one was £3.99. Anyway, I'll shut up about the dresses and save them for another post which will no doubt include pictures. Before I shut up though, I will mention the best dress of all, which I got a couple of weeks ago, from a charity shop again, but it is just so incredible, I can't wait till I get a chance to wear it. It only cost £3! And technically its not a dress, its a size 32 top. Anyway, its mainly black with loooads of bluey and green and silver sequins all over. Sounds not that nice, but the photo's will sort that out.

There is a bald cat on TV. I want to stroke one just to see what its like. It looks like a scrotum. I feel the urge to knit it a little woolly jumper, even though I can't knit cause I'm rubbish at it, and my mam gives up trying to show me how after about 3 minutes.

Uhm, anyway, on a more serious note, something happened to me today that kind of disappointed me.
I was in a Redcar charity shop with my mam, and this girl came in after us. I didn't think much of it, till we left and went into the one next door, which she also followed us into a few minutes later. I didn't actually see her face, I just sort of noticed her, she was roughly my age, maybe a little older, she was wearing, actually I have no idea what she was wearing on the top half, but on the bottom she was wearing, actually you know what fuck it, she was wearing just normal clothes I suppose, black tights, a dark blue and green tartan skirt, which was quite nice actually. She was just a bit of an Indie girl, totally normal. Then just as I was leaving the shop, I noticed that she had picked up and was looking at this sort of old lady-esq, vintage label debenhams top that I had been looking at before she came into the shop. I guess I wasn't into it enough to want to buy it, but it was pretty cool, gold and black patterned. Ohh that's why I didn't want it, I didn't like the viscosey material it was made out of.
But anyway, it just made me go "ohhh shit, Is that what I'm like?"
I don't want to be a stupid boring average indie girl. I don't want to be anything y'know, ugh it confuses my head thinking about it. When I was about 15, 16, I was a proper little mosher, wore the biggest jeans I could possibly find, proper loved the emo section of Tammy. Oh god, why am I publishing this on the Internet? No, on a serious note, what I'm getting at is, I guess I just grew out of that kind of stuff (except for listening to Blink 182) Actually I have no idea what I'm getting at, I dunno. Is this my version of an existential crisis?
Iv ran out of steam on this one now, I guess in conclusion, if I could find a middle ground between not being like everyone else, and being normal, then I would be happier. Make sense? Thought not.

I'm going to be 23 in exactly 20 days. This worries me. Maybe this is what sparked me off?! I'm not scared of another year older, I know, and feel that 23 is still proper young, even though everyone around me is a bit "wooah 23!!" I guess that's what comes from having a birthday in late September and being quite a lot of months older than everyone else in my age bracket. That's not it. What it is is, it just feels, and is, such a long time ago that I was 18, 19, and 20. I only really think of this when I think of famous people. The girl who won big brother is only 20, As if I'm 3 years older than her. Not that she's exactly famous but you know what I mean. Maybe its cause she looks older than me, I thought she was about 25. Ahh well, suck it up Bianca.

Mmm I'm pretty tired. We did a lot of walking around today. I found some ace shells on the beach, that I only just remembered, I was going to wash them when I got in, ahh well. Also we had to run for the train, it was that or wait 40 minutes for the next one. We made it in time though which was pleasant.

Blah blah, blog blog, I think this about covers it, I think I'm going to resume posting at a normal rate from now on.
P.s, If 'Anonymous boy' pays any visits to this, I wholeheartedly apologize for being a lazy procrastinating sod, and not replying to the comments! Sorry!

Adios amigo's