Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Skinny Love

I dont really know what to say in this blog, except im pretty in love with this right now, and i think it needs to be shared.
(even though i think maybe everyone knows about him already and im just slow on the uptake)
Maybe some people havent heard this yet, but fuck it, even if you have, here you go

Thursday, 23 October 2008


Iv only wrote one other blog this month, i keep meaning to write another one so here i am. My fingers are cold. I know its annoying when people keep moaning about stuff, and all i do is moan about the goddamn cold, so i will cut down the cold complaining from now on.The other day, for the first time, i realized why everyone likes Autumn. Mostly i just didn't see what everyone else seemed to see in it, iv always thought it was just an annoying transition period before the snow came and that it was generally just a bit of a rubbish season. But i was walking to town with my mam not long ago, and all up the street were big piles of orange crispy leaves from the big trees over the road, and it just felt really nice. It was a bit blowy but i had my hair in a pony tail and my neck wrapped up in a scarf iv stole off my mam who in turn acquired it from my grandad. Anyway, i was all nice and snug and warm, and the cold air felt nice and fresh on my face, and i just really enjoyed walking through the leaves. Sometimes when I'm sitting on the sofa i absent-mindedly just peer out of the window and there's always the odd leaf falling down, its strangely hypnotic to watch, and there is the occasional big crow that lands in the trees.So yes, all in all, from now on i will thoroughly enjoy Autumn.

The other night i was in bed, it was that night it rained quite heavily but not for very long, and i was just enjoying being so snug and warm and thinking how grateful i was not to be outside in it, but then a few minutes later I hear a really loud kind of splashy sound. I'm not sure what it was but i then realized I'm having bad water karma. In my old house, cause of the layout of the area there was a house quite close to the back of ours, and they had a broken gutter pipe it was like just snapped off halfway down or something, and every time it rained there was this dead loud splashy water noise and it used to annoy the shit out of me at night time when i was trying to get to sleep. But i thought, never mind, when i move house i wont hear it any more. Except i do, cause someone round here also has a broken gutter, and its very annoying, cause i know it sounds cheesy, but there is few things in life nicer than listening to the rain when your warm and safe in your bedroom, and its even nicer when its lulling you to sleep. And i was secretly looking forward to just hearing rain, on its own, without it sounding like someone was tipping buckets of water off the roof. So i guess that's not going to happen, but the bad water karma doesn't stop there, ohh no. Our neighbours have a pond in their yard, i mean its a fucking tiny yard, I'm sure they could have thought of a more productive use of the space, but anyway they have this pond. Its not really that bad, and it is quite quiet, but i remember sitting upright in bed, about 2 days after we'd moved in here, thinking i could hear really quiet voices, and then a few minutes later realising its their pond. Maybe that's what makes so much noise when it rains, I'm not sure. Anyway i feel kind of bad now moaning about their pond cause its definitely not noticeable enough to keep you up all night, and their this old-ish couple maybe in the 60's but they are very lovely. And sometimes the smell of bacon or Sunday dinner wafts over to ours from their kitchen which is quite a welcome invasion of the senses.

Sometimes, i think its every Tuesday, the rag and bone man comes shouting around the back alleys. And i know it sounds ridiculous, but it really really scares me. I have no idea why, its just such a scary sounding wail "rag-boooooooooooooooooooooone". Maybe its cause it wakes me up, and if i was already awake it wouldn't bother me at all. But it does. And when i was about 10, and lived in the old house, we had our cat, Grimsby, and every time the rag-bone man came round, he would just get up and go and hide behind the TV. And i thought it was hilarious that he was scared of someone shouting. But now i feel his distress.

Anyway, moving on.I had a really rubbish nights sleep a few nights ago, its really annoying not being able to sleep cause half of me wanted to admit defeat and just stay up all night and try to make use of the time, but the other half wanted to take advantage of the comfy duvets and keep trying to drop off. In the end i decided to finish reading Alice through the looking glass, i didn't want to look at the time, and it was nice having no idea what time it was, i thought it'd just annoy me even more if i looked at it so i dunno what time i actually went to sleep. Its a really nice story though, and at the end there's this really sweet letter from 'Lewis Carroll' to the children that would/had read the book. I cant remember what it said exactly, but it was so nice, and it made me smile and think that he was probably a really nice kind of person.

Ok i have one more thing to say before i go. I'm not sure if its just recently, or it goes on all the time and iv just never really noticed, but in the street sometimes parking wardens come along. And I'm not sure what happened, but for the last couple of days, in a house about 7 along from us, there is a (quite big) sign, bang in the middle of the windowpane, saying-


I think its funny cause its just making them look like twats really, but what i like about it the most is the fact that they've dotted the exclamation mark with a love-heart.

I don't understand

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

blah blah yadda yadda

I think i will write this blog in teal, this is teal right?
Anyooo i haven't been on here for a bit, that's because my life is still a bit boring. Iv been looking for a job but still haven't found a decent one. I'm still holding out for my dream job of Christmas Elf in a Santa's Grotto. But i guess its a bit early for that, even though the shops all have loads of Christmas stuff in which is a bit disconcerting. Nevertheless i will keep looking.
Last night i had a mint dream, I'm not quite sure what was going on it was a bit muddled up, but i was in this sort of small church thing and me and my mam and dad were huddled around the computer and it was about 4am, really late, and for some reason my msn was on and someone i knew signed in and started talking to me, so i kicked my dad off and was talking back, except it was reaaaally hard to type. (is it sad that i dreamt of msn? Jesus) So i went outside and met up with whoever it was i was talking to, then we got a taxi back to mine and it was really windy outside so we went in, and were going to find somewhere to sleep with it being really late and all. So off into the house i mooched, and discovered that i couldn't find where the hell my bedroom was, and even though the house was quite small there was fucking loads of bedrooms and loads of family just sleeping in the wrong beds and stuff, and even though half the rooms were empty i still couldn't find mine. Then i woke up. Kind of sounds like a rubbish dream but it was quite a fun one.
On Monday i accidentally flooded our bathroom/kitchen. I'm not sure how or what happened, just that when i got out of the shower there was a massive wet patch on the floor where the water must've leaked out of the cubicle. Then after I'd got out and dressed i came down in time to hear the kitchen light bulb sort of, fizz out, and then water started dripping from it. Oops.
Iv had plenty of showers since we moved in, and they've always been fine so I'm not sure what went wrong. I think maybe i just spend too long in there, iv never lived in a house that had a shower so i guess I'm making up for it, at first i thought they were rubbish but i actually love them now, i spend about half an hour in there. They really make you feel better when your a bit stressed out or have things on your mind, you just come out feeling a little bit more relaxed. But I'd better keep them shorter from now on.
Aaaand now im bored. Iv been bored for ages, i feel like i hardly done anything at all this year. I want to go out and get drunk and dance (but not fall over). Im not sure if im doing anything at halloween but i hope its something fun. I need a job so i can take train trips places and do nice stuff. I guess its a bit cold for that now though. Nevermind.
Okayy i have a kinder bueno with my name on it in the other room.