Sunday, 30 November 2008

I fucking love youtube comments

"coldplay aren't equipped to pick up the shit of sigur ros"


Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Saturday, 22 November 2008


Im stealing internet from someone in my street


Friday, 21 November 2008

November part deux

Don't you just hate it when people drop french words into English sentences? Ahh well i am not inventive enough to keep coming up with new titles, i would pluck some words from the blog in advance if i knew what i was going to be talking about, but in this case i don't, I'm just gonna keep going until i cant think of anything else to write about. I suppose i could leave the title blank till I'm finished writing but I'll only end up forgetting and then having a title-less blog and that's mildly annoying.
Never mind. So its almost 12 o clock Friday night and I'm watching an advert for not-made-from-wheat-made-from-oats-instead-a-bix. I fear i am gradually becoming a hermit. To be honest though, i actually feel quite tired, maybe its old age. Hmm.
My knees are cold, but i wont go on about being cold cause i don't wanna feel even more like an old lady.

The other day there was a lone red elastic band on our doorstep, i wondered how it had got there but i didn't really spend a lot of time thinking about it. I think my mam kicked it away the next day, but today theres about another 4 on the front. I don't really know where I'm going with this, i just thought it was quite strange and deserved a mention.

Also in another unrelated snippet of rubbish information, i was watching hollyoaks yesterday and in the middle of the show they used a clippet of a Modest Mouse song. It made me grin, i like it when theres unexpected good music in programmes, even if it is only rubbish hollyoaks.

In other news, i didnt really have an interesting dream last night. It sounds interesting on paper (i was talking to the ghost of some dead person, via a writing pad, next to a stall in the indoor market that was selling large slices of turnip for 20p) Maybe any dream would have been rubbish after the acrobat/sweets/thunderstorm/kitten dream though.

Err yeah anyway this is a bit rubbish isnt it really, cyaaaa


I havent wrote a blog all month. Maybe i just dont have anything interesting enough to write about. My computer died a horrible virius-y death a few weeks ago so i couldnt come on for a while, but to be honest i didnt really miss having a computer that much. Anyway last friday my mam unexpectedly bought me a laptop, i thought she was just mentioning it in passing when she started on about getting one, but yeahh obviously not. Ok naked men fighting in a homo-erotic way on tv, brb. Yikes ok that didnt last long, "A time to leave" according to my tv guide, about a parisian photographer, hmm i think its time to turn off the music i was listening to and stick to the gay french porn movie.
Err ok so back to the laptop. Its my early christmas present, im not some sort of spoilt only child. Its pink, at first i chose it cause it was the only laptop we could find in the town and i was buzzin at the thought of finally having a laptop. I secretly like the pink though, but i hasten to add this is definately as far as i am going with the pink thing. I hate all this girly pink bullshit with a fiery passion, fucking pink mobile phones and pink hair straighteners and all that other crap. It really really bugs me when girls bum the shit out of the colour pink, its just a colour for fucks sake, stop making us all look like idiots.
Phew, ok rant over. I reverted back to my 15 year old angsty mosher self then. I actually got really pissed off earlier on as well when i was watching im a celebrity, i didnt choose to have it on, though usually i quite like it but my mam had it on tonight and i watched. And im reluctant to give these people any sort of thought but i was so incensed by that stupid blonde wag twat. All she seems to talk about are her tits, she was all excited and had everyone singing happy bithday to her implants because it was her implant-aversairy. What the fuck, And the stupid bastards went along with it?! And then later on she was getting all stressed at the thought of giving up her mascara. Fucking mascara. Its the make up that your least likely to notice wether someone is wearing it or not. And she was stressing out about it. Normal people would chose a luxury item to take in like toilet roll or socks, but no, that stupid bimbo took mascara. It just makes me angry that people like that actually exist, and its all a fucking act, acting all dippy and blonde. When thers so much shit happening every day, and their biggest problem is choosing which pair of designer sunglasses their gonna wear.
Urgh i cant be bothered to go into in any more detail, but all of this has totally reminded me of when i was in year 11, my angst year, where i hated everyone and me and my friends would spend boring lessons secretly doodling comic strips whereby all the school bimbos were decapitated or fed to sharks.
Anyway no more ranting, though it was fun being back in angry school days phase.

I had the best dream iv ever had last night, it was so much fun.
Im not really sure how dreams work, i think it was probably a string of many different dreams all clumped together but it was still good. As soon as i woke up i furiously wrote it all down in my phone incase i forgot any of it.

Ok so i think it was my brithday and i was in this shop type place, and i was friends with the woman that worked there and i cant remember quite what happened but i think it was something like, she said "guess what iv got you for your birthday", and i turned round and asked her "alex zane?" (because i am lame and i ask for that every christmas/birthday) and she went nop... So i turned around, facing the big glass windows, and there coming across the road towards me were 2 of the hot belgian acrobats (that i am obesssed with in real life) and i was so excited i turned around and went to the woman "ohh my god thats even better than alex zane! Oh my god, you got them? ohh now they're gonna think im a crazy fan girl?!" I was just excitedly jiber jabbering to this woman, anyway then they came into the shop and started like throwing me up in the air. I cant remember what happened then except me and one of em was walking around this town, im not sure what we were looking for but we were looking for something, we ended up going in this small clothes shop, and asking them if we could go out the back way. Wierd. Anyway i guess, unfortunatly that was the end of the acrobat dream. The next dream i remember was being with quite a few other people who were my friends as well, and there was this big sort of stage thing, like a school stage where they had plays, except this one was filled with tubs and tubs and sweets, and i was just going around picking the ones i wanted, i didnt want the marshmallow tub so i swapped it for some jellies. And at one point maybe in another dream, there was just huge giant pots of honey all over. Then the last dream, i was with another group of friends, and we were in this amazing old house, sort of like preson park house only grander and bigger and more homely, and there was a group of us inside on the bottom floor in this room, and outside was this proper massive thunderstorm, it was fucking huge and scary, and for some reason the group leader had us all in a circle, and i was saying "can we stop now, cause actually this storm is scaring the shit out of me" and the storm was really really vivid, the thunder was proper loud as and was going off every few seconds and i looked over my shoulder out of the window and could see loads of fork lightening. So we all agreed to go upstairs, beacause its safer to be upstairs if the place gets hit?! Dream logic, i dunno. Then i was sort of on my own in the passge outside of the room and i'd lost everyone else, so i went up some stairs and came to this dead nice but quite small kitchen, then went down some stairs at the other side of it, that had another staircause above it, but ended up in the room i'd started off in. Then i bumped into this girl and a minute later we find the rest of the group in this upstairs room, and they're all looking out of the window. I dont remember any thunder or lightening but it was still raining really heavily. There was this big black dog outside, like my dog actually, and it had this tiny kitten, it wasnt mauling it or anything, but then the dog just left the kitten outside on the floor, and i was going "we have to go and get it" but everyone was too scared to go outside for some reason, so i was about to go and get it, when this guy was all "oh i'll come with you" but then a second later he chickened out.
Then i woke up, i didnt even get chance to save the kitten, it was so annyoing. I hate when you wake up just when your having an ace dream. I was desperately trying to fall back asleep in the vain hope of landing in the same dream, but it never bloody happens. I so wanted to be back in the place of acrobats and kittens as well but nooo.
I woke up thinking, that was the best dream iv ever had and i was all content and happy. But after a while i realised it was really fucking wierd too. Theres a couple of bits i havent wrote about cause their either just too wierd or i dont really remember it clearly enough to write up. I started thinking though, i wonder why it was such a crazy dream, i hadnt been eating cheese before bed or any of that crap.
Maybe its because iv been reading Great Expectations before going to sleep, maybe that'd make sense of the big house bit, but the house i dreamt about was lovely and bright and homely, not stale and foisty like Miss Havishams so i dont know.

Anyway, thats about it really, its late so im off to hopefully have another (hopefully including belgian acrobats) unusual string of dreams.
